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Bush or Kerry

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Bush or Kerry

Both Suck!
Both Are Good!
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Post November 3rd, 2004, 9:53 pm

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Yea, I heard, I find it pretty freakin hilarious. Though, as bad as Bush may be, I dont think its fair to leave the US just because of him being president.

Post November 3rd, 2004, 10:27 pm

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Didn't know who I would want to support... Until I heard that Kerry supports gay marriage. (I'm supporting bush, idiot. [:)])

Post November 3rd, 2004, 10:28 pm

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Post November 3rd, 2004, 10:41 pm

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Originally posted by coasteragent99

Didn't know who I would want to support... Until I heard that Kerry supports gay marriage. (I'm supporting bush, idiot. [:)])

This is one of those things I dont understand. What reason do you have to not support gay marriages, what would it hurt you? I am 100% straight, but still I can realize the fact that if a gay couple wants to get married, they should be able to. Its not like a gay couple getting married is going to affect you in any way.

Post November 3rd, 2004, 10:46 pm

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actually, i would affect you in many ways if the system is not altered to be compatible with gay marriages. you might end up paying a slighty higher taxes, medical bills, etc[:p] but that's not the reason i don't support gay marriage.

Post November 3rd, 2004, 10:55 pm

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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

i'm a christian, so i'm against gay marraige, you do know there were other canadates right?

Anyway, in 2005, when i pass D.C., I'm going to assanate bush, hopefully before some packy on crack blows himself up behind enemy lines. Then, I will rise from the rubble, and rule the world.(kinda like bush)

Still, what i don't understand, is florda, in 2000, bush screwed them over, and they love him. And Ohio let me down by going to bush.

The only real downside in kerry, is that toronto's garbage would not be able to be exported, but I'd still rather have kerry.

I think I'll stop now.

Post November 4th, 2004, 3:01 am

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Would you guys quit whining about Kerry's loss? Holy cow. Kerry showed alot of integrity and respect by doing what he did. You guys are really dragging it down!

"well, it looks like bush won, so long world."

Comments like that are idiotic. The world is not going to end simply because bush won an election. Neither will America...Our country has survived two world wars, a civil war, many invasions early on, terror attacks, depressions, cold war, civil unrest... The nation will not falter after a fair election, even though almost half of us do not like it, we must accept it and fight for our rights. This election showed that the system works....

"And with Bush's victory, we are likely soon to return to the days of the draft."

That's complete and utter bull... Please show me the proof that we are returning to the draft (MTV does not count as viable proof)... Its your comments, E-man, that are completely idiotic... not Paco's. Thanks for predicting the entire next four years of America's future. You should phone President Bush and inform him of your profound predictions so he can, in turn, prepare for such an apocalyptic second term...

Think of it this way, if all the aborted babies from the 1986 and before were allowed to vote, the election would have been a landslide for bush.

Tell me, why does the murder of a pregnant woman (no matter WHAT trimester she is in) count as a double homicide whereas the abortion of a living fetus is a totally acceptable practice?

"and thats ignoring the fact that most abortions, if they didnt occur, would result in miscarriage, death to the person giving birth, a horrid life for the child, or even the deprivation of the mother giving birth and the child."

where do you get your facts? most abortions are not due to illness of the mother or disfigurement of the child but rather, from drunk unprotected sex by two people who can not financially support a child. cases in which the mother's life is in jeopardy due to the child are VERY rare. i dont know if you've noticed, but the majority of abortions are practiced on middle-low class citizens who are not raised with respect for sex and its (obvious) outcomes and who then can not afford the child.

Anyway, in 2005, when i pass D.C., I'm going to assanate bush, hopefully before some packy on crack blows himself up behind enemy lines. Then, I will rise from the rubble, and rule the world.(kinda like bush)

What in the world are you babbling about?

Take care to note that crying and moaning about the war in iraq from the comfort of your own homes is rather judgmental. I don't know if you fellows have been paying attention, but the vast majority of the military supported President Bush over President Kerry. A volunteer military knows what it is they are signing up for. They may not like being in Iraq, but they will gladly fulfill their duty. If you aren't a soldier or if you weren't a soldier, then who are you to put words in their mouths when you don't know what it is they are experiencing? They are putting their lives on the line in order to spread freedom, perhaps you should show them a little support?

Post November 4th, 2004, 8:56 am

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Originally posted by screamomatic

i'm a christian, so i'm against gay marraige, you do know there were other canadates right?

Anyway, in 2005, when i pass D.C., I'm going to assanate bush, hopefully before some packy on crack blows himself up behind enemy lines. Then, I will rise from the rubble, and rule the world.(kinda like bush)

I think I'll stop now.

Uh ... yes, you should stop now before you really show how immature you are.

Ummm, that comment alone can be considered a felony (threatening or commenting that the President of the United States should die), whether in jest or not it is a crime (kinda like mentioning a bomb at an airport) ... don't be stupid screamomatic.

