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"crap" uploads...

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Post July 10th, 2004, 4:47 pm

Posts: 2260
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Location: MI, USA

Post July 11th, 2004, 1:41 pm

Posts: 802
Points on hand: 2,869.00 Points
Location: Pensacola, FL, USA

td6. what that mean, just plain ol tracks? I do agree that there are a lot of single tracks with no scenery or whatever yall are talking about, i made only one single track, but put in a lot of scenery cus it had to do with my coaster, it was Spider Man the Ride, i did not work on it three hours cus i spent at leat two hours in the scenerio editor too, but it had no rate. But i am working on another park, its ten hours through so far. But thats only the rides, i havent put in any scenery yet. People should spend probly at least 10 hours on a park other wise it will probly be crap.

Post July 16th, 2004, 11:28 am

Posts: 2260
Points on hand: 87.00 Points
Bank: 12,611.00 Points
Location: MI, USA
Yeah... BTW, I'm not rating td6's anymore because its so inconvienient to open it up just to see a track that has no scenery.

Post July 16th, 2004, 12:17 pm

Posts: 31
Points on hand: 1,649.00 Points
Location: Hanover, USA
I have to agree with the above. First let me state I'm not the best out there with rides and theming, particularly ride stations, but I can manage to build good coaster hear and there i.e Blue Streak, Dimensions, and Fury. I agree with some of the complaints about the crap uploads. I mean sometimes I have to go to the actual page that shows all the tracks because a couple crap uploads got on and it bumped off a good one from my main page. Now another thing yes its bad to a point, but I also understand a person can't pop open the game and build a prize winning coaster on day 1, it takes practice. As the saying goes practice makes perfect.

Now with the rating situation I totally agree all the crap uploads getting ratings because they aren't as good as the rest, and then the ones that are actually good don't get a rating. Like my only RCT1 creation on this site, Fury, has been advertised twice and has been up on here for a while it's gotten only 30 some odd downloads and no rating. I felt that ride to be my best RCT1 work ever, and no one has ever rated. I mean sure when I had it in this forum a while back, people said it was good but they never gave it an actual rating you know. I mean it's nice to have your rated.

But yea all in all I think there should be less crap uploads, and more ratings on the rides that actually deserve it!!!

(P.S. Don't be afraid to rate my ride, Fury

Post July 16th, 2004, 1:51 pm

Posts: 2260
Points on hand: 87.00 Points
Bank: 12,611.00 Points
Location: MI, USA
People should spend as much time w/ a coaster/park as they do (or need to) in NL. Well, it's very annoying when you get 40 DL's and no rates. People should just DL it, then go back to the site the rate it, one being direcly after the other. BTW, I can't rate ur ride Fury bcause my RCT1 is messed up. I never use it anyway, because I'm always on RCT2.


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