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Post July 23rd, 2004, 12:43 pm

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1. How much does an onride photo cost @ CP???
2. What is the maximum amount of negative g's MF exerts??? (just curious. I've been on it and want to see how much ejector air there is)

Post July 23rd, 2004, 12:50 pm

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you really only get ejector air on woodies, and that's really anything over -1G

Post July 23rd, 2004, 1:10 pm

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I though woodies can't go any higher than -.7g. I heard it would rip the track apart or something. X-celorator at KBF I heard, goes up to -1.2 g's or so. SOmeone might have mentioned another one going up to -1.5g. If that's true, holy cow!!!

Post July 23rd, 2004, 1:25 pm

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yeah, ejector air really only happens on steel rides. not on wooden ones. and not on millenium force either lol. when i rode it, i thought the airtime was a real dissapointment. i only got "floater airtime" not "ejector airtime". (floater is 0 g's, ejector is roughly -.5 and on) so, yeah, MF didnt really have good airtime. the drop was somewhat dissapointing too..

Post July 23rd, 2004, 2:14 pm

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Originally posted by coasteragent99

What is the maximum amount of negative g's MF exerts??? (just curious. I've been on it and want to see how much ejector air there is)

I don't know for sure, but I would say -.3g at max. There really isnt much air at all on MF.

Originally posted by whitewolf2759

you really only get ejector air on woodies, and that's really anything over -1G

I do agree that you only get ejector air on woodies, except maybe a few steel coasters have it, but no Intamins have ejector air, due to the stapling. However, I doubt there is a coaster that exceeds -1g, since SROS @ SFNE has -.4g on its bunny hills, and thats pretty strong...the most air on the ride probably doesnt exceed -.8g

Originally posted by coasteragent99

I though woodies can't go any higher than -.7g. I heard it would rip the track apart or something.

It wouldn't rip the track apart, but it wouldn't be safe to experience anything above -.6g (about) on woodies, unless your stapled. I'd say that at about -2g the underfriction wheels on the trains would start to break, but it would take that much force at least to start damaging the track/trains.

Originally posted by coasteragent99

X-celorator at KBF I heard, goes up to -1.2 g's or so. SOmeone might have mentioned another one going up to -1.5g.

Those are the gs that the accelerometer reads for a split second. The accelerometer is bolted directly to the train, so when every tiny little bump occurs it records the g values, even though its for so short that riders don't experience it. The only accurate way to measure gs with accelerometers is find the average g readings for about a full second of an area, because every little bump makes the gs jump up for an instant.

Originally posted by coaster992001

yeah, ejector air really only happens on steel rides. not on wooden ones.

Really? Then what about Raven, Phoenix, Timber Terror, Tremors, Coaster @ Playland, Shivering Timbers, or Cornball Express? No steel coaster will throw you up in your seat like they do!

Post July 23rd, 2004, 3:03 pm

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and Grand National. Sitting at the back with your hands up as you fly over thehills produce ejector air and it feels like you will be ripped out your seat.

Also someone said about the g's breaking up the track. this is untrue as some woodies have up to 5 g at the bottom of the drops and the trains are a tonne or so each, so at the bottom they would wieght about 5 tonne. This would be alot less going over an airtime hill

Post July 23rd, 2004, 5:08 pm

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ejector is roughly -.5

ejector is -1g.

But MF's air is that low??? For me, I'm sensitive... AND THE FIRST HILL FELT LIKE -.7G'S AT LEAST. SER
IOUS!!! Anyway, I'm making 2 NL rides. 1 is a giga and the other is a Large rocket. Both take you up to -1.2 g's. Is that at the very least, half-realistic?

I should try some ejector air sometime. I heard that if TTD launches up a little faster than usuall, it can give you a good dose of ejector air. As usuall, not true, right???

Anyway, what about onride photos???

Post July 23rd, 2004, 10:27 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Originally posted by coasteragent99

ejector is roughly -.5

ejector is -1g.

