Well, this is one of those Holidays that I feel are not pointless. It's good that we actually look at what we are thankful for, instead of what we don't have. And so, I don't know if they celebrate this in other countries or not, but I guess if you want to participate if you want to. Just right down anything your thankful for, I guess.
1. I'm thankful that WWS spends the money out to mantain this site, No limits would be dull and boring without it, and I would have probably dropped that thing a long time ago.
2. I'm thankful I can spam occassionally without getting my account banned.
3. I'm thankful I can get into arguments with admins/mods without getting banned. Other wise, I probably wouldn't have this account right now.[^]
And the list goes on and on and on. but post w/e you like.