I was searching for body kits, and this thing popped up. I laughed, these are the kind of people that would go out and by plastic 14" spinners and think they're cool. Ohh, wait nevermind, they prefer the cardboard stuff [they also made spinners]
Last edited by coolbeans326 on December 4th, 2004, 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
To make muffler:
1. Get a cup and tape it on the existing muffler opening.
To make Underbody lights:
1. Attach glowsticks to sides, front, and rear bumpers.
2. If glowsticks are bright enough, you can actually put them on the inside of the cardboard. In our case, our glowsticks sucked so we had to tape them on the sides.
HAHA! I wonder if the cops would ticket you for that. I've made a "muffler" for my mower with a peice of 3 1/2 inch PVC pipe