(even though christianity isnt a religion, its a relationship)
well, I haven't heard that one before. But I guess in a way, your right. Anyways, I don't understand what cjd was saying. I doubt Bush is doing this all for money and junk. And I doubt Ben Laden will be captured before the elections, and if he is, it might make me wonder, but still. I think Bush is doing all he can to prevent something like 9/11 ever happening again. And, we can't always prevent it still, like the events that recently took place in Russia. I would say that the was just as horrible as 9/11 itself as to innocent children who can't even protect themselves were cruelly slain. And I hope bush gets voted one more year so he can get a good start on the War on Terror before he hands it off to some one else. I mean honestly, if you look at Karey (or however you spell his name) and his voting records, you don't know what the hell he's going to do. He can't be trusted to do the right thing. At least we know what Bush is up to, but Karey is some one who flips his answers and has the attitude of a tree-hugger. If you put the presidency in his hands, 9/11 might happen again, or it might not, but I'd rather go with Bush since we know what he's up to, you know. And I think I went really off topic, but whatever. Political Debate now!!![:D] Just don't call each other stupid, that's never cool.