But MF's air is that low??? For me, I'm sensitive... AND THE FIRST HILL FELT LIKE -.7G'S AT LEAST. SER
IOUS!!! Anyway, I'm making 2 NL rides. 1 is a giga and the other is a Large rocket. Both take you up to -1.2 g's. Is that at the very least, half-realistic?

I should try some ejector air sometime. I heard that if TTD launches up a little faster than usuall, it can give you a good dose of ejector air. As usuall, not true, right???

Anyway, what about onride photos???

no, nothing goes above .-8 listen to IF, he's telling the truth, he pulled up some actual stats, and nothing goes above -.8
and you can always try emailing guest relations, i did that for Knott's and they emailed me back promptly.

Post July 24th, 2004, 6:34 pm

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The new maurer-soehne x-car has a new restraint that supposedly makes negative g-forces of -1g and higher possible. However, I don't think x-car is designed to be used on hyper-coasters, most of their designs are loopers/wild mouse kind of rides.

And the up-stop wheels are much smaller and weaker on rollercoasters, however, i doubt -1.5g's would damage them at all, it would take way more than that.

Post July 24th, 2004, 7:04 pm

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Why did people say that rides can go up to -1g then??? Now my new NL rides are unrealistic!!! I have up to -1.3g on like every hill. But another forum on the site says, "it doesn't matter how many g's there are, it's how long they're experienced" So there probably is -1g hills and stuff. It just goes up there for like .000001 of a second.

Anyway, enough chit-chat. What about the onride photo cost at CP???

Post July 24th, 2004, 8:27 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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but no Intamins have ejector air

When i rode expedition GeForce i got i guess a ejector air, i were shot'n out the seat on the first hill... But it feeled like at least -0.5g!
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Post July 24th, 2004, 9:51 pm

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Hypersonic hits -1.5g as it crests the hill. Yes, it's majorly kick-you-in-the-ass strong. -1g isn't that bad. That's what the S&S Turbo Drop rides hit. As for woodies, using the above figures as a guideline, there are definatly some woodies that excess -1g, at least in some seats. Georgia Cyclone, Phoenix, and Cornball Express instantly come to mind.

Post July 25th, 2004, 12:28 pm

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lol, i've never been on a wooden ride with ejector air. i've been flung into the restraints befor.. but nothing like the air on something like SROS@sfne. wooden rides, because the way the restraints are, cant have true ejector air.

Post July 25th, 2004, 12:36 pm

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Uh, ride the Georgia Cylone in the last row and see if you still think that.


Post July 25th, 2004, 2:02 pm

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If woodies hit -1g, then why the hell do people complain if it goes to .8g??? And would my 2 intamins be realistic even though they have up to about -1.3g???

And for goodness' sake, what about the cost of an onride photo at CP???

Post July 25th, 2004, 10:11 pm

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Originally posted by coasteragent99

But MF's air is that low??? For me, I'm sensitive... AND THE FIRST HILL FELT LIKE -.7G'S AT LEAST. SER
IOUS!!! Anyway, I'm making 2 NL rides. 1 is a giga and the other is a Large rocket. Both take you up to -1.2 g's. Is that at the very least, half-realistic?

I was just guessing -.3g at max, didn't say for sure though. I doubt it goes any higher than that too, and a lot of people think that speed makes airtime feel more powerful. -1.2g is unrealistic, but it could be done as long as it was just a quick spike, but even sustained for a half a second or so would still be unrealistic.

Originally posted by coasteragent99

I heard that if TTD launches up a little faster than usuall, it can give you a good dose of ejector air. As usuall, not true, right???

I'm sure it does, but I doubt the -gs exceed -1g.

Originally posted by FlyingV

The new maurer-soehne x-car has a new restraint that supposedly makes negative g-forces of -1g and higher possible.

Most coasters' restraints can handle forces like that also, but that doesn't mean the coasters pull gs as high as that.

Originally posted by coasteragent99

Why did people say that rides can go up to -1g then???

Because they can [;)]

Originally posted by coasteragent99

But another forum on the site says, "it doesn't matter how many g's there are, it's how long they're experienced" So there probably is -1g hills and stuff. It just goes up there for like .000001 of a second.

