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Post December 27th, 2004, 5:44 pm

Posts: 91
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I don't know if there is already a topic about this subject . . .

But it is quite working on my nerves that people all rate in their own language. I really hate it to read a rating in Swedish. I know a lot of languages, but sometimes I don't really understand what people are saying because it is in there native language. Is it so hard to give your rating in english?!?

I hope you understand . . . just my 2 cents . . .


Post December 27th, 2004, 5:47 pm

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Post December 27th, 2004, 5:47 pm

Posts: 688
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Very much agreed. It's an English website, so IMO all rates should be in English.

Post December 27th, 2004, 6:06 pm

Posts: 91
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Originally posted by TConwell

I'm not quite that interested where I can get a translater to read their posts. I think they should try harder to translate their input so everyone is possible to read it.


Post December 27th, 2004, 6:10 pm

Posts: 688
Points on hand: 4,164.00 Points
Plus the translation is often horrible, and can really change the meaning on what they're saying.

Post December 27th, 2004, 6:13 pm

Posts: 4533
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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

Maybe the Sweedish really hate it when you type in English. This website is for everyone no matter which country you come from, hence the translate this page on the bottom of many pages of this is. By default the site is written in English and the majourity of users speak English, but that doesnt mean that everyone on the site has to talk in English...anyway im off to grab myself an English Breakfeast

Post December 27th, 2004, 8:03 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Originally posted by Modelmaker

I'm not quite that interested where I can get a translater to read their posts. I think they should try harder to translate their input so everyone is possible to read it.

Let me clear and do not misunderstand my words: I could care less what you are interested in. Lighten up and be a little more flexible towards humanity. Not everyone speaks English, period. Use a translator - it takes like 30 seconds to translate something.

Also, so there is no possible misunderstanding. Back when I was a mod at C2K I posted this exact message for users there, and perhaps it might help further your understanding.

OK folks, there seems to have been lots of controversy around here regarding some of our raters from across the ocean so I am going to attempt to put a stop to it now.

1st -- while I realize most everyone here speaks English, you are NOT to start slamming those who do not. If you cannot understand it, then you can go to ANY translation web site and it will translate the remark for free. This is not rocket science, so stop being jerks about it.

2nd -- your rudeness to members (and if you are wondering if I am talking to you then apply this: "If the shoe fits wear it") is beginning to piss us mods off (sorry to be harsh ... but I feel it is needed here). Time after time we have to spend hours cleaning up your remarks and it is getting old. Just move on, this is not life or death here. Get it translated, it is not tough to do.

3rd -- if you have any problems with this you can PM me directly and I will gladly explain myself further for your benefit.

Now, let's all have some fun and stop the stupid bickering over the fact that we have some members where English is not their first language. Thank you.


La gente GIUSTA, l????????? sembra essere lotti di polemica intorno a qui per
quanto riguarda alcuni dei nostri raters attraverso dall'oceano in
modo da sto andando tentare ora di mettere un arresto ad esso.

primo -- mentre realizzo che [ i]most[/i ] tutto qui parla inglese,
voi non deve cominciare sbattere coloro che non. Se non potete
capirli, quindi potete andare Web site di traduzione [ b]ANY[/b ] e
tradurr????????? l'osservazione per libero. Ci????????? non ????????? la scienza del razzo,
in modo da arresto che ????????? scatti a questo proposito.

secondo -- il vostro rudeness ai membri (e sesiete domandandosi iete
domandandosi se sto comunicando con voi allora applichi questo: "se le
misure del pattino lo portano") sta cominciando ad orinare noi mods
fuori. Tempo dopo tempo che abbiamo spendere le ore che
puliscono le vostre osservazioni e sta ottenendo vecchio. Il pass
giusto, questo non ????????? vita o morte qui. Ottengalo tradotto, esso non
????????? duro fare.

terzo -- se avete qualunque problemi con questo che potete
direttamente PM me e mi spiegher????????? felice pi????????? ulteriormente per il
vostro beneficio.

