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New Hyper Rails Coasters coming soon

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Post June 8th, 2005, 8:11 am

Posts: 110
Points on hand: 617.00 Points
Location: Bourne Lincolnshire
Hi my names Dan Thorpe after inpiration from other designers work in the next couple of weeks i have avalible to download the first of many to come Hyper Rails coasters.These are Hydra a multi-looping inverted coaster . Oddysee a twisted metal maze with countless near colition points with the supports, Kumba's Revenge a hypercorkscrew coasterwith a attitude to match, Ripsaw an inverted coaster with a collosal first drop and countless tunnel sections, Also i am making coasters based on the nitendo 64 game Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time. Each coaster will be named after one of the game bosses and the track layout will have the awsome power to keep and tresspasers in line. The first Is my hyper coaster Volvagia's Rage with the trains skin made to look like the train is on fire. I will tell you more when i can hopefully soon and screenshots will soon be up.

ps i forgot the Poltergeist(Pure possesed terror)
and the soon to come Alpengeist Unleshed prepare for the fury

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