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3D's for coaster

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Post August 3rd, 2004, 10:03 am
gouldy User avatar
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hey everyone, I have just started a new project, this one is gonna be big, very big. I'm gonna try and make it my best coaster yet and to do that, I'm gonna really need good 3D's. Now, I have tried making a couple myself and I am useless at it [lol]. So, calling all the people who are REALLY good with 3D's, I need your help [:D]. As this coaster is gonna be big, there is also gonna need to be quite a lot of 3D's, so it shall be quite a lot of work. It will be a sort of joint project and the person who helps me with the 3D's will recieve equal credit for the ride as me and a nifty 1000 points to boot [;)]. I need people skilled enough to make things such as: smoke tunnels and intricate objects such as a very detailed station.

I am already in the middle of construction of a ride with a small amount of 3D's with Bino Maus, this is to show me how to use 3D's properly and all the correct file types and blah blah blah (I need help with that kinda stuff, not being very computer literate lol). If Bino is willing to also help with this, then the task shall fall to him as I am already suitably impressed with Bino's work. But for now, I am throwing it open to anyone else who is interested and hasn't got any projects of their own coming up.

I'm not going to give any information away about the ride right now, because I am trying to keep it rather secretive [lol] but I know what I would like done and obviously the person who does end up helping me with this will find out what the idea behind the ride is, and also what the theme to the ride is. Its an original idea (I think) or at least, I haven't seen an idea like it anywhere else before.

I do have a few people in mind whose 3D's I am very impressed with, I'm not going to mention who they are, except Bino, I already mentioned him, but if any of those people offer their services, then I shall take them up on their offer straight away [;)].

Please post here if you wish to express some interest, thank you [:)].
Last edited by gouldy on August 3rd, 2004, 11:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post August 3rd, 2004, 1:42 pm

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Lol, I can make a smoke tunnel ((almost) everyone can)

Post August 3rd, 2004, 1:47 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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i can maybe create some nice objects, contact me on msn for what you want exactly [:)] But i must say i can't do alpha texturing.
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Post August 3rd, 2004, 2:31 pm

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Let us all help on small things. I know I'm not that good but I can do something. Smoke tunnels are easy. Just use a few layers of translucent triagles that are grey or whatever and out them across the tunnel. Don't use too many triangles or the framerate will crap out. Just tell me what you need. (something easy please.) And I'll make it for you if I have time. Just post everything here so we all know what you want and we'll post back if we want to do that.

Post August 3rd, 2004, 2:44 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Well, there is a few things that I need doing.

First thing - A detailed station, I have a kind of look in my mind, it would have sort of spikes on the top corners and stuff. If you want to do that, I'd have to draw you what I wanted and send you the picture.

Second thing - A long and also detailed tunnel, done almost exactly like the station, except with viewing holes all the way down one side, again I would send a drawing of what I wanted to the person who would like to make this (probably the same person that makes the station)

third thing - A smoke tunnel, which actually goes undergroud so it needs 3D's to cover up the fact that it hits the ground, I've seen this done before so i know it can be done. Roelywoely has already made the smoke itself, so thats sorted....I think, it looks pretty good.

forth thing - a few small tunnels themed a lot like the station, to be placed at certain places around the ride.

fith thing - Another tunnel, this time, quite long and on a steep incline as it is to cover up a chainlift at the end of the ride which leads back up to the brakes behind the station.

final thing - Just general themeing such as a couple of signs for the queue area and possibly some storage track and shelter.

Anyone interested in making certain bits, then tell me [:)]

Post August 3rd, 2004, 2:57 pm

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Seems you need a lot of tunnels, why dont you use the Tunnelmaker?

Post August 3rd, 2004, 3:16 pm

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If you can wait a little time I will make the objects. (You saw how I make the tunnels in the scenery ;))

just meet me in MSN :D!


Post August 4th, 2004, 1:34 pm

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A smoke tunnel, which actually goes undergroud so it needs 3D's to cover up the fact that it hits the ground, I've seen this done before so i know it can be done.

I've done it before!!! [lol]

Anyway, make the tunnels in tunnel maker and let the masters modify the tunnel. I can't really do much with tunnels.

Post August 4th, 2004, 2:14 pm

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Yeah Bino saves the scenery to a 3ds files and edits the polys. He tought me how! Yeah im joining in, Bino taght me how to make 3ds so i could help out here.

Post August 4th, 2004, 2:27 pm

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I know how, I'm just not very good. I don't even have 3dstudiomax or whatever.

Post August 14th, 2004, 11:14 am

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Sounds interesting enough....Gouldy send me a picture of whatever ideas you have for the spiked station and tunnels as I am up for a challenge...

email is in profile


Post August 15th, 2004, 9:48 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Lol, I can make a smoke tunnel ((almost) everyone can)

Stop Making Me Feel Stupid [lol]

Post August 16th, 2004, 9:17 am

Posts: 7
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hi guys, i'm wondering if you know any good places to Get 3D's for NL?
or you guys could send me some

blink182_slipknot (at)

Post August 16th, 2004, 11:15 am

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Um, here? If you want more, just ask me. [lol] Or you can go to . They have alot.

Post August 19th, 2004, 5:05 am

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Post August 19th, 2004, 6:23 am
gouldy User avatar
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That 3D cafe website looks pretty good, but I think I'd rather stick to having my own original 3D's which I really would like to start learning how to make myself.

and randalltgenxr, I do believe someone sent you my blueprints for the station [;)]

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