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Update 1.5 More Screens.

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Post July 23rd, 2004, 5:15 pm

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I'll be waiting. I'm willing to wait if they can make it even better. But I'm thinking that they should at least release 1.35 or something unless they're so busy they can't even go on the boards. They're doing great as seen from the shots, and as everyone would say, "I can't wait!!!". But all I'd like right now is for them to update the developement site right now.

Post July 23rd, 2004, 6:10 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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But I'm thinking that they should at least release 1.35 or something


Post July 24th, 2004, 1:26 pm

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If they're gonna release it, they might as well do it properly. Who cares when it comes out? We already have a working version of NoLimits right? Just have some patience!

Post July 24th, 2004, 1:40 pm

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Ok, sheesh... I just thought 1.35 had some nice things in it, ok? Anyway, I'll just be patient and wait. I hope they fix the support bug when you try to connect joints of a predefined. Also, they should put some more detailed support settings in. (like percise diameter that applies to every beam type, plus an individual color setting.) I'd like to see 3d catwatlks, and station railings. 3d trees would also be nice. (this is where "progressive meshing kicks in)

Anyway, from the scenes, I can tell 1.5 will be a blast. I'll wait for it like I'm waiting for RCT3.

Post July 24th, 2004, 3:52 pm
Kev True Addicts
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Looks like this is going to be another great update! I'm especially looking forward to the things mentioned that aren't in the screenshots, such as the ability to manually input coordinates like SM, and they are finally correcting the train blocking.

Post July 25th, 2004, 3:54 am

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We don't post anything about the update or post any screenshots, we get flak.

We post screenshots of the progress with no mention of a release date, and we get flak.

God forbid we even guess about a release date and miss it. It's a crime and we should all be hanged for it. Heck, we can probably post the update and get flak for it.

NL isn't the only team to do this you know. SM had a huge gap between one of the last public demo while the game was redone and ultimately released. SM posts screens of forthcoming updates. They post progress notes. So do we, albeit a little less frequently because no matter what any new information we release (and I'm sure Brian goes through it too) starts a new deluge of "when is it coming out?" "Will it have ___________ feature?" "Can I help test?" "Post more updates!" emails. You don't have to deal with that, but we do, and it's really irritating. The SM team will more than agree with me on this.

For those of you who enjoyed the interview and screenshots and posted your appreciation of them, thank you. We enjoy getting the feedback to know all of our hard work is enjoyed. For those of you who are firmly on the SM side of things and/or whining about being banned from another website, no one is forcing you to read this topic which you already knew was going to be about people saying how nice the screens look.

I don't think you'd like it much if the NL fans went into the SM forums and behaved similarly when they posted update screens. Oh look; Brian made a post about how he fixed a bug. Where is the fix? Why can't we download it? Why aren't there screens? It's so typical of them to do this...hype people along by posting that they're doing something, then not letting us have it. How dare they do something for the fans?

Both development teams share many things in common. We both do this in our spare time. We both release preview screenshots and progress updates ahead of time to generate interest in the next update, and to keep the fans of the game informed as to what is going on. We both avoid ever even hinting at a specific date for fear of the backlash we will receive if we miss that date.

If you liked the screens, that's great. If you didn't, that's fine too. If you are here to berate us for doing the exact same thing as any other production team for any game/music recording/movie in the entire history of entertainment, stop being a hypocrite and move on.

I apologize to the admins for the rant.


Post July 25th, 2004, 5:00 am

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Post July 25th, 2004, 9:25 am

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actualy the only admin that posted here was WWS and he didnt say anything about it [;)]

Also to ride_op i apologize to 'whinging' but were all entitled to are opinions. Its the same with microsoft, although its probaly the best system out there, people will still complain about it.

Post July 25th, 2004, 2:08 pm

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If I sound "complainy", then sorry. I just get a little worried sometimes, but I know you guys are doing your best. Anyway, if it makes you feel better, I'll just shut up and go on with everyday life as I wait for the updates then.

Post July 25th, 2004, 11:32 pm

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I don't think you'd like it much if the NL fans went into the SM forums and behaved similarly when they posted update screens. Oh look; Brian made a post about how he fixed a bug. Where is the fix? Why can't we download it? Why aren't there screens? It's so typical of them to do this...hype people along by posting that they're doing something, then not letting us have it. How dare they do something for the fans?

I'm not sure why SM is always brought into this kind of topic. Then again, the above happens constantly when I post updates. There is almost always at least one person, and usually more, that come and bash SM (and/or bring up NL) when I post new screenshots or whatnot. I understand the NL fans not liking the same couple of people constantly jumping in lately, but I've been putting up with the same crap since day one basically. The funny thing is that in many cases, the people complaining about someone bashing NL are the same ones that will bash SM every chance they get. Bottom line is just ignore them if you don't like what they have to say. I know that there are certain people on all the sites that I visit that as soon as I see thier name beside a post, I just move on to the next one.

Ride Op, I agree with most of what you posted. Just wanted to point out that this does happen, and has been happening pretty much since day one.

Post July 28th, 2004, 3:19 am
Oscar User avatar
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way to kill a topic Brian [lol] just playing with ya [;)]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.


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