Involving the update, I say UPGRADE in my opinion. Looks and works great.. But that flash file at the top has to go.. It slows down my computer and the sound is annoying
Great job tho.
post by Stratacoaster15
go to edit your profile, from there, you can chose standard image mode or flash mode, chose image mode, it'll be a static image of the current logo.
Just one question, is there a way to convert all the posts that we made previously, on the old look site, into the new points system?
post by gouldy
there is, involves work from my side, a lot, and I don't have the time for it currently. I have tons of things going on in real life for me
LOL I saw that game on Albinoblacksheep...I have 1 question: How come the Signature function doesn't work? I have the "View Sig in posts" set to "Yes
post by angry_gumball
From which site are you doing this? or
I dont like not seeing what coaster have been uploaded recentley also looke in the exchange where are the tracks all i see is mine and ones I have dowloaded
post by owen jay
tried visiting the home page?
going to the track exchange you should see all the tracks recently uploaded. Which site are you visiting from? or
Thanks guys for all the positive comments. I truly appreciate it.