I don't think you'd like it much if the NL fans went into the SM forums and behaved similarly when they posted update screens. Oh look; Brian made a post about how he fixed a bug. Where is the fix? Why can't we download it? Why aren't there screens? It's so typical of them to do this...hype people along by posting that they're doing something, then not letting us have it. How dare they do something for the fans?
I'm not sure why SM is always brought into this kind of topic. Then again, the above happens constantly when I post updates. There is almost always at least one person, and usually more, that come and bash SM (and/or bring up NL) when I post new screenshots or whatnot. I understand the NL fans not liking the same couple of people constantly jumping in lately, but I've been putting up with the same crap since day one basically. The funny thing is that in many cases, the people complaining about someone bashing NL are the same ones that will bash SM every chance they get. Bottom line is just ignore them if you don't like what they have to say. I know that there are certain people on all the sites that I visit that as soon as I see thier name beside a post, I just move on to the next one.
Ride Op, I agree with most of what you posted. Just wanted to point out that this does happen, and has been happening pretty much since day one.