Originally posted by coasteragent99
But MF's air is that low??? For me, I'm sensitive... AND THE FIRST HILL FELT LIKE -.7G'S AT LEAST. SER
IOUS!!! Anyway, I'm making 2 NL rides. 1 is a giga and the other is a Large rocket. Both take you up to -1.2 g's. Is that at the very least, half-realistic?
I was just guessing -.3g at max, didn't say for sure though. I doubt it goes any higher than that too, and a lot of people think that speed makes airtime feel more powerful. -1.2g is unrealistic, but it could be done as long as it was just a quick spike, but even sustained for a half a second or so would still be unrealistic.
Originally posted by coasteragent99
I heard that if TTD launches up a little faster than usuall, it can give you a good dose of ejector air. As usuall, not true, right???
I'm sure it does, but I doubt the -gs exceed -1g.
Originally posted by FlyingV
The new maurer-soehne x-car has a new restraint that supposedly makes negative g-forces of -1g and higher possible.
Most coasters' restraints can handle forces like that also, but that doesn't mean the coasters pull gs as high as that.
Originally posted by coasteragent99
Why did people say that rides can go up to -1g then???
Because they can [;)]
Originally posted by coasteragent99
But another forum on the site says, "it doesn't matter how many g's there are, it's how long they're experienced" So there probably is -1g hills and stuff. It just goes up there for like .000001 of a second.
I do believe 1 or 2 coasters touch -1g for almost a full second (SROS @ SFNE and Expedition GeForce). But even -100g is safe for only .000001 of a second!
Originally posted by Dirk_Ermen
When i rode expedition GeForce i got i guess a ejector air, i were shot'n out the seat on the first hill... But it feeled like at least -0.5g!
In my opinion, for there to be airtime your butt has to leave the seat. Since Expedition GeForce has Intamin T-bars, that doesn't happen. The negative gs im sure are insane though, and definitely is more than -.5g, probably about -1g!
Originally posted by Tyler
Hypersonic hits -1.5g as it crests the hill.
I'm sure it does, but thats only for a fraction of a second. From what I heard, the -gs are only for an instant.
Originally posted by Tyler
As for woodies, using the above figures as a guideline, there are definatly some woodies that excess -1g, at least in some seats. Georgia Cyclone, Phoenix, and Cornball Express instantly come to mind.
Phoenix and Cornball Express do have amazing airtime, but since they have buzzbars even -.1g will have you out of your seat. Phoenix's last air hill has the most powerful airtime on the ride and I doubt it exceeds -.5g, for a 100 pound person that would be 50 pounds smacking the buzzbar, thats definitely strong airtime!
Originally posted by coaster992001
lol, i've never been on a wooden ride with ejector air. i've been flung into the restraints befor.. but nothing like the air on something like SROS@sfne. wooden rides, because the way the restraints are, cant have true ejector air.
Huh? the restraints on most wooden coasters have space to come up in your seat, SROS @ SFNE doesnt...how can you say staying in your seat is ejector air and getting thrown up and leaving the seat isnt!?