I have sort've been away from the NL scene for awhile since I'm home for the summer and my laptop is not yet hooked up to the internet. I have been working on a few rides offline however, and one of them is a B&M sitdown. I have the track layed out already, but that is all; no theming, 3ds, or supports. I smoothed it out a bit, but it is still very, very rough and jerky. I would really appreciate it if some of you out there could test ride my track and smooth it out as best as you possibly can. I have 510 points that I have nothing to do with and I am willing to divide them out among the people who help me smooth this the best.
Like I said, I don't have my computer hooked up to the internet yet, but I am going to buy some recordable CDs tomorrow night after I get off of work and put screens and the track file on there so I can upload it to this computer and then distribute it.
Thanks for your help
