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Contest - Designers Elite

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Post July 27th, 2004, 12:37 pm

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
[] Force Addict/2004727113523_NLDE1.gif[/]

Contest Closed

Designers Elite... what's that supposed to mean?
For this next NL contest I came up with a new way of hosting a contest. In previous contests and tournaments it has happened that over 50% of the people who signed up did not submit. Of course this let's down the other contestants who did submit because they might have hoped for more competition. Of course, winning is nice, but not as nice if you only have one oppponent.
This is why this contest starts with a qualification round. This is a simple round which should seperate the men from the boys. It won't be hard to pass to the the actual contest but you need to submit. This way the number of drop outs should be reduced in the actual contest.
So all togheter: You qualify for the actual contest to reduce the amount of dropouts.

Round 1 Qualification round - the story
The entire Six Flags European Division (except WBMWM) has recently been sold, the new owner is going to totally re-style some of the parks. In this case that means some rides are also going to be taken down. Six Flags Holland's, El Condor, a Vekoma SLC is going to be demolished because of the rides age and bumpiness. The task is up to you to make an entirely new design to fit in this enlarged area of the park. Once again it has to be a Vekoma inverted two seat, but it has to be even more exciting and thrilling as the old but respected SLC. The position of the station, lift and final brakes are already determined by the park. It's up to you to build everything in between.


It's totally up to you how you finish this track. The template limits are indicated by a support structure surrounding the ride, you are not allowed to build the track outside of this. However, supports can extend out of the template. It's up to you to turn this coaster into the next generation SLC's.

Download the template here (bug fixed: Thursday July 29th 11:20 PM (23:20) GMT)

The rules:
  • Track style can not be changed; must be inverted 2 seat

  • The existing track may not be altered in any way, however, you can make minor changes to the two vertices at either ends. Just to fit your track onto it properly.

  • G Force limits: Vert.: -2G / + 5.5G Lat.: -2G / + 2G Acc: -3G / + 5G

  • All track must be built inside the template borders, supports can extend out of the template.

  • Coaster must run smoothly with the current 3 trains.

  • Each train must have 7 cars.

  • None of the existing supports may be changed or deleted

  • Duelling/racing coasters are not allowed.

  • You may not submit old tracks. (this means you have to create a new track for this contest and not just take an old design of yours which fits the rules)

  • All NL tools are allowed, including the terraformer. However, take it easy with the terraformer. This ride has to be realistic, so you can't build it on a mountain or something. However small land features, water elements, tunnels and trees are will be well received

  • There is no restriction on the number of inversions

  • All additional theming is allowed and will be awarded with small bonuses.

  • Submit your track at

  • Deadline: 15th of August 23:59 GMT (= 18:59 EST) --> reminders will be sent 4 days before the deadline

  • This is just a qualification round, to qualify for the actual round, your track has to be judged with a minimum of a 5,5.

Download the template here (bug fixed: Thursday July 29th 11:20 PM (23:20) GMT)

1: -1- -08/02/04- gouldy
2: -1- -08/14/04- coasteragent99
3: -0- -00/00/00- mkingy
4: -0- -08/12/04- Buster
5: -1- -08/14/04- Bino Maus
6: -1- -08/09/04- Dirk Ermen
7: -0- -00/00/00- Matt
8: -1- -08/12/04- MF2001
9: -1- -08/08/04- Tyler
10: -0- -00/00/00- GRIM
11: -1- -07/30/04- Stratacoaster15
12: -0- -00/00/00- TTD4ScD
13: -1- -08/05/04- e-man
14: -1- -08/07/04- unfortunate_smiley
15: -1- -08/02/04- daan1990
16: -0- -00/00/00- coasterrickie
17: -1- -08/08/04- s.kko
18: -0- -00/00/00- shortkid422
19: -1- -08/03/04- MFkiDD30
20: -1- -08/07/04- coaster992001
21: -0- -00/00/00- tarzanman11514
22: -0- -00/00/00- Android
23: -0- -00/00/00- McFly
24: -1- -08/03/04- mistikme
25: -0- -00/00/00- Hup??????????????????t
26: -0- -00/00/00- The Edge
27: -0- -00/00/00- Brtnboarder495
28: -2- -08/07/04- RealityRider
29: -0- -00/00/00- whitewolf2759
30: -1- -08/03/04- Force360
31: -0- -00/00/00- jpecool
32: -0- -00/00/00- lpth5
33: -1- -08/15/04- Gump
34: -0- -00/00/00- MatthewKnudson
35: -0- -00/00/00- PumpMeUp
36: -0- -00/00/00- VGplay
37: -0- -00/00/00- MagnumJoe
38: -1- -08/14/04- Stealthy
39: -0- -08/08/04- Legolas
40: -2- -08/14/04- kurtis

There is no limit on the number of people joining

If you wish to participate please reply to this topic and clearly state that you wish to participate.

