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Bush or Kerry

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Bush or Kerry

Both Suck!
Both Are Good!
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Total votes : 54

Post November 9th, 2004, 8:55 am

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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

so hey, if they got saddam, why are they still there? Sure there trying to find osama bin laden, but they should find him and get outta there.
wasn't there other people running for president?

anyways, im not trying to be a bad person or anthing, and im an evil canadian[xx(].
I also don't know what getting dirty and a rural community has anything to do with war. the election is all about eletoral college votes anyway, and not a tally of indevidual votes and thats not fair. but what i hate is
that ohio let me down cause cedar point is there, and it was all screwy.
I also don't think that farinhiet 9/11 is a false movie cause it has interviews of the actual people, and real documents, and real footage. I found it funny when the commercial said remote control airplanes could be packed with explosives[lol].

anyway, because people are making fun of me, im outta this debate.

and no one ansered my question.

oh and i'm 15, 15!

Post November 9th, 2004, 9:45 am

Posts: 357
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Originally posted by thecool326

to screamo,
your language is also innappropriate, and Bush went to Yail (I think that's how you spell it) about the same time Kerry went there, and nobody cares what you think because your a 14 year old canadian who has no say in what the American government. And, I feel that TC has hit the nail on the head. And Ferinhiet 9/11 has a lot of false information, and cannot be classified as a documentary, but as a focumentary (fake documentary, disigned to easily fool easily fooled people as yourself)
Besides, its not wether your democratic or republican, its wether your concervitive or liberal [lol]
Most kerry supporters are liberals, and most Bush are concervative, I'm sure liberal republicans voted for kerry, as I know convervative democrats voted for Bushy, but that doesn't mean that conservatives didn't vote for their party, I'm sure some democratic conservatives voted for kerry, but I'm pretty sure most, if not all republican conserves voted for Bush.

Thecool, you've lost your title. You ain't cool anymore, not on my watch.
Look at it this way: Republicans are not cool, and people who spell Yale wrong are not cool (you spelled it Yail!)
AND you spelled conservative wrong (you spelled it concervative)!
So, WHY are you making fun of screamo's spelling, when you can hardly spell national terms yourself???!!!

Geez, MY GOD I FEEL HORRIBLE! If Bush says what is true, that means that the war will last for ten more years! TEN!!! What is wrong with this goddamn f***ing picture???????? If it DOES last for ten more years, AND there is a draft, I, and many other ppl at WWS will HAVE to go to Iraq! How is that justice? I call that MURDER! Seriously!

Allow me to recall a very terrible memory.

I'm watching TV, and Bush is speaking. When he announces that we will be having war in Iraq, I can't help it - the tears come out. I can't stop them. I run into the bathroom, shut the door, and cry silently, praying...
God, what have I done...what have I done to deserve this...
We've been dying like flies. Our hearts are being snatched away.
God, what have I done...what have I done to deserve this...


Post November 9th, 2004, 1:43 pm

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Wow dude you have some serious problems. Can you say "over-exaggeration"? This isn't a soap opera. Don't be such a pansy. If someone was over here killing tons of innocent people you'd want someone to come and stick up for you, why not do that for others.

Post November 9th, 2004, 2:24 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Originally posted by screamomatic

so hey, if they got saddam, why are they still there? Sure there trying to find osama bin laden, but they should find him and get outta there.
wasn't there other people running for president?

Scream -- Once we got Hussein there was a HUGE power vacuum and struggle behind his departure (hence the rebels, etc. that we are killing day by day). If we had left after we got him the power struggle most likely would have ticked off the entire region (to include Iran who has nuclear capabilities by the way and we DO NOT want them pissed at us) .... thus, could have quite possibly begun a small world war. Now that we are there, we cannot leave until order is restored. There, you have been answered.

Originally posted by screamomatic

I also don't know what getting dirty and a rural community has anything to do with war. the election is all about eletoral college votes anyway, and not a tally of indevidual votes and thats not fair.

Sigh ... Bush won both the electoral and the popular vote by more than 4.5 million ... that is a pretty hefty amount. Get your facts straight before you continue to embarass yourself.

