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Bush or Kerry

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Bush or Kerry

Both Suck!
Both Are Good!
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Total votes : 54

Post November 8th, 2004, 12:39 pm

Posts: 357
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Bush has seperated all unity with the world. All he cares about is his goddamn life, he does not want to be a f***ing laughing stock so he makes a terrible war that causes such death? what is WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE???!!!

I wish Bush were here in the forum. I would LOVE to hear his stupidity yet again.

Hey, guys. Look on the bright side. HE CAN'T RUN AGAIN!

Post November 8th, 2004, 1:26 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Originally posted by cjd

Until then, there can be no victory. We will never be free until the former world passes away and all people live at peace.

Here! Here! Preeeeeeeeeeeeeach!!!!!! (heh heh heh)

Post November 8th, 2004, 4:50 pm

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Originally posted by rctycoon112

i meant to say how can we know not who... bush won, kerry lost, this debate is basically over and this topic should be locked

well, there'll always be Democrat vs Republican, and that's pretty much what it's become, and it's politics, it'll never end

Post November 8th, 2004, 5:11 pm

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Why do people always want topics with debating locked? Whats wrong with debates?

Post November 8th, 2004, 5:20 pm

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well, a lot of people on here dont know how to debate and end up making it into a big ass argument and then everyone is insulted (in other words: STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS!!)

Post November 8th, 2004, 7:21 pm

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Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA, USA
""end up making it into a big ass argument and then everyone is insulted (in other words: STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS!!)""

Then stop making fun of the republicans duh

Post November 8th, 2004, 7:32 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Originally posted by coaster992001

well, a lot of people on here dont know how to debate and end up making it into a big ass argument and then everyone is insulted (in other words: STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS!!)

You started off real good coaster992001 .... then you flamed the Republicans here hoping for a provoked response by recommending folks not vote for them, thus trying to turn it into a big-butt argument yourself by pouring gas on the fire.

Either be on one side of the issue or the other ... but stop riding the fence and changing your position as it fits you.

Oh wait, I forgot, you support Kerry, nevermind. (See? Now, THAT was a flame!) LOL!!!

Post November 8th, 2004, 8:42 pm

Posts: 114
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Bush won already. Stop fighting...

Oh, and Vote Republican!

Post November 8th, 2004, 9:43 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Bush won, but what gets me is Bush won Ohio, which lost the most jobs and took alot of damage from Bush's presidency. Yet they elected Bush! I honestly dont think most Americans are what I would call intelligent. I am not saying those who elected Bush are idiots, but some Americans do not even know crap about polotics or their future. I do not think either candidate is a great choice to be honest. I think that if Kerry was'nt as "flip-floppy" as he was, he would of won the race. All the people I asked why they voted for Bush, answered that Kerry was flip-floppy. I think most voted for bush not because he is a good candidate, but because of Kerry's flip-flopiness. Bush seems like a nice person, but not a great president. Most are becoming confused on what traits are necessary to become a president.

Post November 8th, 2004, 10:57 pm

Posts: 1536
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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

i agrre, my brother and my friends..and me think americans are kinda stupid to re-elect bush, im not trying to put anyone down, but flordians are the most stupid because bush screwed them over in offence to flordians, but your stupid. i wish kerry would have won, but i guess thats not gunna happen.

on another note, this think on the news said american troops are trying to take over feluja or something. its like there hitler trying to take over the middle east.

but hey, at least there not trying to take over canada[lol]

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:01 pm

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Top of the list: Moral Values. People can relate to Bush. Rural residents can see him out there getting mud on his boots and working like a real american working man, working with the soil and crops like farmers do. People who voted for Bush want to preserve our nation, its customs, and beliefs. All the city slickers who think they have thier cool new lifestyle and can do what they want because they are "free" voted for Kerry. They don't know how to really get dirty to survive, but rather know who's coffee to make and who to suck up to and get paid for doing it. If you are all hip, don't own a gun, don't care about some moral values, think you are really free, and want a city slicker as president you might have voted Kerry. It looks like the rural USA wanted Bush, and they got him....a man they can relate to, a man they can trust.

Your right, Kerry's flippy floppy is what made him seem less than honest. He sure didn't seem like he knew what he was going to do for sure. At least Bush has a solid agenda and isn't changing it to be in the cool kids club, or changing it from the pressure of his democratic friends in the senate and house. It would not have been a good mix at all for Kerry to become president with the house and senate having a significant lean to the republican side. Nothing would have gotten done...the country wouldn't have changed. So it's either Bush and move on from where we are...or Kerry and stay where we are which isn't exactly a spot I'd want to be in either.

There, i've said what I need to say. Take it or leave it...and don't come back with any nasty comments you 13 and 14 yr olds.

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:06 pm

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Originally posted by screamomatic

i agrre, my brother and my friends..and me think americans are

on another note, this think on the news said american troops are trying to take over feluja or something. its like there hitler trying to take over the middle east.

You know nothing of the situation. Please refrain from bashing the good we are doing over there. You must realize that over 2000 Iraq troops are in the mix too. Now why on earth would Iraq troops be fighting on the same side with American troops if they didn't want us there? Hmmm...don't know. I guess they want thier freedom, just like we want to give it to them.

