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Post May 4th, 2004, 4:42 pm

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I don't know what the 'C2' and the 'Relroll'. I know what the 'Conroll' option does. Can somebody explain this to me cause I don't get the tutorials...[?]

Post May 4th, 2004, 4:50 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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The "C2-Continuity" option is a restriction that will keep both Control Points of an equal distant from the Vertex. and "revroll" is for vertical drops

Post May 4th, 2004, 4:51 pm

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I'm not sure of what the RelRoll does, but its essential for making different kinds of spins, such as a B&M Wingover (since NL doesn't have enough banking to go high enough to have one vertex for the spin), but I know what C2 does. C2 extends the control points from the vertex to equal lengths, thus creating smoother bankings and transitions.

Post May 4th, 2004, 4:53 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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the rel roll cares does make the banking the same as the vertex before that one.

de "rel roll" zorgt ervoor dat de banking hezelfde blijft als van de vertex voor die andere.

Edit: The con-roll cares makes the elements a bit smoother.
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Post May 4th, 2004, 5:47 pm
Tia User avatar

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"C2" is actually the wrong term for what it does, with the next update it will be changed to "Lock." This keeps both handles of the bezier an equal distance from the bezier position.

"RelRoll" stands for Relative Roll. This means that the roll is relative to the last roll value. So if you have a bezier with a roll of 45 degrees, and the next bezier is also 45 degree but has RelRoll on, the roll will be 90 degrees at the second bezier.

"ConRoll" stands for Continuous Roll. This is a little hard to explain. What it does is calculates the roll values for the previous bezier, current bezier and next bezier. The roll is then "softened" so that a continuous roll from the previous to the next bezier is acheived.

- Tia

Post May 4th, 2004, 9:09 pm

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Relroll comes in handy for complicated innovetive maneuvers, as it can keep the banking continous through the maneuver, therefore making it smoother, and also more enjoyable to ride. I just figured that out too, BTW.

Post May 4th, 2004, 11:19 pm

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