Now, with THAT out of the way ...

Loopier, stop being such a drama queen ... you are really not helping your own reputation.

Post November 9th, 2004, 4:50 pm

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Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA, USA
1. Screamie it says on the main screen your just turning 13

2. OMG WERE LEAVING WWS AHH. Coaster's isn't the most important thing in your life, there are defiantly alot more important things in my life, coasters are just a hobby. I'll let Tconwell do all the talking, it seems he achually KNOWS WHAT'S GOING ON!

Post November 9th, 2004, 5:28 pm

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if you want to avoid the draft, just say your gay! lol, we're not allowed in the military so that's what i'm doing! and if hitting on the drill instructor doesnt work, i have other ways to avoid getting drafted. amsterdam being one of them lol.

Post November 9th, 2004, 5:46 pm

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hmmmmm, ways to avoid a draft when there isn't even one...

Post November 9th, 2004, 9:14 pm

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Is it just me, or are Tconwell and sr_erick the only ones being even the slightest bit mature here. Come on guys, if you are going to have an argument about something as civilized as our government, why not at least be somewhat sophisticated in doing so. pacoasterrider, coaster99 was just making a joke. Coaster99, we get your gay, dont flaunt it. Screamo and loopier, grow up. IMO, this topic SHOULD be locked unless those who post in it begin to show some maturity.

Post November 9th, 2004, 9:52 pm

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he (coaster99) said gay's aren't allowed in the millitary, and since we still have a republican president i believe him. And all in all about the draft, there isn't gonna be one unless we go in war with like everyone, so i dont see why people are all complaning

Post November 9th, 2004, 9:55 pm

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It seems i have missed quite a lot but i agree with you eman. Tconwell and sr eric make a lot of sense, even though i am not a republican. To all of you who say Bush is stupid, you need to take a good look in the mirror. I may jokingly say it to my friends but i am not serious. Sure he may stumble over his words sometimes but who here hasnt? During the debates when he paused, he thought about what he was going to say before he said it. I'm a democrat because I support democratic views and opinions and I am also a liberal BUT honestly, kerry was not the best choice though i would have voted for him. About this wont happen. Again what tconwell said, why would the military want people in it who didnt want to be?
I dont support the war but I do support our troops and honestly i do feel safer knowing sadaam isnt in power anymore although i fail to see how he was a threat to the US. If the found Osoma and killed him, i am 100% sure there will be another to take his place. For those of us who arent in the military and dont desire to be in it, then quit critizing those who are actually fighting and show some support.
I have advocated that this topic be locked but it seems it can keep going if people would stop making immature and fallacious arguments. Keep it civil guys

Post November 9th, 2004, 9:59 pm

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actually, i was being serious... if there is ever a draft, just say your gay and the military will be less likely to accept you. it's a good escape and nobody can proove if your lying or not.besides, what would you rather do.. go off to war and get killed while killing people, or just have mabey 10 people think your gay for an hour? i dunno about you guys, but i'd rather be here and queer.

Post November 9th, 2004, 10:42 pm

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war isn't about being killed. I would never go out for a branch, but if my country ask's me to fight for it, of course i will. It's about fighting for your children's, grandchildren's exc. freedom, and worth it to me.

Post November 9th, 2004, 10:44 pm

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Post November 9th, 2004, 10:45 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Post November 9th, 2004, 11:02 pm

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Well ... true ... for a while though there was some intelligent debating going on ... then it got turned into an open ended debate about everything not to mention the amount of pride swelling, and now, well, there are a lot of broken records (perhaps, even me as well) ....

Post November 9th, 2004, 11:02 pm

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well, if our freedom is in danger then i'll fight, but with this war we were the ones who attacked, so if anything, iraq was the one in danger. we havent been in actual danger since the cuban missile crisis.

Post November 10th, 2004, 6:40 pm

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You are right coaster992001 we were never in danger since Cuba ... except of course for that pesky little "nuisance" (as John Kerry classified terrorists) in New York/DC about 3 years ago ... sigh ... come on man, get with it you are embarassing yourself again.

