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Terrain Wooden coaster-Un-named

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Post May 30th, 2003, 12:48 am

Posts: 868
Points on hand: 4,391.00 Points
Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
I am currently working on a terrain wooden coaster. It is definatly one of my favorite type of coasters. Its a shame there arn't many of these in the world. But it seems the best are in my area, the Midwest. I have wanted to build a terrain coaster for the longest time, mostly because on my way to King's Island, the interstate goes through rolling hills in southern Indiana and Ohio and I always have looked at those hills with the idea of putting a coaster on them. I plan on using 3ds objects to make the coaster appear more real. The track for the most part is done and I would like to get 2 or 3 people to test it out in its entire design process. My only requirement is this:
-Must have eigher a REALLY NICE, Fairly nice, or a normal computer
You need to fit in this area so I know what Frame rates are like so I can scale down the polygons on models and stuff if needed.

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