I do believe 1 or 2 coasters touch -1g for almost a full second (SROS @ SFNE and Expedition GeForce). But even -100g is safe for only .000001 of a second!

Originally posted by Dirk_Ermen

When i rode expedition GeForce i got i guess a ejector air, i were shot'n out the seat on the first hill... But it feeled like at least -0.5g!

In my opinion, for there to be airtime your butt has to leave the seat. Since Expedition GeForce has Intamin T-bars, that doesn't happen. The negative gs im sure are insane though, and definitely is more than -.5g, probably about -1g!

Originally posted by Tyler

Hypersonic hits -1.5g as it crests the hill.

I'm sure it does, but thats only for a fraction of a second. From what I heard, the -gs are only for an instant.

Originally posted by Tyler

As for woodies, using the above figures as a guideline, there are definatly some woodies that excess -1g, at least in some seats. Georgia Cyclone, Phoenix, and Cornball Express instantly come to mind.

Phoenix and Cornball Express do have amazing airtime, but since they have buzzbars even -.1g will have you out of your seat. Phoenix's last air hill has the most powerful airtime on the ride and I doubt it exceeds -.5g, for a 100 pound person that would be 50 pounds smacking the buzzbar, thats definitely strong airtime!

Originally posted by coaster992001

lol, i've never been on a wooden ride with ejector air. i've been flung into the restraints befor.. but nothing like the air on something like SROS@sfne. wooden rides, because the way the restraints are, cant have true ejector air.

Huh? the restraints on most wooden coasters have space to come up in your seat, SROS @ SFNE can you say staying in your seat is ejector air and getting thrown up and leaving the seat isnt!?

Post July 25th, 2004, 10:20 pm

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Post July 25th, 2004, 10:41 pm

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Like thecool326 said, you could email the park and they'd most likely tell you [;)]

Post July 26th, 2004, 12:42 am

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Ya know what, if anybody has e-mailed a coaster company to ask what the highest negave G readings are on that company's coasters, and what would be safe, I think everyone should just stop acting like they know what they are talking about. I've seen graphs of coasters in excess of -1G, but I don't know for how long because the graphs are smashed in so much...and how the heck do you guys know that you've experienced 'at least -.5 Gs??' You DON'T. There is no way you can feel how many negative Gs you are just can't. And I think you definitely can get airtime on Intamin's, it just doesn't throw you out of your seat because of the restraints, which really don't affect it too much, because the feeling of the airtime isn't really how far you are out of your seat, but how your body feels while experiencing the floatation. And IntaminFan, MF gives a lot of airtime in the back seat on the drop and final bunny, with good floater on the two large camels.

Post July 26th, 2004, 4:15 am

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Yes, both the first drop and bunny hill provide -gs, but it wasn't anything that strong IMO. I still will believe that MF doesn't exceed -.3g until I see g readings that say otherwise...

Post July 26th, 2004, 12:25 pm

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Well, that's just your opinion, lol....anyway, I thought that the camels weren't strong, but the final bunny was pretty intense...but who knows.

Post July 26th, 2004, 2:23 pm

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Like thecool326 said, you could email the park and they'd most likely tell you

I didn't see that because there was too much disscusioin about the g force stuff. But does anybody here know???

Edit: I checked all over thier site and couldn't find where to email them.

Post July 26th, 2004, 3:37 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by IntaminFan397

Originally posted by Dirk_Ermen

When i rode expedition GeForce i got i guess a ejector air, i were shot'n out the seat on the first hill... But it feeled like at least -0.5g!

In my opinion, for there to be airtime your butt has to leave the seat. Since Expedition GeForce has Intamin T-bars, that doesn't happen. The negative gs im sure are insane though, and definitely is more than -.5g, probably about -1g!

You have airtime if you don't close the restains fully, if you leave 2 cm free you fly [;)]

Originally posted by coasteragent99

What's the cost of an onride, for the 3rd time!!!

I dunno!
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