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Bush or Kerry

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Bush or Kerry

Both Suck!
Both Are Good!
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Total votes : 54

Post October 24th, 2004, 10:18 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Bush may not be a smart man, but he knows what love is, and he loves our country! (in case you didn't know, I kinda got that from forest gump).. anyways, Life is like a box of potatoes, you never know which one is gonna be all moldy and kill you. [lol] Alright, now that I'm done posting some stupid things, because I'm bored.... Yes, Bush may not be the smartest person in the world, but Kerry doesn't exactly use his smarts towards his politican, and he hasn't exactly shown us Americans that he's the better candidate. From every body I've talked to they either want Bush outa office because he "Lied to the American People", they're lil` tree huggers who don't want a "war for oil"[Micheal Moore(on)], or because they think Bush is an idiot. No one has exactly said told me what in Kerry's plan for America makes him an over-all better candidate. And those are pretty bad reasons to pic a new president, just because they want to risk possibly getting a worser president. Some times it's better to stick with the president you know, instead of the one you aren't sure of.

Post October 24th, 2004, 10:27 pm

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they both suck. Bush is retarded and doesnt know what he is doing while Kerry just gives names to his plans but he doesnt say what those plans are. I say we bring Bill back in office, who cares if he lied and had sex with Monica, he can do what he wants, and edge i know the feeling about all of this political mess on tv. Do what i do and turn it off, read a book or go outside or somthing

Post October 24th, 2004, 11:21 pm

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i really don't want to get involved, but by going to war for no reason at all, the usa is in more danger now then it was in 2000 when george bush cheated his way into office by getting his brother to get the votes fom florda to change'some how', rember when he did the prade thing to celebrate his false victory, everyone was throwing eggs at the limo.

oh, and that comment aboot bush being as smart as forrest gump, halarious.

by the way, on an end note, you americans only think bush is better because he tricked you into thinkin model airplanes could be packed with explosives, gime me a break.

im just a canadian, but i speak for everyone when i say.. BUSH IS STUPID.

Post October 24th, 2004, 11:31 pm

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I would go with bush, Kerry is retarted and would not make a good president. Bush also has his many weak points, but out of the two, bush would make better president. Also kerry's background of "war stories" isnt all accurate for some of them. Some of them he wrote his own version of what happend so he could get a medal. And people are still debating the one purple heart of Kerry's. Kerry, as stated before, flip flops alot. Bush isnt that great of a speaker, i mean, look at his first debate with kerry, but he is still better. Bush also looks bad because everything happend while he was president, and also that controversial film that makes him look bad and evil and that stuff. I think my points are a bit jumbled, so dont go crazy trying to figure them out. Something funny is that someone at my school said bush looks like a leprachan. (however you spell that) Aaarggg! Im all jumbled up today!

Post October 24th, 2004, 11:40 pm
Master of Puppets User avatar
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More than half of you can't vote anyway, so why bother arguing about it?

Post October 24th, 2004, 11:54 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Post October 25th, 2004, 12:36 am

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G-Force said "Yes, I think you should, anway Kerry changes his mind everytime the wind blows, Bush is set on what he' going to do. Kerry only cares about poor slobs on welfare that could get a minimum wage job. I think Kerry is a dumbass. Bush is much smarter."
Wow. People here sure have a high level of diction and debate abilities, lets see, I have seen the phrase "Kerry is Retarded, Dumbass, etc." four times or something now, if you want to sound like you know the least bit of what you are talking about, please refrain from such immature statements. And, G-Force, you are just exposing your ignorance and immaturity by saying that, as any phrase with Bush is much smarter in it cant possibly be an educated statement. And if you are going to debate about Kerry being a poor president, which you are free to do, at least get the facts right and dont throw out uneducated arguments. Oh, and by the way, Bush is retarded.

Post October 25th, 2004, 2:55 am
Oscar User avatar
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I think the democratic party would serve this country better. I feel we could use a change in the air per say due to the fact that Bush is not a very well accepted man in many foreign contries, less accepted than Kerry is. Also bush states he has created 1.5 million jobs, yet, sinks his head to his chest when they state the fact that he lost 4 million jobs. I am also tired of the filthy rich getting off better on taxes. I feel they should pay more simply because they generate tons more. My stance on the tax issue is that there is a larger burden on the middle class, the largest of all societal taxes in America. We should be compensated a bit due to our massive contribution in tax money we do already. The filthy rich make enough as is. I know I will contradicted and critisized for the comment above. I feel the democratic party also has had in the past better foreign policies thanwhat the republican party has had.
Kerry only cares about poor slobs on welfare that could get a minimum wage job.

