No one yelled at WWS, coaster, I merely stated the other side of the coin, which apparently, much like Dan Rather's day to day practices, is something that is not taken to with much favor in this country.
And, asking me if I remember Iraq ... eye roll ... do you mean do I remember it from when I was there taking incoming fire in 1991 and ducking for cover ... or what? Dude, of course I remember Iraq, and yeah our intel this time was bad and I think everyone admits that (at least secretly) ... of course the leader of the CIA was the same one that Clinton had appointed, but we would hate to mention that and possibly tarnish his reputation, since it is so solid. <groan>
Either way I do not have an issue with you, I am merely trying to carry on the conversation man ... but it seems (to me anyway) that when you hear a different opinion or the other side of an issue you take it to be really offensive.
For the last time ... as far as you being gay, as long as you are not hitting on me (go ahead and laugh now) I think it AWESOME man, I'm proud of your courage - I really am!!! But, continuing to say it to those who already know (like all of us here) is the same as me telling you I am straight over and over ... I mean, who cares? We get it ... ok? No need to keep mentioning it bud.

(Maybe that explains it a bit better????)