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Bush or Kerry

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Bush or Kerry

Both Suck!
Both Are Good!
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Post November 6th, 2004, 11:08 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ holy crap, how can you write so little and get a better explanation of what I was trying to say!

Post November 6th, 2004, 11:23 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell

Kerry has called to concede the election ... the bickering needs to quit now. It is done, and he lost.,2933,137486,00.html

The President of the United States is George W. Bush ... and there was NEVER any doubt here.

What bickering? The only bickering is the arguments started by damn bush supporters. Bush is murdering America by SENDING THOSE POOR TROOPS TO IRAQ!!!

I'm sick of this.


Post November 6th, 2004, 11:25 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ rofl, nice contradiction of the statement you just made. [:P]

Post November 7th, 2004, 12:17 am

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Thecool326, you're using FOX as a source for "reliable" information? At the time that NBC had the electoral votes at Bush-207, Kerry-206, FOX had the score as Bush-212, Kerry-144. Methinks FOX is lying. Mealsothinks not everything in Fahrenheit 9/11 is true, but the stuff about the war on Iraq and Saudi oil money is very true. I personally don't believe in war. After all, who is to re-interpret the commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill"? Whatever your motives are, you are still killing people, and it is wrong. I can somewhat understand the attack on Afghanistan because 9/11 was a huge provocation, but the war on Iraq is just wrong. The facts are that Saddaam was no threat to us, and Bush only attacked Iraq to give himself lots more money (most of his investments are in defense companies like United Defense, the Carlisle Group, and Haliburton), and to take attention away from his prime investors, the Saudis, who control almost 7% of our economy. War is bad enough when we are there for a decent reason, but it is just completely wrong when our President lies to the whole country and kills thousands just to make money. He should be thrown in jail for fraud.


America[stoning]George Bush

Post November 7th, 2004, 12:34 am

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is cjd the only one around here who knows what he's talking about?

Post November 7th, 2004, 10:04 am

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Originally posted by coaster992001

is cjd the only one around here who knows what he's talking about?

Answer to coaster's question: No.

Guys, as an active duty military member (for 14 years now) I have a little different view than most armchair soldiers/politicians that are claiming to know something (if you are wondering who that is, get a mirror). I have been to Kuwait/Iraq (Desert Storm - 1991), so my views are a little more than what you have. You really ought to not believe everything you see on TV, and if you do, you need to balance things out by possibly watching (just a thought) ABC News and THEN turn on something like Bill O'Reilly (The Factor) for the "other side" of the coin ... THEN, put the two together and find the truth for yourself.

Loopier -- see my comment on Page 10 about Hillary ...

Again, CJD has demonstrated his view of things from what he sees/reads/etc. ... but take the time rather than arguing with him (which we ALL know is pointless) to finding out the real truth. I have been to Iraq and I know what we are doing there, and there is LOTS more going on than what you think. The news is not reporting half of what is happening. By the way, why do you think Osama's only appearance around the election was on video and not in acts of violence? Simple. It is because his boys are being killed by the hundreds on a daily tally. There are things going on at night that would make those Special Forces movies you see on TBS look like Sesame Street episodes. Trust me, what we are doing is far greater than meets the eye.

Hussein was a threat to the world, and he proved that by invading Kuwait in 1990 (which CJD and SO many others seem to forget about) and killed thousands of his own people with experiments of WMD (again, something conveniently forgotten about). True we did not get him then and should have (Bush Sr's fault), but now we have him and he will be tried for crimes against humanity. There is a bigger picture here, and Hillary does not have the balls to even grab the pen to start to draw the picture. [:D]

If she does run in 4 years, mark my words this day. She will win NY, and maybe a few others, but that is about it. Her views are askewed and self-propoganding (I am orig from New York so I can safely say this) and the only reason she won there was she appealed to the morons who love cash and hate the Republican party ... and she knew how to work them.

Come on guys, you really need to get out and read a little and do some research. Arguing without facts makes you like you have come to a play CounterStrike with no ammo. Geesh ...

Post November 7th, 2004, 11:49 am

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Post November 7th, 2004, 1:18 pm

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Come on guys, you really need to get out and read a little and do some research. Arguing without facts makes you like you have come to a play CounterStrike with no ammo. Geesh ...

