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ok we need to set some rules here.

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Post December 25th, 2004, 8:31 pm

Posts: 1620
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Location: USA ... p?tid=6314

above is an example of what i mean.

launched shuttle coasters, or any shuttle coaster at that is bound to be somewhat short and therefore easey to make. this is true just because of the limitations with nl or in real life, the limitations with friction / gravity. Kydcoaster was obviously enjoying the ride for what it was and liked it. javixxxxx (although i'm not complaining) seems to have rated it on more of a "i've seen too many short shuttle coasters already" kind of standard. now, i'm not complaining about the rate because both of them i feel are right. and i belive that both of them are at either end of how to rate a shuttle coaster.

so.. the point to all this: someone needs to set some rules on how to rate shuttle coasters. this isn't the first time i've seen a shuttle coaster rated like this. mabey someone (me?) can make a tutorial for rating shuttles? who knows.. but how to accuratly rate them is too vague. ok, i'm done now[:D]

Post December 25th, 2004, 8:36 pm

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well, he makes good points, and it had alot of bumps in it.

Post December 25th, 2004, 8:44 pm

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i know he had some god points.. but i'm not complaining about the rating.. i'm just saying that there should be stricter guidelines when rating shuttle coasters. and the only pumps i could find were on the loop.... which i tried for hours to get rid of but they're still there. either way, i don't care much about that.. i'm just saying that both of them are right, and when there's a difference in rating like that when they're both right.. something's gotta change.

Post December 25th, 2004, 9:25 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Guidelines ... what a unique observation, buddy.

And, uh, how shall we see to it that those guidelines are used at each coaster site so we can make it a universal rating system? Of course, we will need to set up standards for n00bs to be able to rate, perhaps a course they have to go through, then there is the strict limitations of rating on a curve for first time coasters ...

Look man, ratings are opinions of what the rider felt. Period.

Use this as an example: If we both went on the Texas Giant and I raved about it constantly and you said, "Oh, it's just another woodie", would either of us be righter than the other?

I think you are making more of this than it actually is ... it (a rating) is an opinion based on helping the designer improve. Now, some rates come from obvious morons and it does not take a genius to figure out who those people are ... but come on man.

Again, no offense is intended here, but I think you are making this more than it is, IMO.

Post December 25th, 2004, 9:52 pm

Posts: 1620
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Location: USA
hm... nobody seems to be geting my point........ i don't care about the rating.. hm... i'll think about this and come back later.

Post January 7th, 2005, 9:41 am

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Location: Oviedo, USA
Originally posted by TConwell

Look man, ratings are opinions of what the rider felt. Period.

Does anyone else sense the irony of this comment coming from someone who has disputed the ratings of 3 or 4 coasters in recent memory? TConwell, if "ratings are opinions... Period" them what right do you have to dispute this opinion?

Post January 7th, 2005, 10:11 am

Posts: 5626
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Originally posted by JT Mac

Originally posted by TConwell

Look man, ratings are opinions of what the rider felt. Period.

Does anyone else sense the irony of this comment coming from someone who has disputed the ratings of 3 or 4 coasters in recent memory? TConwell, if "ratings are opinions... Period" them what right do you have to dispute this opinion?

JT ... your n00b-ness is pretty self-evident and blatantly moronic. Ratings that are not clearly explained are foolish and should either be better explained or deleted. Pay attention to other threads on the site and you will be better served to know what is actually being discussed around here rather than using some obscure thread which has been passed over.

However, before you go about quoting people I would recommend you actually quote the entire thought I had before proving to the site your lack of understanding behind the word "irony".

Originally posted by TConwell

I think you are making more of this than it actually is ... it (a rating) is an opinion based on helping the designer improve. Now, some rates come from obvious morons and it does not take a genius to figure out who those people are ... but come on man.

Post January 7th, 2005, 3:58 pm
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and this is why I say don't reply to topics like this. Can't you people read, am I dealing with 2-3 year old kids that are warned and told to not do something yet do it again, geez, you guys want some peace around here but yet cannot follow some simple rules. This is the stuff that happens when you don't follow rules. As for guidelines, well, it is something GFA has been on for the past year [lol] He is the one you should pm about this.

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