I use sonique, I like over all the other ones I've tried. Winamp just annoys the hell out of me. But sonique is simple, skinable and good quality sound enhancement and fre eplugins all around for it.
I use WMP (Windows Media Player) cus thats all i have, and it works for me, so im happy.
But for some reason, it wont let me vote, and i havent voted yet, oh well, ive only used WMP and MMJ only at my cousins house. so ive never heard of the others.
Windows Media Player, it is alot more stable then any other media player I know, even Winamp, and especially Music Match Juke Box, which has alot of bugs in it lol. Another reason why i chose windows media player, is because it lets you do it all, well windows media player 9 does anyway, choose skins, make custom skins, rate songs, create playlists, can play video files etc. [8D]
on winamp you can also play video's, create playlists, make skins (only don't know how), choose some awesome skins, and more things. Kinda the same as WMP only more compact IMO.
Coastercount: 1410(I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@) - Wood: 142 - Steel: 1268