Well I am pretty new to NoLimits (been playing RCT for years though) and some tracks won't load. When I try to ride them an error message pops up and quits the simulator..
Its just one of the windows messages asking if I want to send an error report to microsoft, and then it quits.
Most tracks work, there are just a few that dont.
Well thats the more extreme way to handle it. However the same does happen to me. If i open a track which has 3ds and i dont have them installed it sometimes causes that error. I just download the track and try again.
I also get a [r] error in the editor when the camera view insists of only going to the right. When i click the mouse it just goes off in a diagonal, which is quite annoing
Lol - Edge - I HATE that particular error. It happens all the time to me. Another annoying one is that sometimes if you're working on a terraformed track in the editor & switch from 3D to some other view and back again it'll change the color of the ground to some random pastel color. The shading also disappears, which makes it impossible to tell where the ground really is.