Green: Track recieved
Red: The person dropped out
Orange: Problem with file
White: Waiting for track
First column: number of entries/updates I recieved.
Second column: date I recieved the last file. (mm-dd-yy)

This tutorial might come in handy if you are going to create cartextures. You can also download worksheets here.
This tutorial might come in handy if you want to create a custom environment.


Questions & Answers
If you have any questions you can post them in this topic. I will try to answer your question A.S.A.P. Your question and the answer will be posted under this header.

Q: Can we perhaps smooth the track thats already there? because to be honest, its not the smoothest piece of track i've ever seen [lol] I don't mean changing the layout or anything, just getting rid of the bumps.
A: Sure, go ahead and smooth it, but since it is a pre-built part it won't score you any more points.

Q: Are we allowed to change the colours?
A: Sure, you are allowed to change them.

Q: Are you allowed to upload it here to see how well it'll do?
A: Yes, you are allowed to upload your entry, but as soon as you upload it your contest status will be "locked" which means you cannot send in updates of your track again.
I.E. you send in your track and upload it at the same time, after your first comment you find out that the train stalls somewhere along the track, then you won't be allowed to send me a corrected version again.

Q: Does it have to be named El Condor? Or can we come up with something else.
A: It's up to you, name it whatever you like.

Q: Are we allowed to move some of the supports?
A: Nope, you have to work your way around them, however you can attach things to them, like sidebeams, or other support structures.

Q: i know the track can't go outside the boundaries, but can the trains?
A: Yes, the trains can go out, as long as you keep the track inside.

Q: should there be close to the orignale slc in loops (meaning 5 or less) or can we do more if we chose?
A: No, you are free to create your own design, there is no limit on the number of inversions.

Q: I know we can make minor changes to the breaks and stuff, but can i lower the breaks about 10 feet? they're just a tad too high for my design
A: No, as stated in the rules you are not allowed to alter any of the existing track. The only things you can modify is the last vertex on the lift, and the vertex at the end of the brakerun. You are not allowed to change it's location, just the control points may be altered.

Q: Can we remove the roof of the station? It's sorta in the way...
A: Yes, you can. However, what it it would start raining...?

Q: can we change the brake settings?
A: yes (you can also change lift settings)

Q: Are we allowed to put things like a second lift or LIM in??
A: No way, you have to go with the power supplied by the first lift. It wouldn't make it a very realistic track either, would it?

Post July 29th, 2004, 11:56 am
gouldy User avatar
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Well, it is the holiday and all, so what the hey, I'll give it a go! [:)]

P.S. Can we perhaps smooth the track thats already there? because to be honest, its not the smoothest piece of track i've ever seen [lol] I don't mean changing the layout or anything, just getting rid of the bumps.

And what about colours, are we allowed to change the colours?

Post July 29th, 2004, 11:57 am

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I'll try. But I hope I don't blow it. I hope I don't have too much competition because I'm not that good. Plus, I'm already working on another ride. But I'll just enter and see what I can do. But I can create plenty of theming, cartextures, envs, objects, and all that stuff and I will if I have time. But why are there 2 DL links? And are you allowed to upload it here to see how well it'll do? THis is my first contest I'm entering in for, and my best NL rides have about a 7.5 rating on them, which isn't that good, so wish me luck!!!

Post July 29th, 2004, 12:06 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I just realized I'll be on vaction for 3 weeks in August, so I can't do the contest. I have to back out, sorry!
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Post July 29th, 2004, 1:24 pm
mkingy User avatar

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I wish to participate. SLC eh? i reckon i could do better than 5.5 (is it 5.5?) My other was around 7.
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Post July 29th, 2004, 1:45 pm

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Post July 29th, 2004, 2:25 pm

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I will also take part in! Great idea by the way!