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:10 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

^ Again boys, see my comments from last week (Page 11) ... and uh, yeah, a spell check would be greatly appreciated screamomatic.

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:18 pm

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Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA
Originally posted by screamomatic

i agrre, my brother and my friends..and me think americans are kinda stupid to re-elect bush, im not trying to put anyone down, but flordians are the most stupid because bush screwed them over in offence to flordians, but your stupid. i wish kerry would have won, but i guess thats not gunna happen.

I am an American and I agree with what you said. On November 2nd, 51% of Americans said: "We are complete idiots!"

Well, if I start hearing the word "draft" float around, I'll be coming to your country! lol

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:26 pm

Posts: 76
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Location: MN, USA

Good luck getting into Canada..."I heard there's a draft going on, better do the old -LOCK DOWN- on the border."

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:35 pm

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Canada released a statement that said there will be an application phase, as there always has been, for Americans who want to come in. So, ya'll following the draft dodger theme of the Democratic poster boy (Bill Clinton) will be standing in line before you get in.

Now, let me address this once and for all: The President himself said there will be no draft, period. Do not misunderstand me and let me be perfectly clear:

This opinion comes to you as a current active duty member of 14 years ... if you don't want to be in the service, I don't want you in the service. And I think you will find that response no matter who you talk to on active duty. Yet, just be grateful for the freedom you have and stop with your self-proclamations about what you will not do. No one is demanding you to serve, and no one ever will.

Let me say this another way ... no one will be forcing you into the service, and to think so is representative of the scare tactics used in this campaign to attempt to sway votes ... and as we know it did not work.

Again, I was in Kuwait and Iraq in 1991. I have the experience, you don't, and it was my pleasure to serve my country. If you want to talk about war, get on common terms with me and we can then talk about war and the effects war has on a person ... but until then keep your mouths shut about draft dodging and running away, because the US Armed Forces does not need people who would rather run to Canada than serve ... hence why we will NOT be having a draft and the military shall remain an all volunteer service.

If you have any other smart-butt comments, feel free to PM me and I will be happy to educate you, personally. I am tired of listening to you kids whine about this crap ... just shut up.

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:41 pm

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Originally posted by sr_erick

Good luck getting into Canada..."I heard there's a draft going on, better do the old -LOCK DOWN- on the border."

Yeah, I heard that already. I also heard that if there is a draft, you'll be allowed to finish out the semester in college but then after that you could be called up for duty, unlike the past where you were exempt from the draft as long as you were in college.

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:49 pm

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Spreading the same nonsense that does not exist in the real world Cygnus helps no one out ... Geesh ... See my post above yours and take the advice therein.


Post November 8th, 2004, 11:49 pm

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Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA
Well, if I actually supported going to Iraq in the first place, then I wouldn't mind being drafted as much.

Ok, you served in the military so I guess you would know more. I'm just telling what I heard.

Post November 8th, 2004, 11:59 pm

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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

to the sr erick person up there, i don't give a poop about the situation, i don't think that war is for the right reason, they shouldn't be there anyway. I would recommend everyone to watch ferrinhiet 9/11 and know whats going on there, theres tons of kids dieing who shouldn't be dieing. besides this is a bush or kerry debate, so whatever. spellcheck my butt.

One question though, has bush got a education, like in college or university?

Edit: oh yaa, no offence because latly everone thinks im being a jerk.

Post November 9th, 2004, 12:01 am

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Location: New Jersey, NJ, USA
Yeah he majored in fraud and screwing people. lol

Ok I'm gonna stop posting all my anti-Bush/anti-conservative stuff before I incite a riot.

Post November 9th, 2004, 12:16 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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to screamo,
your language is also innappropriate, and Bush went to Yail (I think that's how you spell it) about the same time Kerry went there, and nobody cares what you think because your a 14 year old canadian who has no say in what the American government. And, I feel that TC has hit the nail on the head. And Ferinhiet 9/11 has a lot of false information, and cannot be classified as a documentary, but as a focumentary (fake documentary, disigned to easily fool easily fooled people as yourself)
Besides, its not wether your democratic or republican, its wether your concervitive or liberal [lol]
Most kerry supporters are liberals, and most Bush are concervative, I'm sure liberal republicans voted for kerry, as I know convervative democrats voted for Bushy, but that doesn't mean that conservatives didn't vote for their party, I'm sure some democratic conservatives voted for kerry, but I'm pretty sure most, if not all republican conserves voted for Bush.

Post November 9th, 2004, 12:36 am

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Originally posted by screamomatic

to the sr erick person up there, i don't give a poop about the situation, i don't think that war is for the right reason, they shouldn't be there anyway. I would recommend everyone to watch ferrinhiet 9/11 and know whats going on there, theres tons of kids dieing who shouldn't be dieing. besides this is a bush or kerry debate, so whatever. spellcheck my butt.

It's nice to know your so ignorant. Do you realize how many innocent boys and girls saddam has killed over the years?

Post November 9th, 2004, 1:14 am

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After years of great mental contemplation, I have come up with a stunning theory.....And here it is-Everybody thinks you are being a jerk because you are being a jerk Scremomatic. And with that my theory is concluded.

Post November 9th, 2004, 8:45 am

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^ LOL!!!! Too simple for words ... I am not a jerk, therefore, you must be the jerk screamo ... LOL!!!


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