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global warming

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Post July 30th, 2004, 8:01 am
gouldy User avatar
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hey, I was just watching a TV programme while eating lunch, about global warming. Some interesting stuff in there, like I bet you didn't know that Australia is the second biggest polluter of the atmosphere out of all countries. That surprised me a lot, I mean its obvious who the biggest polluters are (AMERICA) but I would have thought Japan or india or something would have been second, well their not, its the Aussies! Also, did you know that if all the Americans that drive SUV's, drove normal cars instead, the greenhouse effect would be reduced by 5%.....5%!!!!!!!! Exactly how many SUV's do you guys have over there!? [lol]

I was just wondering what everyone else thought about global warming, whether you think its just rubbish and whether you even care as it isn't really going to have a major effect in your lifetime. Just interested to know your thoughts.

Post July 30th, 2004, 9:12 am

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I dont think it will have an effect in our lifetime, but if you have seen The Day after Tommorow, you will realise it can happen at any minute. I think it could easily be cut down if everyone did their bit, such as not using a car for 5 minute journeys and as you said, driving more economically friendly cars. I think it sucks that everyones destroying our planet, we only get one guys!

Post July 30th, 2004, 10:20 am

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Great yet another topic where america bashing is somehow worked in...

Yeah, america contributes a great deal to pollution, and yes, we can and should cut down. We also have one of the largest populations of any country (3rd, behind China and India). So which country pollutes worst per capita? Bet they did not tell you that. Of course not.

Don't believe eveything you hear on TV or read in the newspapers. Global worming is going to happen no matter what. And another Ice age will befal us as wellin 10,000 years or so. All part of a natual cycle that can not be stopped.

Oh, and whatever country you are from, I hate that one. I am sure I could skew a few facts and come up with some garbage to make you look bad too. Now, I hate SUV's with a passion, but I am going to go buy one, and drive it everywhere, even if I am going to the front door to check the mail.

Post July 30th, 2004, 12:11 pm

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the day after tommorow was mostly a crock of poop put together.

Post July 30th, 2004, 12:30 pm

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I really don't think you got the right info there, americans are the biggest polluters per capita, but India and China are way ahead of the US in pollution production.

Post July 30th, 2004, 12:53 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

I think global warning is a load of bull to be honest, and is just another money making gimic (like the millenium bug) I couldnt care less about which city has the most pollution, as long as i dont have to visit it. I personaly really dislike visiting London due to the vast amount of pollution and just the general dirt and filth

Post July 30th, 2004, 7:11 pm

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^^^ You are right. We will be in another ice age before we turn the earth into a furnace. And even if it did happen, it would take so damn long that I could careless as Id be long dead

Post July 30th, 2004, 7:51 pm

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hmm, if all car companies made their cars eletric and we were all able to trade our cars in for eletric ones, ofcourse we can reduce it, but the fact of the matter is the more people on this earth the greater "global warming" will be because one of the main green house gasses is carbon dioxide. Plants take in the C02 and turn it into oxygen but because there are more and more people, we have to cut down trees and what not to build more houses and just to have more land. The fact of the matter is that the polar ice caps are melting. There is such much ice there that all of this extra water will raise the sea levels. Instead of burning up we'd drown but come on, do you really think technology isnt advanced enough for us to find a way to live ontop of water...or underneath?

Post July 30th, 2004, 10:57 pm

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before we drown, we will freeze from the cold ice, don't think global warming is a "crock of poop" because its your kids and theres who will have to deal with it!

besides, if companies make all these 'electrical cars' we'll waste our money on extenstion cords!

all im saying is, don't take it like ' the day after tommorow' but take it suriously. And recycle!!

Post July 30th, 2004, 11:15 pm

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i am just will we freeze if the world is heating up?

