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Going To Africa!!!

Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post April 2nd, 2004, 11:24 pm

Posts: 1830
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Location: London, United Kingdom

Hey guys, im going to africa!!
Im writing this from the airport...waiting to leave... *knowing ******** greece, we'll be late...
ill write more when i get back, in 2 weeks! 2 weeks of sun and rainforest!! wwoohoo!

Post April 3rd, 2004, 12:30 am

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WOA!!! Thats awesome! How much does it cost to go to Africa anyways? Is it expensive?

Post April 3rd, 2004, 1:26 am

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AFrica seems like scary people take you away and sell you for food i didnt knwo they had a rainforest..thast cool man

Post April 3rd, 2004, 4:16 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Post April 3rd, 2004, 9:35 am

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have fun zan. Hope you have a cool safe trip. See you in a few weeks.

Post April 17th, 2004, 2:11 am

Posts: 1830
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Location: London, United Kingdom

WOHOOOOO, im back [8D], GOD, AFRICA WAS AMAZING. im writing (again) in the lounge of charles de gaul airport, cuz Air France made us miss our flight....
We had loads of fun, food was a bit doggy..... but people r nice, and the senery....WOW, rain forests, banana plantations... went to a few palaces, really nice..

Post April 17th, 2004, 6:01 am
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Hahaha. Air Fracne is crap!! (because it has the word "France" in its title) I mean this one time, coming back from disneyland paris, we missed a flight because they put on the wrong plane or something stupid, then they upgraded us to first class on the next flight, which would have been nice, IF they'd actually put in first class. We got on the plane and got told to go back to the economy class thing, we had to complain about 3876574689566 times, before they finaly let us back into the first class part and by then, we were nearly home, lol.

Post April 17th, 2004, 6:33 am

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Cool, Zan you sound amazed! Anyways do they have any theme parks over there in Africa?

Post April 17th, 2004, 9:30 am

Posts: 807
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Location: USA

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