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Chronic Coaster Syndrome?

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Post September 12th, 2004, 5:38 pm

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This topic was started on, but it was absolutely hilarious, so I wanted to see if any of my fellow 'slapsters suffer from the same symptoms of a phenomenon called "Chronic Coaster Syndrome". Here are a few of the posts that were there.

Originally posted by RiscIt on 9 September 2004, 1:48 PM (3 days ago)

Ever been driving on the highway, and you take an exit, and as you turn around the long curve between the highway and the road you are about to exit on to, you think to yourself.. "Wow.. This turn has some bad pumping!"

well I have.

originally posted by Zazu Yen on 9 September 2004, 4:17 PM (3 days ago)

"I always look at things that can inspire me too build a coaster. Is that sick or not"

Oh heck no, all my life I've been looking at particular things and wondering what a coaster would be like wrapped around it. Especially landscapes. Like Yellowstone would be a great place for a terrain coaster.

Now that I'm playing around with NL I've thought about making a 3DS model of my desk and all the junk on it and building a fantasy inverted around it

originally posted by Fender 13 on 9 September 2004, 5:39 PM (3 days ago)

When I lived at my last house we had one of those central vacuum systems so you take the hose around the house and plug it into the ports on the wall to start the vaccuum..

Well I would always throw the hose into random shapes on the floor and position the long metal bar as the lift hill. And then I would use that to get ideas for my next coaster.


Let's see... all of the things I have tried to do that were coaster-related...

In 2000, headed through Ohio to go ride Millennium Force, I looked up at all of the power lines, radio towers, and cell phone towers during the whole of the 200 mile trip, wondering if MF was taller than them. And over all the hills in the back country, I put my hands up and shifted from side to side in my seat to get the full effect of the airtime and lateral g's I experienced in the car. On top of that, I kept looking at my mom's speedometer and comparing her speed on the road to various coasters. (she was going as fast as The Steel Phantom at one time.)

Looking out from the top of a 20-story hotel in Orlando, I looked out the window at the ground, and realised "this is how tall Magnum X-L 200 is", and pictured dropping off the top of the building.

From 4th to 12th grade, I have drawn 65 coasters on paper during class time. (This is actually what I base most of my NL coasters off of... Tempest 2, Stunt Plane, Vertical Xtreme, Apocalypse, The Rockler, Thrasher, Kazan, The Screamin Rattler, and Grendel all started out with my random classroom boredom.)

I have tried to make crappy little models of coasters out of paper strips, twist ties, metal springs, marbleworks, balsa wood, and my personal favorite... pipe insulation and duct tape. (my dorm room wall has a working marble track made out of halved insulation foam and duct tape snaking around the wall, with an 80 degree first drop that actually works, and a second hill with near-perfect floater airtime... it has some nasty g-spikes, though. well, actually I don't know because I am not the marble.)

And finally, I actually have a scale model of a section of wood coaster track in my back yard in Tampa. During spring cleaning week, everyone piled junk in front of their houses for pickup, and I went around the whole neighborhood and collected the scrap 2x4's that were laying out. I dragged them into my back yard, got my hammer and nails, and assembled a model of wood coaster track. (the steel running rail is a rather large tent post that I hammered flat.)

I'd say Chronic Coaster Syndrome is alive and kicking...
so, does anyone else have these symptoms? Post and let's see just how addicted to coaster you are.
Last edited by cjd on September 12th, 2004, 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post September 13th, 2004, 12:56 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Hahaha, cool topic, hey, this stuff happens to me all the time, anything that you could possibly relate to a coaster.....I relate to a coaster [lol]. Like you said about looking at your moms speedo, I do that too and I annoy her by telling her stuff like "you are currently going half the speed of top thrill dragster" haha. She gets really annoyed with that sometimes. When I'm bored in the car, I tilt my head from side to side with the corners to simulate banking, for absolutely no reason, but thats cool so hey. When I see wires and stuff coming from like, erm, a PS2 or my computer or something, while stuff is loading, I mess with the wires to try and get Ideas for new inversions, its where all of my new inversions come from, thats a little secret for you there......well, not a secret no more, but whatever. Whenever I'm not doing anything in school, I doodle designs and layouts and whenever I do a good one, I build it. I do loads of things like that, but I can't be arsed to write them all down hehe, so thats your lot.