Ora, lascili che tutti hanno certo divertimento e che arrestano
stupido bickering sopra il fatto che abbiamo alcuni membri in cui
l'inglese non ????????? la loro prima lingua. Grazie.


La gente ACEPTABLE, all????????? se parece haber sido porciones de
controversia alrededor de aqu????????? con respecto a algunos de nuestros
raters a trav?????????s del oc?????????ano as????????? que voy a procurar ahora poner fin a

1r -- mientras que realizo que [ i]most[/i ] cada uno aqu????????? habla
ingl?????????s, usted no debe comenzar a cerrar de golpe a los que no lo
hagan. Si usted no puede entenderlo, despu?????????s usted puede ir Web site
de la traducci?????????n [ b]ANY[/b ] y traducir????????? la observaci?????????n para
libre. ?????????sta no es ciencia del cohete, as????????? que parada que es tirones
sobre ?????????l.

2do -- su rudeness a los miembros (y si usted se est????????? preguntando si
estoy hablando con usted entonces aplique esto: "si los ajustes del
zapato lo usan") est?????????n comenzando a piss nosotros los mods apagado.
Repetidas veces tenemos que pasar las horas que limpian encima de sus
observaciones y est????????? consiguiendo viejo. El movimiento justo
encendido, esto no es vida o muerte aqu?????????. Cons?????????galo traducido, ?????????l
no es resistente hacer.

3ro -- si usted tiene cualesquiera problemas con esto que usted puede
P.M. yo directamente y me explico alegre m?????????s lejos para su ventaja.

Ahora, d?????????jenos que todos tienen cierta diversi?????????n y que paran
discutir est?????????pido sobre el hecho de que tenemos algunos miembros
donde no est????????? su primera lengua el ingl?????????s. Gracias.


OKAYV?????????LKER, scheint dort, Lose Kontroverse um hier betreffend einige
unserer raters ?????????ber vom Ozean gewesen zu sein, also werde ich
versuchen, einen Anschlag zu ihm jetzt zu setzen.

1. -- w?????????hrend ich verwirkliche da????????? [ i]most[/i ] spricht jeder hier
Englisch, Sie sollen NICHT die, zuzuschlagen beginnen, die nicht. Wenn
Sie nicht es verstehen k?????????nnen, dann k?????????nnen Sie gehen ?????????bersetzung [
b]ANY[/b ] Web site und sie ?????????bersetzt die Anmerkung f?????????r freies.
Dieses ist nicht Rakete Wissenschaft, also der Anschlag, der Rucke
?????????ber es ist.

2. -- Ihr rudeness zu den Mitgliedern (und wenn Sie sich wundern, wenn
ich mit Ihnen dann spreche, wenden Sie dieses an: "wenn die Schuhsitze
es") anf?????????ngt piss wir mods weg tragen. Oft m?????????ssen wir die Stunden
verbringen, die herauf Ihre Anmerkungen s?????????ubern und es wird alt.
Gerechte Bewegung an, dieses ist nicht Leben oder Tod hier. Erhalten
Sie sie ?????????bersetzt, es ist nicht haltbar zu tun.

3. -- wenn Sie irgendwelche Probleme mit diesem haben, das Sie P.M.
ich direkt k?????????nnen und ich froh mich weiter f?????????r Ihren Nutzen

Jetzt lassen Sie uns, die alle etwas Spa????????? haben und dumme bickering
?????????ber der Tatsache stoppen, da????????? wir einige Mitglieder haben, in denen
Englisch nicht ihre erste Sprache ist. Danke.


Clear enough? Good.