Post November 10th, 2004, 9:26 pm

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terrorism is a threat, but thats exactly why we cant be bothered by it. it's TERRORISM! meaning that you dont know when or where they will strike! so, there either is a threat or isnt a threat, and with terrorism you just dont know if there's a threat or not. yes september 11th happened, but we werent in any national danger. afghanistan never said "we are going to bomb you" there was never a threat. oi! hm.. this is harder to explain than i thought..... i'll think of a better way to say this and come back later...

Post November 10th, 2004, 11:00 pm

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Yes, come back later when you have been educated with some facts. Might I recommend my lengthy comments beginning on about page 11 through 14 ... for you have obviously missed the intention of the war and WHY we are there. I will give you this one bit of info to ponder: If you destroy the terror organization AND the personnel where they live, they can't rightly get up and attack us at a later date; now, can they?

Post November 11th, 2004, 12:01 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Yes Tconwell you are correct, but these terrorist are everywhere and what is even scarier is that they are willing to take their lives to cause mass murder. How can you fight those who have no will to live? Its like fighting a dead person almost. I agree on going to war in Iraq, I just do not like the way we are doing it (not well I might add).

Post November 11th, 2004, 12:56 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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don't worry, now that Bush has been elected a second year, he can do what he feels needs to get done without worrying about a second term. At least I hope he knows what needs to get done. You can never fully get rid of terrorism. But you can at least make it go dormant, or make it small and monitor it so it doesn't exceed to a dangerous point like what terrorism is today.

Post November 11th, 2004, 1:23 am

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Im not even sure you can make it go dormant. SMaller? Possibly, but even if we kill 100 a day, they probably are training just as many a day, new ones too.

As far as Im concerned, the war on terror will be a lost cause, if only handled by us. Itll need to be a TOTAL global effort...not just US, not just US And Europe, it needs to be alot more. I dont see that happening for a long while. Things like Sept 11th...well, hopefully they dont happen, but I have faith they will. Morbid? Nope, just being honest. Its not like I dont have faith in the administration, I just dont have faith in ANY one government to tackle what is a global threat whos got troops inside all enemy lines...

All you can do is hope to contain it. All you can do is try to keep the attacks to a minimum and try to minimize the damage. I dont think theres any way to get rid of it. Its just like hackers on the internet...they will always exploit the holes. Youll patch em up, they will find more. You can catch em, but then more are just right behind em, eager to follow in their footsteps. Sadly, to me, thats the reality. I just live my life without the fear, fear is too constricting.

Post November 11th, 2004, 11:15 am

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Real, you have hit what so many people fear admitting right on the head. This started out to be a TOTAL effort (in theory and idea anyway) and MUST BE in order to fully succeed. Hopefully, the rest of the civilized world will join in on this and look to end the "reigns of terror" going on. Will we (or someone else) be attacked? I agree, most likely. But greatly reducing the amount of people who are able to attack will help our global community in ways that my children (and yours) will be grateful for.

Post November 11th, 2004, 4:50 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell

Real, you have hit what so many people fear admitting right on the head. This started out to be a TOTAL effort (in theory and idea anyway) and MUST BE in order to fully succeed. Hopefully, the rest of the civilized world will join in on this and look to end the "reigns of terror" going on. Will we (or someone else) be attacked? I agree, most likely. But greatly reducing the amount of people who are able to attack will help our global community in ways that my children (and yours) will be grateful for.

sad that the terrorist will have to blow up a building(s) in those country's for them to realise they should be fighting in this

Post November 11th, 2004, 6:09 pm

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if it's a global war on terrorism, then why don't we focus on indonesia, bangladesh, and the rest of south east asia where the majority of al-quaeda escaped to?? OR if it's truly a global war, and considering terrorism can happen anywhere, theen why not also focus on terrorists here in the usa, or canada, or the rest of the world! there are terrorists in the usa too by the way.. just look at oklahoma city. that was an american terrorist. not all terrorists are arabs.


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