4d's are real. Except they just made a dumb error with them.
You are correct with the HR coaster, but that's when it's hanging on the track, not when it's standing on the track. Perhaps you should do some reseach yourself.
Oh and read the site. It says that chris is "making sure they stay on thte true essence of what makes RCT great"
Oh and I completly agree that STP/SC is horrible. What a waste of time for the programers. That game suck a**. RCT3 is not going to even be comparable to that piece of crap.
Yeah I agree.it doesn't suck @$$, it f*cks @$$, lol
Anyways, I kinda agree on you with chris directing the game, and that atari and frontier should do reseach, instead of having Chris baby sit them.
Not knowing enough about coasters when making a program is like not knowing how to program at all, lol. That's just the case with simcoaster. Except it was worse, they didn't even know what a roller coaster was!!!