Post July 31st, 2004, 1:24 am

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omg lol, did someone really say that global warming can happen any minute?! LOL! global warming has been going on for centuries! the last ice age ended because of global warming, and the earth has been warming up slightly ever since. of course, we humans have had an effect in the past 200 years. from 1900-2000 alone the average temp of the planet rose about one degree. lol, global warming will have an effect on us in out lifetimes, but not a drastic one. "the day after tomorrow" is a dramatic version of global warming.. and it all happens so close together just so hollywood can make a good movie.. its no where near realistic. but yeah, global warming has been going on for lord know's how long and we've just sped it up a bit. over the centuries, it will have an effect, but not over the next week. also, if the environment does change, who cares? humans survived the last ice age, we live in every corner of the globe, and the longest civilization that ever existed was in a desert! (egypt) we most certainly have the ability to adapt.lets not forget that the sahara was once a rainforest only a few thousand years ago.

okay, i did some resarch. i found out that even if all the polar ice caps melted completely, the sea level would only ride about 15 feet. yes, that's enough to take out some coastal comunities, but its certainly not enough to do major damage. all i can say about that is "goodbye venice!"

Post July 31st, 2004, 3:38 am

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These electric Cars are going to have to be used, I heard something about the worlds Oil resources running out in 2005. Car companies such as General Motors already have working prototypes of cars that run from a gas exchange system, and can power half a street by using just seawater. And we'll have plenty of seawater if the polar ice caps are melting :)

Post July 31st, 2004, 6:19 am
gouldy User avatar
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Well, my opinion is that something does have to be done really, because as edge said, pollution in major cities is bad as it is anyway, like London, I been there once and I'll be damned if I want to go there again, probably more to do with how much London suck cock actually (its a little bit of france in the middle of England, how gay is that!?) Anyway back on topic....

RCFlyer said:
"Yeah, america contributes a great deal to pollution, and yes, we can and should cut down. We also have one of the largest populations of any country (3rd, behind China and India). So which country pollutes worst per capita? Bet they did not tell you that. Of course not."

Actually rectom face, that is what they said, it wasn't which country pollutes the most, but it was which country produces most pollution per person and it was America by quite a long way I have to say. I agree with Edge now I think, he makes a good point about money making so read his post [;)]

I'm not all that bothered about global warming to be quite honest, because like RCFlyer also said, it is just a continous cycle.......its just that we've sped it up about a million years [lol] But to people who are saying that it isn't going to affect us, its going to affect our children and so're wrong, it does already affect us. If you lived in Engalnd, you would know this, as although temperature change has been slight, when you're used to freezing cold rain all year round like us brits, then its quite strange when suddenly we go for a whole month without rain and in heats that we would expect on the continent. The summer here seems longer now than it did before which is rubbish cus I don't know how much more of this heat I can stand! I don't think its coincidence that the 90's was the hottest decade on record in England and 2000-2010 is already heading to be even hotter on average......I live in England I shouldn't have to put up with heat, I don't want American crappy hot whether, I want rain and stuff. Do you know the amount snow falling in this country in the last 10 years has droped by 80%, now that really is gay cus you know how much everyone likes snow. That can't just be coincidence, a drop of 80% in 10 years, its just rubbish.

Post July 31st, 2004, 7:47 am

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not all of America has hot weather gouldy, most of it, but not all. On another note, saw something on tv about a commet that is heading toward the earth, now lets just say, we are in the direct path of it, if it hits, we all die... and this comment is to arrive with in atleast 20 years ( though i am sure it was less time). Global warming seems un important compared to that.
Despite the fact that the earth is warming up, one of my science teachers said that the earth is in fact still cooling down from its creation, but I am guessing this is an internal cooling.
I agree that pollution is a problem and creates many health risk. Pollution can be cut down it's just people wont do it. Half of the people dont care, the other half care but feel they cant do anything to help.
Global warming, again this is comming from school, the "good news" is that the ozone layer has nothing to do with global warming because it doesnt block out heat, only uv. rays. What that means is the more it is depleted, the greater the risk of skin cancer. As someone has said, it global warming is a part of nature, but even if it wasnt, because of people it cannot be stopped due to the fact that this worlds population is continually growing and as I said before, more land is needed so there go the trees. We, as the younger generation (assuming most of us are perhaps 25 or less) have the power to slow down the global warming proccess and reduce pollution, the only question is, will we do it?

