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How is the distribution of hetero and homosexual?

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How is the distribution of hetero and homosexual?

Total votes : 91

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Hi everyone!

I just want to ask who is homosexual or hetero?

Don't get me wrong, I just want to know it. So please vote! You don't have to write something just vote!

Last edited by Bino Maus on June 1st, 2004, 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post May 31st, 2004, 4:12 pm

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Gay and Lesbian are the same thing [;)] You should just put homosexual

Post May 31st, 2004, 4:17 pm

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Post May 31st, 2004, 6:35 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Alright, I was gonna ask this question a while ago, but I didn't feel like doing it cuz someone might get affended. Also, I got confused about the top, so you might wanna fixed it. But this is a good poll, it shows wat % of the coaster luving community is gay, not that I know why we would need that info.

Post June 1st, 2004, 6:51 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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lol, who is bisexual here[lol]
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Post June 1st, 2004, 8:55 pm

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Post June 1st, 2004, 10:10 pm

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Originally posted by thecool326

Originally posted by whitewolf2759

i am

lol, no you aren't. If you are, then I guess you must have way to much spare time.

what does that mean exactly?

Post June 2nd, 2004, 9:27 am

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The Edge is a travesti [:D]

The Edge stop beeing a coward modifing my mesasges.. GO TO HELL [devilish] [:D] [:D]

Post June 2nd, 2004, 10:09 am

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Posted by Dj Javixxxx
I'm a travesti

Yes Dj, weve all seen the vid

Post June 2nd, 2004, 10:13 am

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Don't Lie x'D
Last edited by DjJavixxxxx on September 9th, 2014, 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post June 2nd, 2004, 11:08 am

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Post June 2nd, 2004, 12:28 pm

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Originally posted by thecool326
It means your really bored and you don't get enough time with women, so you need men to feel your desires and need that women aren't giving you when you want it.

Wow, so you're the one person in the world who has completely figured out the true source of human sexuality. Not getting enough. If that were the case, almost everyone I know would be gay.[lol] You said earlier that you don't want to offend anyone, but that offended me and I'm totally straight!

Post June 4th, 2004, 5:45 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Originally posted by thecool326
It means your really bored and you don't get enough time with women, so you need men to feel your desires and need that women aren't giving you when you want it.

need this be the last time you say something stupid on the site thecool326. not only does it takes a lot of balls for whitey to admit what he stated but it is people like you that make the world an impossible place to have peace. I am not gay in any way but I am not going to let you either take your hatred out of line on my site.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 4th, 2004, 8:09 pm

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how the hell can you say that you think being gay is completly wrong and then say that you like gay people? that's like saying you hate terrorist, but you feed them info (really bad example but you know what i mean). And why is it so hard to belive that i am what i am exactly?

Post June 4th, 2004, 9:00 pm

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i loved it when i was faking my sexuality.

actually, it was more of an 'experiment' or such.

i told people i was gay, or was it bi... i don't know.

people seem to treat your differently, actually, when you are gay/bi.

when in reality, they are just the same as you and me. i hate close-minded people who dislike people just because of what they do in bed. why should you care what they do? it's their life.

Post June 5th, 2004, 4:00 am
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gay and bi people no necarrily are gay and bi because of what they do in bed, I know of some people who have been gay for a great part of their life and they say they've never had a sexual experience with a member of their same sex. Rather they are attached to the emotional aspect, which is what most heteros fail to see as well.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post June 5th, 2004, 1:45 pm

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and with bis it's not that we just can't choose one, we can just become attached to ither one.

Post June 5th, 2004, 3:01 pm

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Well, I just want to know how the distribution of homosexual and hetero people on this site is, nothing more and nothing less. I didn't want to start any discussion like this this is why I wrote: just vote, you don't have to post anything!.


Post June 6th, 2004, 6:01 pm

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Ok, i voted gay because well... Im gay [:p] but, just wondering how many of you actually voted gay just for a laugh? or equally how many of you put straight just to keep yourself 'in the closet'? Dont think the poll will be overly accurate because this is quite a sensative topic... but hopefully that 18% gay (or whatever it is now) is correct, more booty for me! [:D] lol

Oh, and a quick sentence to the kid that said us gay people are gay because we cant get women... wrong! Have had more than enough chance to hit the sack with a female but truth be truth, i dont like (children, please close your eyes for the next word) Vagina. Doesnt revault me or nothing, just dont erm... it dont erm... interest me (thats the word). [:p]

Post October 16th, 2006, 4:51 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Originally posted by DjJavixxxxx

The Edge is a travesti [:D]

The Edge stop beeing a coward modifing my mesasges.. GO TO HELL [devilish] [:D] [:D]

great he's back [blah]

and btw i am!!! [lol]

Post October 16th, 2006, 5:02 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Post October 16th, 2006, 5:05 pm

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OMG I am losing it! There are way to many names for straight!

Post October 16th, 2006, 5:29 pm

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Originally posted by whitewolf2759

how the hell can you say that you think being gay is completly wrong and then say that you like gay people? that's like saying you hate terrorist, but you feed them info (really bad example but you know what i mean). And why is it so hard to belive that i am what i am exactly?

I think its wrong but I still have a gay friend whom I love as a person. Its having an attitude like that that keeps the world from peace.

Whys it so hard to love someone despite them being or doing something you dont agree with? Obviously since everyone in this world is different and everyone has different views, likes and dislikes, that means that on the theory of "you cant hate something someone does and still love them" means you cant look past your likes and dislikes to loving someone on a most basic and human level.

I really, really hate smoking but does that mean I hate the person who smokes? No. I really dislike hypocrites and liars as well. (which everyone is at some point) Do I hate everyone then?

Just something to ponder.

OneKoolCJ said:
i hate close-minded people who dislike people just because of what they do in bed. why should you care what they do? it's their life.

Is it more close minded to hate people who have an opinion or more close minded to have no opinion? Also, read above.

If people choose to reject the love I extend, thats not my fault. Tis the beauty of Jesus. Disliked what people did and thought and still loved them as a brother or a sister. Back then, like now, people still couldnt understand that. It goes so far beyond that thing we like to call reason.

Post October 16th, 2006, 5:38 pm

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Today in religion class there was a story somewhat like this... I forgot the chapter in Leviticus (The Bible) but read it people it is very true.

Post October 16th, 2006, 5:41 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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