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Stupid Commercials

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Post May 2nd, 2004, 10:33 pm

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We already had a topic on favorite commercials, so what do you think is the stupidest commercial?

I cant really remember stupid commercials cus they are just to stupid for me to remeber. But i think that one could be the quiznos sub commercials with those ugly rat things singing.
Last edited by masterchief101 on May 2nd, 2004, 10:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post May 2nd, 2004, 10:41 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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speaking of ugly rat things, go here (this is before they became the "Quizno Rats") Anyways a dumb commercial is..... The current Six Flags Commercial. And this is how you start rumors

Post May 3rd, 2004, 12:15 am

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Stupid ones are the easiest to remember because you hate them and you always remember things you hate. Example, the Quiznos commercial. Many may think it's stupid, but they sure as hell remember it, and that's the whole point.

Post May 3rd, 2004, 1:40 am
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the subway commercials, jared, I hate them, they make it seem like he's cool but he's a freaking dork in my eyes. Good for him he lost weight, but subways alone didn't do it, had to exercise his ass off, something they don't mention to you. Stupid commercials.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post May 3rd, 2004, 6:30 am

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Well i saw this advert on a comedy program and it was about Calgons Tongue Bath. It was mega stupid. Anyone will understnad if they had saw it.

Post May 3rd, 2004, 7:33 am

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the stupid PCW commmercials, the rides that they show arent even there, then picked rides from there other parks and the flying coaster from SFnew orleans. STUPID only two rides they showed were actuallly there.

Post May 3rd, 2004, 1:20 pm

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I hate those stupid "Segfreid and Jenson" commercials.

Post May 3rd, 2004, 1:43 pm

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Im with WWS, those subway commercials are so stupid. I think we get the point after about 50 different commercials they have.

Post May 3rd, 2004, 3:23 pm

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Oh man the adverts that piss me off so much in the UK are to text messages ones on MTV. Every 10 secs on the commercial its has an advert which goes on for about 10 mins which says text number 5521 to recieve your free 50 cent wallpaper, i swear i could just punch the person who does the voiceover, and the music is so bad also. Just thinking about it makes me angry

Post May 3rd, 2004, 4:28 pm

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I hate the Mc Donalds Commercials in Germany.

These commercials are really bad! Someone should controll commercials before releasing it.


Post May 3rd, 2004, 11:43 pm

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i hate almost all commercials.. they're so annoying! but the six flags commercial with the old guy is awsome! except i hate it hoe sfne gets commercials with rides that arent in their parks. when they started advertizing for SROS in 2000, they used video footage from viper @ sfmm.. not only is that the wrong park, but its 3000 miles away! and now everyone thinks that SROS has loops lol

Post May 4th, 2004, 2:08 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

the subway commercials, jared, I hate them, they make it seem like he's cool but he's a freaking dork in my eyes. Good for him he lost weight, but subways alone didn't do it, had to exercise his ass off, something they don't mention to you. Stupid commercials.

It's funny...I know some one who went to college with Jared and everyone there hated him, even after the commercials started. [lol] He was fat because he would take the bus instead of walking 5 minutes to his classes. Now, the more famous he gets, the people who know him hate him even more.[lol]

The commercials I hate the most are the moronic "low carb" additions to fast food chains. This one pizza place has a "low carb pizza," which is just a plate with cheese, tomato sauce, and toppings! WTF?!? First of all, the whole Atkins thing is SOOO wrong and bad for you, and adding that stupidity to your basic stupid commercial really chafes my ass.[:(!]

On another note...the commercial songs that always get stuck in my head seem to have a common theme to them... "Brand New Day," for Valtrex (herpes medicine), "There She Goes," for Orthoevra (birth control), and "Gotta Go" for some kind of weak bladder medicine... What's wrong with me?[lol][sillyme]

Post May 4th, 2004, 7:34 pm

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I think those sketchers commercials with the kids in the shoes flying around in space or parachuting from a plane are pretty stupid, i mean, what does that have to do with skethcers. Also a lot of commercials are pretty dumb.

Post May 5th, 2004, 1:19 am

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the first paper bag fandango cammercial
Go chuff yourself and have a nice day! :D

Post May 17th, 2004, 12:14 am

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there are so many dumb commercials out there today, eh?

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