i hear yeah
-edit- and now that I have finished reading I am completely confused about what just went on here. But I'll state my opinion. Coastersims is way to strict on there rules, and since they get major endorsements from Ole, they should really consider lowering the age limit down to 14 at least, 15 is way steep, and they should be a little less strict on the multiple accounts, if some one makes more than 2, or a more than 1 in a certain time frame, then they should be concerned, but my main problem is they get to much endorsement from the NL team, and a lot of people get shut down from that opportunity. Thats one reason why I like weeweeslap, plus, freedom of speech is more accepted here, you don't get banned for saying some thing that's not very nice, you get bashed for it, punished, but not banned. I dunno though, maybe one day coastercrazy.com and CS.com will one day solve there differences, but who knows.
And about the park pack, I think CS.com should allow other people to use it with other sites, I mean why not get the full use out of it and know that they made it worth while, and know that they made other people other than just CS.com smile. To me, I'd rather make a larger amount of people happy other than a small community, (not really small, but compared to the ammount of people he don't use coastersims, small) But anyways, they should look at making a larger amount of people smile, instead of just the 15+ community members.