I cant seem to figure out why not many people use the purgatrium? Its great(Dont know what im talking about. Well its a program that can modify and make some neat elements using maths. I believe this is how proper coasters are made!
Download It here http://d1jlserver.dnsalias.net/CCDev2/p ... cfm?fid=27
I was wandering what happend to the site which had tutorials on it. Renduliezer site i mean. Its was really good and i was getting into it. Btw people on the site included Buster and Real and Hansixx so there making very good coasters using maths!
I would also recomend using it as it perfects everything to the last detail. It takes a while to get used to but once you know how o use it its great!
Ps I will host a free forum for Renduliezer if your one wont be back!