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project 2005-6 for blackpool

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Post September 30th, 2004, 4:36 pm

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is it true that blackpool are getting a new lim coaster that is ment to break the speed and hieght record!! is this true???

Post September 30th, 2004, 6:09 pm

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Post September 30th, 2004, 6:16 pm

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athankyou Cpfan. Also skullkeeperz use the forum search in future. There was a topic posted indentical to this a while back.

Plus if it was going to happen it would be 2007

Post October 1st, 2004, 1:58 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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nope, it's not true, it was an very old rumor... Too bad nothing was true...
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Post October 1st, 2004, 4:04 am

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well i think there is a major rollercoaster for BPB in the near future, whether it will break any records or not, i dont no. I have read that BPB has put aside ?????????25,000,000 for the rollercoaster, so i guess we will have to wait and see what comes out of that.

Post October 1st, 2004, 7:23 am

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The late Mr.Thompson (former boss of BPB) have put aside money for a new coaster, and it's said that he dreamed about a record breaker. But nothing is offcial yet.

Post October 4th, 2004, 8:23 am

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Statement from Blackpool today gazette

BLACKPOOL Pleasure Beach is in talks to build a colossal new ride which will fire thrillseekers out over the Irish Sea.
The sensational multi-million pound venture has been labelled by experts the most ambitious rollercoaster project in the world and the theme park's biggest since The Big One was launched a decade ago.
Although details of the proposed ride are being kept firmly under wraps, The Gazette has learned Pleasure Beach bosses have discussed a number of breathtaking options.
They are believed to include:
A rollercoaster bigger than the 235ft tall Big One, the world's tallest and fastest when it opened.
The ride would plunge passengers at high speeds over the South Promenade and onto a new specially designed pier.
It would give those on board the impression they were hurtling into the sea, before pulling up at the last minute.
It is hoped the Pleasure Beach will be in a position to give details in the coming weeks after a series of meetings to discuss issues such as the ride's height and propulsion, as well as the logistics of building over the Prom and onto the beach.

Whether the new ride would be a genuine circuit rollercoaster, or what is known as a "drop" ride is, as yet, unclear.
Management at the Pleasure Beach have refused to confirm or deny plans for a new ride. A spokesman said: "We do not reveal any details of future developments."
However, it is understood that the Pleasure Beach and Blackpool Council are talking as part of a pre-planning application stage.
This process is used to allow designers and planners to work together to iron out any issues before the plans are made public.
Reg Haslam, Blackpool Council's head of planning, said: "As yet no planning application has been submitted and the nature of this ride is unclear. The Pleasure Beach constantly examines a whole range of development proposals, taking some forward and discarding others. So to comment before an application is made would be wrong.
"What I can say is that on a regular cycle the Pleasure Beach do add a major attraction to their collection and I would expect to see major investment in the Pleasure Beach in the next two to three years. I look forward to receiving a planning application."
Andy Hine, Chairman of the Rollercoaster Club of Great Britain, said if the Pleasure Beach did go ahead with the plans it would shake the theme park world to its foundations.
He said: "This sounds fantastic and if it happened it would be the most ambitious in the world.
"From all the rumours I've heard so far this one seems like the most feasible.
"Other rides have been built on piers before, but never one which started on land and went out to sea. There has been talk for some time about a massive new ride in Blackpool, one that could top the Big One.
"Whenever there are plans for new projects they are kept very quiet as it is a very secretive industry where nobody wants anyone else to know what they have got planned.
"If anyone can do this then Blackpool can. Can you imagine seeing a rollercoaster going over a road and out to sea? It's awesome!
"Blackpool has always been outlandish, no-one else would get away with it, but you can be assured if it can be done Blackpool will do it first."

Sound interesting even though it's a long way off.

Post October 4th, 2004, 11:03 am

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Agreed it does sound intresting although racing out to sea at 130 mph with the spray from the Irish coast 'smashing' into your face wouldnt be apprieacted. The sea can get pretty damn rough there as i know so i doubt the ride would be able to operate many days anyways. Also if the sea water gets into the launch cable and what not its going to corrode it like hell.

Anyway if this does go ahead it would be fricking awesome and id be there all the time no doubt...[lol]

Post October 4th, 2004, 3:08 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I'm not sure if i care or not, because I hate Blackpool pleasure beach, but this ride sounds pretty cool, dunno if I'd ever go there again though, not after last time I went. I've never been a very big fan of BPB anyway because nothing there appeals to me much, but this ride would appeal to me by the sounds of it....but it might not as we don't know what it is yet.

Post October 4th, 2004, 5:32 pm

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Originally posted by The Edge

Agreed it does sound intresting although racing out to sea at 130 mph with the spray from the Irish coast 'smashing' into your face wouldnt be apprieacted.

LOL some people complain about the really fine mist that you get at the end of TTD doin usually 122, I cant see 130 being that much more, but, I could see the Irish Coastal winds dragging up some unpleasant sand but more likly, sea water which isnt pleasant to have in your eyes or nose.

Post October 5th, 2004, 7:29 am

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I heard that the Pepsi Max Big one is going to be expanded for a much higher first drop and longer circuit.

Post October 5th, 2004, 9:04 am

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I heard that the Pepsi Max Big one is going to be expanded for a much higher first drop and longer circuit.

[lol] No not possible. The only way they could do that would be to completely demolish the PMBO and start again from stratch with the spare peices from the big one etc. Increasing the height of PMBO would throw the physics off for the entire track, and the track isnt great at the best of times.

Also Real i wouldnt be to worried about being sand blasted whilst riding the coaster. As the 'sand' at Blackpool is more of a mixture of mud and sand. Its weird at Blackpool though. When the tide goes it, it goes out about 1/2 km. But when its in its crashing over the sea defenses onto the road. Bear in mind that the Pleasure Beach is only literaly across the road 20-30ft or so. So with the sea crashing up on the sea defenses and what not it kicks out a hell of alot of spray

Post October 5th, 2004, 4:27 pm

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I rode Milennium Force in the rain, and it would be about like that. I could not even open my eyes because of the rain, and it felt like little cold needles were pelting me in the face. But it was still awesome, since it was my only ride on MF. I don't think that this new coaster at BPB will be as tall as Kingda Ka.

Post October 20th, 2004, 7:02 am

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I really hope this happens at blackpool it would be totally awesome. I've never been there as whenever i go to a theme park i always head for alton towers over blackpool cos they have nemesis which is my fave ride. But if blackpool got this then i might just have to head there once of twice!!!! lol. It sounds amazing, but i dont like the fact of the sea spray in your face. Maybe the part over the sea will be too high to get hit by spray!!!! Thats if it ever happens.

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