Post July 29th, 2004, 3:30 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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i'll try also, i see what i can do [:)]
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Post July 29th, 2004, 3:37 pm

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Post July 29th, 2004, 4:10 pm

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I want to participate too. Great idea with the qualification round ;)

Post July 29th, 2004, 4:26 pm

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Post July 29th, 2004, 5:11 pm

Posts: 688
Points on hand: 4,164.00 Points
There's a problem with the template file. The brake runs are too short! With the 7-row trains, a train on the the finals brakes does NOT clear the 3rd brake run.

Post July 29th, 2004, 5:26 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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Post July 29th, 2004, 5:46 pm

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Last edited by DjJavixxxxx on September 9th, 2014, 10:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post July 29th, 2004, 6:11 pm

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Originally posted by Tyler

There's a problem with the template file. The brake runs are too short! With the 7-row trains, a train on the the finals brakes does NOT clear the 3rd brake run.


The template file has been fixed. Second brakerun extended and changed the trigger position.

Everyone, please re-download the template or, if you already started, make the changes i made to fix the template.

Post July 29th, 2004, 6:29 pm

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Originally posted by gouldy

Q1: Can we perhaps smooth the track thats already there? because to be honest, its not the smoothest piece of track i've ever seen [lol] I don't mean changing the layout or anything, just getting rid of the bumps.

Q2: And what about colours, are we allowed to change the colours?

A1: WHAT?!?! How dare you! [lol] Sure, go ahead and smoothen it out a bit more, I know it isn't really perfect, but in the sim you hardly notice any roughness at a speed like this. Won't get you any extra points though [:p]

A2: Sure, go ahead, colors are there to be changed [pshades]

Originally posted by coasteragent99

Q1: But why are there 2 DL links?
A: Both the same, just to make sure you won't miss it. Believe me, people have missed a template files before [lol]

Q2: Are you allowed to upload it here to see how well it'll do?
A: Yes, you are allowed to upload your entry, but as soon as you upload it your contest status will be "locked" which means you cannot send in updates of your track again.
I.E. you send in your track and upload it at the same time, after your first comment you find out that the train stalls somewhere along the track, then you won't be allowed to send me a corrected version again.

-->: THis is my first contest I'm entering in for, and my best NL rides have about a 7.5 rating on them, which isn't that good, so wish me luck!!!

A1: Both the same, just to make sure you won't miss it. Believe me, people have missed a template files before [lol]

A2: Yes, you are allowed to upload your entry, but as soon as you upload it your contest status will be "locked" which means you cannot send in updates of your track again.
I.E. you send in your track and upload it at the same time, after your first comment you find out that the train stalls somewhere along the track, then you won't be allowed to send me a corrected version again.

--> : You must have missed that last image if you are asking me to wish you luck [:p]

Post July 29th, 2004, 6:36 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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All track must be built inside the template borders, supports can extend out of the template.

Can cars go out of the template?

oh, and do you consider this out:
Image Insert:Image
2.4 KB

Post July 29th, 2004, 7:00 pm

Posts: 7
Points on hand: 2,341.00 Points
I`m in!

I see there are german players,too. Great!

Let`s Go!

Post July 29th, 2004, 7:21 pm

Posts: 947
Points on hand: 3,039.00 Points
Originally posted by GRIM

All track must be built inside the template borders, supports can extend out of the template.

Can cars go out of the template?

oh, and do you consider this out:
Image Insert:Image
2.4 KB

Are you pushing me? [lol]

That looks like the very limit to me. Cars can go outside the borders. So this situation would just pass.

Post July 29th, 2004, 9:08 pm

Posts: 3
Points on hand: 1,666.00 Points
Location: Colonia, USA
Count me in! I wish to participate in the competition. I'm average when it comes to designing but the only way to get good is to practice. [peakhill]

Post July 29th, 2004, 9:13 pm

Posts: 3
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Location: Colonia, USA
Well i sent in a reply to count me in but it doesn't show that im a contestant. So, i want to participate. I'm average when it comes to designing but to get good, you gotta practice. Also, can we make up our own name for the coaster or do we have to call it El Condor?

Post July 29th, 2004, 9:18 pm

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Post July 29th, 2004, 9:30 pm

Posts: 155
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Location: Toledo, OH, USA
I'm in! This'l be my first two-seat invert, but I'll try!

Post July 30th, 2004, 5:33 am

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Post July 30th, 2004, 5:33 am

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