TConwell downrated my ride on a few things my brother WANTED TO HAPPEN! And one more
my bro (GoBo3000) clearly wanted the track to slow down at certain points. he stated that on the forum under hard hat area, and begged me to write it on the track area[B)]. also it does pass the tunnel test (as genebabee stated) that each dot is at least one yard apart on the editor, im not sure if that's true but i thought about it, and if u put a track in between the dots, and it was only one foot, it would be really inches wide. also, i think its kinda weird that he mention riders "head and feet" would be hit by supports...i dont know about that...really, feet?
also, on the posts (another reason) he started (along with other people) insulting how my brother was typing...and how strange my brother is (always really hyper). so maybe he has a grudge against him, and took it out on the track.
i really hope you say something about his rating. if not...i guess a 4 is all right for it.[:(!]