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Maybe you think I am being too serious about this, but step back and see that I am providing you the information so you can informed is all ... especially before replying and embarassing yourself.

And uh, I am also a baptist minister, and making comments "like you are a christian" AND "you are going to assassinate" anyone does nothing but hurt your testimony. My advice ... think before you speak.

Post November 4th, 2004, 9:02 am

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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

sorry, i was joking, but whatever. This is stupid anyway, bush won sooo... this topic is pointless now.

Post November 4th, 2004, 9:55 am

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You better watch what you say... members of the US secret service might use the power of the Patriot Act to infiltrate our website and arrest "terrorist" members at the same time as they allow butane lighters and matches on airplanes. Uh, priorities?

Post November 4th, 2004, 1:19 pm

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ok.. to who ever said they do not support gay marraige b/c they're christian: WTF?! religion has NOTHING to do with that issue at all! if the church wants to ban gay marraige then that's fine with us. what we gays want is LEGAL rights to marry. right now, homosexuals DO NOT have about 2000 (yes, two thousand) individual rights because we are not allowed to marry... and heterosexuals have those rights just because they're straight. these rights range from how a will is interpreted when there is a death, the definition of "family" when your sick in a hospital (only family and close friends can visit you if your sick. imagine dying in bed in a hospital and not being allowed to see your boyfriend) they also include insurance discounts, joint everything, etc etc. gay marraige has nothing to do with religion. hell, it doesnt have anything to do with morals! in order for this to truly be an equal country, we should either A) take away those rights from heterosexuals, or B) give those rights to everyone, including gays. and since 11 states just banned gay marraige, we just took one giant step back to the 1950's... when homosexual behavior was illegal in this country. but to get back to the political argument: we're al love lol.

since bush started, he's destroyed 2 countries, killed the environment (yellowstone and alaska) and made the insanely rich even richer while not caring at all about the people who need help with money. 2 days ago, i was thinking that this country was smart enough not to elect another republican for prezident for at least 50 years after this mess... but i guess not.

Post November 4th, 2004, 3:38 pm
gouldy User avatar
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^^ This is going to offend a LOT of people, but screw it, I'm against gay marriage AND religion.....You know, people who have imaginary friends are considered psychopathic and yet people who belive in God are not......?

Ok, when I said I'm against religion, thats a bit OTT, I'm not against religion at all, because the morals and such stand for good causes and are generally good things. Its just, people who actually genuinly believe in God are quite clearly Insane, I mean, get a life. And I'm against gay marriage because its just wrong......nuff said. Also, why should gays have equal rights to straight people? I perosnally don't think they should, if they want eaual rights, BE EQUAL! If yo get what I'm saying. I know thats going to make a lot of people very annoyed but I don't apologize for what I just said, because I believe what I just said is right. I've been told that I'm like Hilter but hey ........ Sweet! [:D]

Anyway, back on topic now. Seriously, the world is screwed, we're all going to be killed in some nuclear war triggered by the finger of one over eager Mr Bush. And what the hell is with this "you're either with us, or against us" WTF? So what, we don't have a right to an opinion?? What a cock, seriously, George Bush is a complete titwank!

Post November 4th, 2004, 3:48 pm
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I've been told that I'm like Hilter but hey ........ Sweet![:D]

Hitler was gay.

Post November 4th, 2004, 3:51 pm

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People should leave religion out of politics...the two are sooo entirely different and don't mix well. It just brings out biased opinion from leaders which isn't good.
As for saying people are insane because they believe in god...then are people insane thinking that we evolved from monkeys, or that the entire universe we know today formed from a big explosion? These are all things that people believe in, some with facts to support their beliefs, and some don't have facts to supports them. But they are just that, personal beliefs. A person shouldn't be condemned for believing in something that gives them hope or trust.
As for Bush being incompetent(sp?) to run his own country, that is quite clear, but the rest of the world would intervene way before he started some kind of nuclear war.

Post November 4th, 2004, 3:54 pm
gouldy User avatar
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nut uh, I meant believing in a none existant entity, so no, believing in the evolution theory isn't the same because it is actually proved, its not just a belief, its a fact

Post November 4th, 2004, 4:50 pm

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Evolution is a fact? Theres only evidence to support it (and the evidence to support it isn't sufficient enough IMO), its in NO WAY a fact.

I've been told that I'm like Hilter but hey ........ Sweet!

And you say people who believe in God are psychopaths?

Post November 4th, 2004, 4:59 pm

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Yea gouldy... um... "I meant believing in a none existant entity"

So you can now prove, without a doubt, that God does not exist? I'd like to see it...

and i dont want to hear any "well, IF there was a God..why doesnt He..." bull. Show me the evidence, the cold-hard, unmistakeable evidence that God does NOT exist. Also, while you're at it, explain to me what life is. No, I don't care about how life is sustained or how it progressed through evolution, tell me what life itself is and tell me where the first life came from.

