ERRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGG! ok, if theres one thing I hate, its the residents of Alton, why don't they all just love their grannies in the ass and leave Alton Towers if bloody free tickets isn't enough to stop them complaining. I'm going to move to Alton and complain to Alton council about the people complaining about Alton Towers! See how they like that!! And if I see any of them making road blocks like they have done before, I shall personally run them down. I am going to Alton Towers again this summer and shall scream as loud as I possibly can whilst on Oblivon. Although the ride sucks major ass, it is a part of Alton Towers and will stay that way!
this is the part that pisses me off the most:
"And the ruling could see the park facing major changes to its rides and events - and perhaps close completely."
DUDE!!!!!!! Then what would I do, my closest decent park would be Thorpe park.......BLOODY 200 miles away! ppppfffffffffffft!!
love THEM ALL, love them right in the ass with a razor blade!
All they do is moan moan moan, and for waht!? MONEY, thats what! Its just proper stupid, I mean, do they really have a life? I mean seriously, do they?
Look at Blackpool for gods sake! Do the residents there complain? love do they! and they've got a frigging 200ft monster on their annoys me, it really does, i suppose you can tell. Yeah, sorry about all the language, but JESUS! Alton Towers already has made enough sacrifices for the Alton residents, like they're not allowed to build above tree level, which sucks, but thankfully that rule gave us nemesis
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. But this is just getting silly now. Anyone would think they didn't want the business of the tourists in their town..........gays.