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Hyper X, the ultimate No Limits coaster

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post January 2nd, 2005, 6:27 am

Posts: 3370
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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

After all of the recent coasters that have been posted, I noticed that the ratings have gotten a bit crazy with what is "allowed" to be on a coaster of certain types and what isn't. i am a firm believer of putting unexpected surprises in coasters, and not always reading between the lines. I knew that it was time for a change. It was time to prove that anything is possible. Well, I have begun to make the single most original coaster in NL history... a melding of original and intense elements that would be completely possible on real coasters based on the g-force readings staying below the yellow.

The Specs:

Remember "Cataclysm"? It featured a 108 degree first drop. This drop was intense, and generated 3 seconds of airtime. The drop on that coaster was nothing. Hyper X will have a drop that tilts a full 180 degree drop. Rather than pulling out of the drop, you keep falling down, all the way upside down. Forget airtime... it is more of a bat-hanging-from-the-rafters effect with continued sustained g-forces of -1.4. This ride then has a completely original sequence of inversions, airtime, positive g's, a spiraling tophat, outside loop, a second 350 ft 90 degree drop, and intense turns, all without without losing any momentum. The pace gets faster and faster as the ride nears its end. The whole mess of tangled track will be packed into a surprisingly compact area with a massive enigma of supports holding it up. The ride is a blending of every type of coaster. It has some hypercoaster, some flying coaster, some mega-looping coaster, some wild mouse coaster, some vertical drop coaster, and some of my own special elements that you won't find anywhere else all blended into one super-coaster. This will be one to remember. I will post some screenshots as soon as more work is done on the coaster. My goal with "Hyper X" is to prove forever that in the world of coasters, there are NO LIMITS!
Last edited by cjd on January 4th, 2005, 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Post January 2nd, 2005, 12:36 pm

Posts: 918
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Location: St. Louis, MO, USA

Sounds awesome. Let me know if you need a tester.
Your coasters are always pretty interesting.

Post January 4th, 2005, 4:46 am

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It sounds pretty nice and all, but don't you think it also sounds a bit long?

Post January 4th, 2005, 5:21 am

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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Ride time is not an issue. It is only 2 1/2 minutes long. Oh, and a quick update... I have just completed the most challenging element on the whole ride, the outside loop. It is, I am happy to report, a complete success. With maximum negative g's of only -1.6 for a split second, it is completely disorienting and an absloutely wicked experience while not hurting the riders. Track layout is 60% complete. All that is left to build is the grand finale. Here is the sequence of elements so far.

1. 180 degree angle drop, 490 ft in the air
2. high speed 5 g curve
3. small airtime hill
4. 341 ft immelman
5. 420 ft vertical plunge
6. mega-hangtime loop (flips upside down and stays upside down)
7. small airtime hill
8. 265 ft Stengel dive
9. 321 ft outside loop (the most intense inversion ever)
10. ? this is as far as I have gotten.... 10,000 ft of track down, 7,000 to go.

Screenshots coming soon.

Post January 5th, 2005, 10:38 am

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About the outside loop I know Anton Swarstkopf wanted to do that, but he gave up the idea because it was impossible and would be to intense for the riders. Just thought I should mention it;)

Post January 5th, 2005, 9:41 pm

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True, it is impossible on a traditional coaster with regular-sized trains. The way I did it is by using single car operation like a wild mouse coaster. The ride capacity is not that high, but the point of this ride is to drop the barriers and prove that it is possible. If you had a wild mouse coaster that used this element, it would be completely possible. Take a look for yourself at how I did it, and also a shot of some of the other unique elements.


Post January 5th, 2005, 10:34 pm

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That outside loop isnt the same as Antons. Antons was the "Figure 8 Loop" and twisted to keep the riders upside down.


Notice the twist.

That track though looks like it would need the screamin squirrel cars. Its possible, but probably not at that scale.

Post January 6th, 2005, 1:54 am

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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

I can already see that my coaster is going to get downrated alot for ride capacity. I guess I should just make it a fantasy coaster and forget about setting the blocks up for realistic ride capacity. That doesn't change the fact that I succesfully made an outside loop with no yellow -g's. It is one awesome element.

Post January 9th, 2005, 4:02 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

looking very very good CJD, cant wait for that outside loop. I have tried one of them before but mine didnt work, although that was when i first got nolimits so i didnt know a thing. lol.
I also cant wait to see you support all of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.

I wish Anton had made that track, it looks very good!

Post January 9th, 2005, 4:19 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Originally posted by jpecool

I wish Anton had made that track, it looks very good!

It also looks hella painful like the rest of them [lol]

This ride is looking pretty insane CJD, looks like its going to be ridiculously intense. I'm currently having a go at this so called "outside loop" right now and you're right, its well'ard to get it to have realistic g's. BUT, in trying to build one of these outside loops, living up to my title I have spawned an entirely new inversion [:D] to feature on a ride of mine in the future.

One problem for me with this track of yours though (and its no fault of your own) is the FPS, for me it will probably be pointless actually trying to ride this ride as even with smaller rides, my FPS averages out about the 2 mark [lol] So one that has 4568565289667657836406439 (estimate [lol]) supports on it is going to leave me with 0/1 FPS like your Cataclysm ride did hahaha. Nevermind ey.

Post January 9th, 2005, 4:30 pm

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Location: Lincoln, United Kingdom

lol, yeah i know, although i could ride Cataclysm perfectly without any FPS problems! I bet i will struggle to ride this coaster properly. Get it done as quick as you can, and then make the mods wait a while before doing the next cool designs vote if there is one, you may find your track in there!

Post January 9th, 2005, 5:09 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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cjd if you need another tester, i'm available. If you want to see how detailed i rate, check out some rating from me.
Here's my e-mail: Ermen(dot)Dirk(at)home(dot)nl

Post January 9th, 2005, 7:06 pm

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Location: New Concord, OH, USA

Sure, I'll take some testers. Unfortunatley, I am about to give my laptop back to Mercer after getting kicked out, so I probably won't be working on any coasters for another month or so while I wait for my Ebay business to get me enough money for a laptop. But I will take test riders starting now. just leave your email and I will send it out ASAP.

EDIT: Actually, I just remembered about the Nolimits development center... I will post it in the behind the fence section and get you all a link to download it from.

Post January 9th, 2005, 8:29 pm
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