Post November 4th, 2004, 6:21 pm
gouldy User avatar
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well, IF there was a God..why doesnt He...Prove himself. There you go, didn't include "well, IF there was a God..why doesnt He...".......oh balls, I did [lol]

Well prove to me God does exist.....never ending circle that one mate, but it is a lot like saying to me "prove that peoples imaginary friends don't exist". The way I see it, some rainbow loving person decided to write a book 2000 years ago, it was about a magician who performed simple illusions, it was also probably exagerated a lot from any truth. In another 2000 years time, Satans name will probably be Lord Voldemort [lol] If you see where I'm going.

Post November 4th, 2004, 6:40 pm

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lol the Lord Voldemort bit was funny, I'll admit that. But you're missing a key part here. To be religious means to have faith. I believe taht I've personally seen God in every person I meet. But thats my faith, so thats not a good argument, I guess ;)

Thats the thing though, to be religious is to have faith. I don't want to preach to you... I'm not goign to give you the "believe in God or you will burn in hell!" speech. I'd hate it too if someone was trying to push their beliefs on me. So I'm simply going to say you believe what you believe and I'll believe what I believe, but please, don't insult my faith simply because its not yours....

Post November 4th, 2004, 8:48 pm

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gouldy: i hope you know that you just prooved your complete ignorance on the subject of homosexuality. saying "why dont they just be equal" is like telling all the women in the world to get surgery and change to men if they wanted to have equal rights. that's the most annoying thing about you heterosexuals you think we can just flop from straight to gay to straight and back and fourth. we are not like you. you dont go telling all the blacks in the country that if they want equal rights, they gotta turn white. sexuality is just as big of a difference as race except it's no where near as obvious. gouldy, people like you both disturb and disgust me, and i'm not getting offended here because i have heard this thousands of times so by now i know it's just your ignorance that's the problem. but for christ sake, get to know what your talking about before you open your mouth. if you think homosexuality is wrong, then fine but let us live our lives how we were born to do so. i dont go around saying who you can or cant sleep with now do i?

and for the record: i think heterosexuality is terribly disgusting.

Post November 4th, 2004, 9:01 pm

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Religion to me is all interpretation. If youre christian, god does exist and all that, if youre muslim allah does exist and all that, and if you are atheist, then there is no god. Nothing about prove god exists, prove he doesnt, prove allah exist, etc, just you think god exists so for you he does, and if you think there is no god then for you there isnt one, its all about how you interpret, and IMO there is no wrong and right, black and white(hey that rhymed), or any of that, its all grey area and to each his own.

Post November 4th, 2004, 9:05 pm

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lol, your turning out to be one of the most sensible ppl on here e-man [;)]

Post November 4th, 2004, 9:30 pm

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Originally posted by coaster992001

lol, your turning out to be one of the most sensible ppl on here e-man [;)]

I agree and i also agree with you coaster992001 with what you said in respones to gouldy's comment on gay people. If everyone had his mentality then blacks would still be slaves, woman wouldnt be able to vote, prob couldnt get an education etc... I think the worst part about this amendmendt is that most people voted on it not knowing the full truth and that gay people had these rights before, correct me if i am wrong, so we are actually taking away rights.
Abortion, i've learned, cant really be debated because it is all about morals. Some feel that its murder, others dont. At some point in the pregancy, the baby becomes conscious, though I am not sure when. That would be murder to do it at that point, but things such as the day after pill and what not, i feel, arn't murder. A friend of mine said "Sexual intercourse between and male and female is intended only for procreation" thats why she doesnt believe in it. In a way its true, sex is supposed to just get the species going.
To everyone else, Bush won this election fairly and I doubt the world will end in the next 4 years. Bush won, we have to deal with it and because the majority of the people here are underaged, our opinions dont matter and we cant do anything about it

Post November 4th, 2004, 9:38 pm

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actually, you are worng about the gay marraige thing (and i feel bad saying that b/c your on my side lol) but well... here's the situation. gays do not have these rights in the first place and last spring, several states realized that their constitutions DO NOT forbid gay marraige because it's not specific enough. this pissed off several other states, and now in this election, they basically just tok away any hope of gay marraige in 11 states. we did not have those rights before but what the election did was get rid of any hope of obtaining those rights in 11 states. so.. we are no further ahead in this battle for rights, but at the same time we are not going backward either. basically what happened is that these 11 states said "no, your not going any further." so, yeah, we werent allowed to marry before hand, and we're no better off now. i think an easy way of saying this is that we're in the same sopt, it just became harder to move ahead.

Post November 4th, 2004, 10:01 pm

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Location: Atlanta, Georgia, GA, USA

i dont know about other states but from what i heard, here in georgia, the ballot said "Do you support gay marriage?". With that question, ofcourse it passed. No matter what form, discrimination is never a good thing


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