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The Juggler

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post October 21st, 2004, 6:57 am

Posts: 434
Points on hand: 664.00 Points
I have 2 major project that are both in the stages of being supported. I don't like to work on just one at a time. The first one is the juggler, a compact hybrid mouse coaster (the kind you might find at a carnival). When I finish the 3ds work it will have a carnival theme.

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The second one is Venus, a mega coaster on the planet Venus. I have already made the custom environment(shown in the picture. The lift supports have been warped by the intense heat of the planet as well as the UFO that has crashed into the supports. I will model the ufo later, as well as some other cool 3ds objects(using AutoCAD 2002).

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After I finish the supports of both rides I will add the final touches: 3d objects, cartextures, etc.

Staff edit: Please read this topic and make sure you apply the rules! Thank you.

Post October 21st, 2004, 5:24 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
Premium Member

Posts: 2511
Points on hand: 5,367.00 Points
Both look quite creative and exhilarating, cant wait to ride. Just make sure the trackwork is as good as the supports [;)] If ya need a tester:

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