slighty undergay, when i was taking this quiz i am like "What the hell is a parp!?" and i'm not from england hehehe. it said "You are nearly the perfect modern man, however you can still improve your life (and your chances with girls) by learning from gay men." I found a test that gave you a precentage of how gay you are, i was like 25%gay from that test, if i find it again, i might post the link here.
PS. Not really important, but i was looking at the list of the counties and noticed that most of those are the names of mansions here in my area, like everyhouse design has a name and most of them are on that list.
You have a lot to learn from gay men. If you take on some of the lessons that gay men have to teach you then girls will stop being disgusted by your behaviour and you'll be more likely to find the woman of your dreams. You require urgent attention.
lol, who would have guessed that i'd be "seriously undergay"