Post December 27th, 2004, 8:16 pm

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Post December 27th, 2004, 8:18 pm
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Post December 27th, 2004, 8:22 pm

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Originally posted by WeeWeeSlap

tconwell, that spanish translation sure is [r]
Well, at least I made an attempt to get it there man ... lol. [lol]

Post December 28th, 2004, 5:12 am

Posts: 1620
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Location: USA
holy poop you people are so american?! you just assume that everyone speaks english! stop being so ethnocentric and realize for a min that there are other cultures and languages in this world. now, if was a retail store in utah, i'd expect people to speak english, but it isnt, it's a website, meaning an entity on the world wide web so because this is an international thing, not just constricted to english speaking nations, be more open minded and shut the hell up.

god... some people are just plain stupid.

Post December 28th, 2004, 7:16 am

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Location: Marske-By-The-Sea, Redcar, United Kingdom
sorta stupid but my dad's american friend told him that the american's invented the english langauge[:D]

Post December 28th, 2004, 12:36 pm

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Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA, USA
Originally posted by coaster992001

holy poop you people are so american?! you just assume that everyone speaks english! stop being so ethnocentric and realize for a min that there are other cultures and languages in this world. now, if was a retail store in utah, i'd expect people to speak english, but it isnt, it's a website, meaning an entity on the world wide web so because this is an international thing, not just constricted to english speaking nations, be more open minded and shut the hell up.

god... some people are just plain stupid.

you must look at how many of the people speak english here, i'd say definatly 90% and even more. It's kinda just the way it is.

Post December 28th, 2004, 12:45 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

Originally posted by goingevenloopier

sorta stupid but my dad's american friend told him that the american's invented the english langauge[:D]

Wow ... yeah, I would have kept that to myself to avoid looking like a moron to the entire site.

Post December 28th, 2004, 1:04 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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um... if you right click the page you can click on 'translate into english' and i dont think i need to explain what that does... so if you want to read a rating in a nother language... yeah...
you might need the google toolbar to do it tho...

Post December 28th, 2004, 11:12 pm

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Originally posted by coaster992001

holy poop you people are so american?! you just assume that everyone speaks english!

Originally posted by goingevenloopier

sorta stupid but my dad's american friend told him that the american's invented the english langauge[:D]

It's thinking like this that causes the whole problem. You make it sound like all 250million americans are ignorant self centered assholes who care nothing about peoples of other nations. So your dad's friend is a retard, thats good for him.

Post December 29th, 2004, 4:34 pm

Posts: 37
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Location: Rotterdam, Zuid Holland, Netherlands
I think this topic is tupid, who cares about in what languages you rate> I'm Dutch, but I can speak English, but there are people who can't. So if you think people should speak English, Don't use this site. It is on the World Wide WEb so everybody can use it!!!!


Post December 29th, 2004, 5:26 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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well i don't agree with you peter. People should have the right to know what other people are writing in a review. If someone is spanish, and can't speak english. You also will complain that you what to know what he wrote. Also, rating are to learn. In a rating you will write what YOU think about the ride. With a good rating you know what to fix. Well, if you get a rate in an other language, you want to know what is standing there so you can improve it or that you can apply it in your next coasters.
shortly said: if you want to rate, rate then in english. So it can help the one you rate with his/hers next coaster.

Post December 29th, 2004, 6:51 pm

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Location: Rotterdam, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Post December 29th, 2004, 6:57 pm

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Location: Millbrook, Alabama, USA

See my long response and oh yeah, shut up about it already. Geeeeeeeesh.

Post December 29th, 2004, 6:58 pm

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Location: Rotterdam, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Post December 29th, 2004, 7:21 pm

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Post December 29th, 2004, 7:42 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

well done on sorting that out TJ! There are many people who cannot speak English, if you couldnt speak english and were told, oh you cannot take part in rating tracks, evn though you enjoy it would you be mad? oops Sorry we were supposed to shut up about it........... ah silence! lol.

Post December 29th, 2004, 8:16 pm

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Location: Rotterdam, Zuid Holland, Netherlands

Post December 29th, 2004, 8:46 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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