Post July 31st, 2004, 10:27 am

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Someone mentioned about the Polar caps melting...

The fact that the water level will raise has nothing to do with the real effect of the ice caps melting. If the polar caps where to melt it is predicted that the whole of Europe and other countries will go into another ice age. This is due to the way that the gulf stream works. The golf stream feeds Europe with the heats and also nutrients in the sea to make Europe what it is. For example in Canada (which is exactly the same latitude as England) the weather differs vastly. Where they would hardly ever seen temperatures rise abour 15 degrees C, we have up the 35. The gulf stream works like a conveyor belt and is constantly circulating. At the end of the stream, up near Finland way, the salt water in the sea makes the stream sink and re-circulate back to were it came from. Now if the ice caps where to melt, a huge amount of fresh water would be released into the Ocean and espiecaly near Finland etc. The vast amount of fresh water from the ice caps would of course would stop the gulf stream from sinking and in effect shuting down the whole system as it could not re-circulate, plunging Europe into an Ice Age. I probaly didnt explain that too well but meh.

Also depletion in the O zone layer also is not all to do with human pollution. It is also to do with huge quantities of gas released from the sea bed during under water landslides and earthquakes. Huge amount of gases have been recorded in places such as Methane and other gases with contribute to global warning. Its just that the government highly exagerates the causes of global warming and pollution. They never give you the full story

Post July 31st, 2004, 11:22 am

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i agree with you edge, but define ice age? Would you say Canada is under an ice age right now because they do not recieve the warmth of the gulfstream. When/if the polar ice caps melted and the gulf stream ceased then wouldnt the climate resemble canada's because as you said, they are on the same lattitude

Post July 31st, 2004, 1:48 pm

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do some research bud, we do get the gulf stream effect
Canada has some of the most diverse weather. Where I live the weather can go from -30 degrees celcius in the winter to +40 degrees celcius in the summer

Post August 2nd, 2004, 9:31 pm

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actually, the gulf stream does not effect most of canada.. the south east part (quebec) gets some, but for the most part, it turns north east around new england, and then goes over to england.

Post August 2nd, 2004, 10:05 pm

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I read someting like that in popular science but I forgot most of the details.

Post August 2nd, 2004, 11:54 pm

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actually, the gulf stream does not effect most of canada.. the south east part (quebec) gets some, but for the most part, it turns north east around new england, and then goes over to england.

yeah, Nova Scotia gets it the most.

That guy who said Canada gets none made it sound like Canada is under a sheet of ice and everyone lives in igloos.

Post August 2nd, 2004, 11:57 pm

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they may not live in igloos.. but a pretty good portion of canada is covered in ice. almost all is covered in ice in the winter ;)

Post August 3rd, 2004, 12:44 am

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Post August 3rd, 2004, 5:09 am

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does it also give you the compulsive disorder to spam?

Also i dont really appriecate you telling me to do some research when quite obviously i have done a hell of alot more research than you, and since i dont live in Canada its actualy quite hard for me to tell the weather there for some reason.

Rctycoon112 - Sums up everything i was trying to say (makes a good read [;)]

Post August 3rd, 2004, 12:12 pm
Master of Puppets User avatar
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Originally posted by coaster992001

they may not live in igloos.. but a pretty good portion of canada is covered in ice. almost all is covered in ice in the winter ;)

This is a load of garbage. Up north there may be permafrost, but that doesn't mean that it's "covered in ice". They get warm days up there, just fewer than in the southern part. As for where I live in Canada we get temperatures in the high 30's (celcius) in the summer all the way down to -40 (celcius) in the winter. (ok, I suppose -40 celcius and fahrenheit are the same... whatever)

Plus Canada is no more "covered in ice" in winter than any of the northern states, like North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin................. Plus it's just snow, not like some glacier.

Post August 3rd, 2004, 12:40 pm

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No one lives in Northern Canada 'cause of ice sheet in Winter. Right?


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