I am against the people that abuse welfare. Certainly there are people that truly need it, but some families just have sex on and on to create a higher revenue from welfare. Trust me, I live and work in an area that is surrounded by welfare living individuals. A plan to reform these people into working citizens isn't a bad idea at all. This would remove a VERY huge burden off the tax payers and create not a surplus but less money would be spent on individuals that wouldn't need it.
I am not for ether president, but I am for the democratic party simply because they have had in the modern past a better track record than what I can see with my eyes and opinions of the republican party. The whole war in Iraq wasn't against the war on terror. I believe there was more personal interest rather than making America secure. Their premise on the production of weapons of mass destruction has been proven false, They haven't found any. Germ warfare? Got a doctor that worked in the field for Saddam but have not found enough chemicals composed to say that they had this stuff stockpiled and ready to use. In my opinion this was one way of raising gas prices to benefit bush who owns stock or whatever he does in some of the oil companies here and thus make tons more money for himself.
Once again I am going to be criticized by some of you, but I don't care, just as you have your reasons to believe Bush is better, I have my reasons to not think that Kerry is better, but the democratic party is better overall to run this country.

Post October 25th, 2004, 5:45 am

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WTF bush is getting more votes?! what's wrong with you people?! he's lost more jobs than any other president, health insurance is down the toilet b/c of him, he bombed iraq for no reason, made everyone paranoid about terrorists, used sept 11 for his own political gain, practically gave up on finding osama, he's the only prez to ever try to amend the constitution to TAKE AWAY rights from any group of people, the oil prices are sky high b/c of his iraq war, he's sent thousands of people to die, and who knows how many he's killed with his stupid wars, he spread al-quaida from a concentrated spot in afghanistan (easey to find them) to all over the world (not easey to find them) he opened up yellowstone for snow-mobiling, doesnt give a crap about the environment, and worst of all, he lets his religion effect how he runs the country! i honestly hope to god he doesnt get re-elected. he is by far the worst president we've ever had and if he's elected again.....well, no... if he's elected the first time (he was NOT elected in 2000.. he stole the office (resarch it, he really did steal the office)) but yeah, if he's elected, i wil seriously think about moving to canada....or mexico..... or... aagh! i dont know but holy hell make sutre he's out of office!

ok, i'm done with my rant now hehe [:)]

Post October 25th, 2004, 5:59 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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you need to substract 2 of bushes votes, the voted for busch gardens, not bush[:D]

Post October 25th, 2004, 3:31 pm

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I don't like anyone of them, but Kerry is bether than Bush. And I think USA should start to care more about other countries. Unless what some seems to think USA needs the rest of the world, and it's not good politic making the rest of the world angry.

Alos it looks like Americans maybe should start thinking about welfare. My impression is that you still have much poverty, and the healt care doesn't seem that good compared too other countries. If I had been an American Kerry would have got my vote.

Post October 25th, 2004, 4:16 pm

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"And I think USA should start to care more about other countries"

not when we dont have healthcare for everyone and people are in poverty. Bush does suck, but Kerry sucks more, he want's to do alot of crap that'd be horriable for the country. GO BUSH

Post October 25th, 2004, 5:23 pm

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Originally posted by pacoasterrider

"And I think USA should start to care more about other countries"

not when we dont have healthcare for everyone and people are in poverty. Bush does suck, but Kerry sucks more, he want's to do alot of crap that'd be horriable for the country. GO BUSH

By doing what? Trying to pass the "popular vote" off to other countries that if they do not approve we should avoid making them mad? Come on ... Bush all the way! Well said PA!

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Post October 25th, 2004, 7:05 pm

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So far, the only people who have made sense are wws, e-man, and coaster992001. Hell, I admit i am biased and i lean toward the democratic party but in all honesty i haven't supported anything bush has done so far. I agree some of the others, if he is elected I will move to Canada or maybe to Europe and if this amendment is added that bans gay marriage then all patriotism I have will be lost. How can you honestly support discrimination? And dont get me started on Christians. I am a Christian myself and hell, i could pull up a bible verse that says interracial marriage is a sin so dont even bring the bible in this. The presidential office should be run by someone who is capable of making good decisoions. And all of you how talk about Kerry's flip flops, well wouldnt you want a president who can admit when he is wrong?

To end with one of my favorite quotes "Fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity"

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:27 pm

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Originally posted by rctycoon112

So far, the only people who have made sense are wws, e-man, and coaster992001. Hell, I admit i am biased and i lean toward the democratic party but in all honesty i haven't supported anything bush has done so far. I agree some of the others, if he is elected I will move to Canada or maybe to Europe and if this amendment is added that bans gay marriage then all patriotism I have will be lost. How can you honestly support discrimination? And dont get me started on Christians. I am a Christian myself and hell, i could pull up a bible verse that says interracial marriage is a sin so dont even bring the bible in this. The presidential office should be run by someone who is capable of making good decisoions. And all of you how talk about Kerry's flip flops, well wouldnt you want a president who can admit when he is wrong?