Post September 13th, 2004, 6:56 pm

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I'll sit there when I'm bored and bend twist ties into vertical loops, corkscrews, and boomerangs...once I actually bent a twist tie into a Boomerang coaster because I had nothing else to do.

I also used to draw coasters (really well) eversince I was little. I would draw out different customized coasters way before NL was probably even thought of and way before I played RCT.

Lastly, I made simple coasters (Boomerang, Invertigo, Greased Lightnin' ect) out of my modeling clay and would leave it sit on my shelf for a while until the clay decided to droop over or if I got tired of seeing it.
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Post September 13th, 2004, 7:00 pm

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yaa, some times when i drive i compare speeds and stuff, its kinda fun. my brother calls me a nerd all the time, but i don't care. some times i get pipe stuff, or if i wanna go all out, i'll buy some tubing and make rails and stuff for fake roller coasters. me and my dad are making a flyer recreation, so thats cool. i doodle alot, but there very detailed, so thats good, my teachers hate me for it though. my friends sometimes get mad when i talk aboot coasters, cause they know i go on forever.

yaa, so im crazy anything i can find to simulate track on a coaster i bend it stuff, you know, it's fun. i usally by a season pass for 2 parks and go there every week end too. basicaly, everyhting you guys do, but i like to make scale models too, as for the fake banking in corners, well, on the off ramps, cause there so rough, and they have a blunt, flat out strait ending, they don't even round it!

but it's fun, and it anoys people, so im good.

Post September 13th, 2004, 11:21 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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yeah, some times when I'm at peoples houses, I get bored and go find a measuring thing that's really long, and likes to slap your hand when you have it out really far and you let it slide back in (what are those called again?) Anyways, after that, I like to design a roller coaster on paper and see what I can do with it, and junk. I even designed a ride to fit in my backyard, it would be practicle to, except we have other things in my backyard that would kind of cramp it, making it not the best thing to build. I've started on a model of a wooden coaster I designed, but its crap, and I don't care, I probably won't finish. I like to drowl when I'm driving by Knott's Berry Farm or Six Flags, I like to drive really fast, my parents won't let me get my liscence because of it (I was driving around in a big vacant parking lot, and I was going a lot faster than the stated speed limit) I like bending rope and trying to make new elements. When I'm bored and I'm not doing anything important, I'll surf for hours on end for B&M's website,(doesn't exist, incase you were wondering). Also, people think I have problems because I can tell them all the stats, or most of them, about the local roller coasters, and they think I have way to much free time, which I do, but who knows, maybe I can sell a design to some company for $10. That would make me happy. Also, when on strait flat street surfaces, I get really ancy when we're driving 50 miles per hour and there are no other cars on the rode. I think roller coasters have built my need for speed into me. Good times, good times...
oh yeah, and I do everything else you people do, beside the part about checking the road for pumping, now banking on the other hand... Oh yeah, and I don't do teh speedometer, that's stupdi, but I do get ancy when it comes to how fast we're driving.[:D]

Post September 14th, 2004, 2:06 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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i got also problems, i can tell from every ride how fast and high, if we were @ new park like on my trip to spain, i could tell the that element names, number of inversions, hight, speed. I even had sometimes when goliath @ sfh was broken so was thinking of a solution and tell them was maybe could be wrong and also 10 min later Goliath was running again(was it because me?[lol]) In port aventura was 1 train on the mcbr standing still, so i thought, they have some blocking trouble. If are errors on a coaster i think what the problem can be. Also when i'm bored in the queue i'm gonna follow the train and say the name from every element the train is going to. Also on school i always draw lines that are gonna be my 'next' coaster. Then are always some idiots and draw in 1 sec a 'coaster' line and they say, this is my new coaster. I'm also such a fool to tell them, this turn looks bad etc.... [lol] I even have a problem with invisible coasters, when i got a paper-air-plane i'm trying to let the plane fly a looping, mostly only a barrelroll works [lol] It's fun to be such active with coasters. If you learned on school only about coaster i get an A+ on every test. [:P][:D]
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
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Post September 14th, 2004, 3:18 pm

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I've also gotten bad enough to name pets after ccoasters...well one anyway: my snake, Zonga.
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Post September 14th, 2004, 4:31 pm

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I hold lunchtime conversations on coasters, lean into the turns in the car, on an airplane, when running, compare the height of things to coasters, have around 10 or 12 coaster simulators, and once made a 20-page coaster quiz.

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