Goliath Jr. Had to pay my way to get on that lil [insert cool beeping censor sound here, because I like that sound]. And it was worth it, because I'm probably the tallest person to have been on that, and I am lying, look at me I'm lying. Why does it matter how good SFMM rides are, they all suck. Every single one of them. From Superman the Escape` to Psyclone to your mom's favorite ride. They all suck. Except for Batman, Riddler's, X, Viper, and Goliath is fun, if you say its not, your sh[r]ting yourself. Collossus is alright, but its a disappointment for being a woody, same with Psyclone. I fine Flashback to be alright, because there is usually no line. Super Man the Escape sucks now that Xcelerator is around, I think you get the same feeling, but Xcelerators way better. and some more crap from my fingers......