To end with one of my favorite quotes "Fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity"

Ummm, you do know I am a licensed Baptist Preacher, right? And your whole comment about the interracial marriage is from the OT - and if you are so versed then you would already know what it says about gay marriages. Not to mention your use of language by reciting, yet cleverly editing, that quote is not only improper, but an insult to Romans 12:1-2. So, please stop posing and either be faithful or not (2 Tim 2:15), but stop being wishy-washy and expecting others to listen to you, RCT.

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:39 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell

Originally posted by rctycoon112

So far, the only people who have made sense are wws, e-man, and coaster992001. Hell, I admit i am biased and i lean toward the democratic party but in all honesty i haven't supported anything bush has done so far. I agree some of the others, if he is elected I will move to Canada or maybe to Europe and if this amendment is added that bans gay marriage then all patriotism I have will be lost. How can you honestly support discrimination? And dont get me started on Christians. I am a Christian myself and hell, i could pull up a bible verse that says interracial marriage is a sin so dont even bring the bible in this. The presidential office should be run by someone who is capable of making good decisoions. And all of you how talk about Kerry's flip flops, well wouldnt you want a president who can admit when he is wrong?

To end with one of my favorite quotes "Fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity"

Ummm, you do know I am a licensed Baptist Preacher, right? And your whole comment about the interracial marriage is from the OT - and if you are so versed then you would already know what it says about gay marriages. Not to mention your use of language by reciting, yet cleverly editing, that quote is not only improper, but an insult to Romans 12:1-2. So, please stop posing and either be faithful or not (2 Tim 2:15), but stop being wishy-washy and expecting others to listen to you, RCT.

I could care less what you are honestly. I have the right to post my own opinion and yes i have read many passages about gay people. The fact of the matter is that I refuse to support discrimination and I see you agree that it is in the old testament so what are you saying, not to go by the old testament or that interratial relations is a sin? Secondly christianity is having a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have a very stonr relationship with Jesus, you dont know me so how dare you say i am posing. You can call me wishy washy all you want, i honestly dont care what you have to say. I hope Kerry wins this election

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:40 pm

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OK, I can see this is gonna go nowhere and it is obvious that you need to chat with a Pastor (probably a Youth Minister) and get your priorities and facts straight -- either way ... nice rebellion against Christ's authority and diety you have going there. Good luck with that.

So anyway ... how about them election officials?

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:42 pm

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Dont turn this into a big argument, remember that everyone has and is entitled to their own opinion and you must respect that opinion. dont go critisizing someone for what they say about the candidate they dont like but you like so you want to get mad at that person.(you get that?) I like bush for my own reasons and dont like kerry for my own reasons, but i dont go critisizing everyone who likes kerry. I may not be able to vote, and many of the respondants may not be able to vote, but it is their opinion. You must respect that, not critisize it. Remember, keep it clean.

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:44 pm
Oscar User avatar
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nar, I don't think I will, allow appropiate time for discussion, plus if you don't want to argue, then don't. You have the freedom to chose. If you leave it be, the topic will go on to serve it's purpose.

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:50 pm

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well this is an "argument" about the presidential candidates. I support Kerry. This is my last post on my defense from tconwell. I dont need to talk to a preacher seeing as what they say is their interpretation of what the bible says. If i need any type of council, i will go to God and the bible and make my own interpretations.

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:51 pm

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This type of subject shouldn't be argoued but more in a debate manner. Arguing doesnt get to far. This will be my last reply, I will keep out of this now, and wait for the votes.

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:53 pm

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UPDATE: RCT and I have resolved this ... all done now.

Post October 25th, 2004, 7:56 pm

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yeah, a word of advice, take personal arguments off the forum

Post October 25th, 2004, 8:31 pm

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damn, its so much more fun to see verbal brawls on forums [lol]

As WWS said argue all you want, although it doesnt get you anywhere it sure is fun to read plus you know you can say pretty much what you want here without getting banned so go for it, on a further note rctycoon112 is fat! [lol] (i couldnt resist, my apologies)

Post October 25th, 2004, 8:32 pm

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Originally posted by The Edge

damn, its so much more fun to see verbal brawls on forums [lol]

As WWS said argue all you want, although it doesnt get you anywhere it sure is fun to read plus you know you can say pretty much what you want here without getting banned so go for it, on a further note rctycoon112 is fat! [lol] (i couldnt resist, my apologies)

Ah yes ... The Edge's humor comes through once again. LOL


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