Being Counter Strike Vet, LMAO HAHAHA. Actually, its like running around, picking up a weapon only to find its got no ammo, then running around clicking the trigger trying to intimidate the opposition. heh

Knife fights owned though! :P

Post November 7th, 2004, 2:57 pm

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Post November 7th, 2004, 3:10 pm

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Thanks Judd, LOL.

Real, I didn't know you played CS, so that was for you, then! LOL!!!

Coaster992001 ... your immaturity is showing again .... sigh

Post November 7th, 2004, 3:51 pm

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if you don't kill the terrorist, then they'll just kill you. Uh..which one do you want??? Listen to Tconwell, he is the only one here who's achually been to Iraq and see what these people have been living with.

"Come on guys, you really need to get out and read a little and do some research. Arguing without facts makes you like you have come to a play CounterStrike with no ammo. Geesh ..."

I LOVE THAT^ [worship]

Post November 7th, 2004, 3:55 pm

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Post November 7th, 2004, 5:15 pm

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TConwell, out of curiousity, what branch of the military are you in?

Post November 7th, 2004, 5:19 pm

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Originally posted by Judd97

TConwell, out of curiousity, what branch of the military are you in?

he's mentioned USAF a few times

Post November 7th, 2004, 8:34 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell

Originally posted by coaster992001

is cjd the only one around here who knows what he's talking about?

Come on guys, you really need to get out and read a little and do some research. Arguing without facts makes you like you have come to a play CounterStrike with no ammo. Geesh ...

It appears the more and more I read (not sure about you guys) the more contradictions i see. One sources says one thing but the another will say somthing completely different, so who can we possibly know whats really going on?

Post November 7th, 2004, 8:38 pm

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Originally posted by pacoasterrider

Originally posted by Judd97

TConwell, out of curiousity, what branch of the military are you in?

he's mentioned USAF a few times

Correct. ... ay&id=6447

Post November 7th, 2004, 8:53 pm

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"One sources says one thing but the another will say somthing completely different, so who can we possibly know whats really going on?"

I can not stand that, he changes his mind every 5 seconds

Post November 7th, 2004, 9:22 pm

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oy! he hasnt changed his mind once! he says that yes, it's good that saddam is out of power but it was wrong to go to war for no reason! why does everyone think that's a contradiction?

Post November 7th, 2004, 9:44 pm

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Oy! Here come the nonsense opinions again without facts ... brace yourself, site.

Post November 7th, 2004, 9:57 pm

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Post November 7th, 2004, 10:12 pm

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i meant to say how can we know not who... bush won, kerry lost, this debate is basically over and this topic should be locked

Post November 7th, 2004, 11:18 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Post November 7th, 2004, 11:44 pm

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Post November 8th, 2004, 1:19 am

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Sorry to reboost this topic, but TConwell, the USAF? That's awesome! I very nearly joined the USAF before I came here to my current school to study marine biology. I spent 3 years of my life trying to get into the Air Force Academy and I spent a year in a military preparatory school on the Falcon Foundation program. I got into the USAFA but had a career change and decided to study marine biology here.

I must say, the USAF, regardless of what the Army and Marine boys say, is a great branch. Throughout the three years I've been invovled in military-related things, I've done some amazing amazing things thanks to the AF. Things such as participating in the USAFA summer seminar, playing with flight simulators (including the fun C-5 Galaxy sims at Dover AFB), and flying small prop planes.

Man, talking about this makes me miss it :(

Still, with the little little experience that I have, I've gained the knowledge to know how difficult that lifestyle and life is. I understand the things you boys sacrifice for us civilians, and I wanted to thank you for it, so thanks for all that your doing!

Post November 8th, 2004, 9:29 am

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Well, I have been out for the past few days, but I will say one more thing. I am not against the soldiers. Once we are at war, death is inevitable. The soldiers share none of the blame for the horrors of the war. I just believe that there are better ways than war to solve issues. I know there will never be an end to the wars of the world until the Revalation, but I still try to do my part. I wish our country could make an example of a peaceful world. Until then, there can be no victory. We will never be free until the former world passes away and all people live at peace.


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