Hey everyone! Im here to talk about my latest creation "THE VILLIAN" This track is for RCT2, normally i dont make these rides because i dont own the game, But i was at my cousins and he has it so we worked on this ride together. Its a really nice Woodens rollercoaster with a drop of 143ft and alot of intense turns and maunuvers. This ride includes MAJOR MAJOR scenery. Me my cousin Michael made a lot of village buildings and towers. We put them on fire for the full efect of a Villian. Were thinking that this so called Villian will be a like fire breathing type beast invading a Barvarian village(there will be a larger story board when we post it[:D]). The exciment rating for this awsome woodie is 9.13 due to major theming and fun ride layout[:D]. But the bad news is im going on vacation tommorow to WDW for 2 weeks so it wont be up till then. But i thought all you guys should know whats coming. So in 2 weeks be prepared for . . . "THE VILLIAN"