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SFOG Online

Here, anything goes. Talk about anything that you would like to talk about!

Post January 13th, 2005, 5:14 pm

Posts: 37
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Location: USA
Hey! I just want to promote a new website called SFOG Online. Its a Six Flags over Georgia fansite, that isn't completely open yet, but we have opened up the forums, and a few other things. we currently have 6 members, which is good, for it only being up for about 10 days. If you have any intrest in Six Flags over Georgia, or Six Flags inc. or flags, or the number 6 please come join our forum, its pretty much complete, just got to get some avatars up, but besides that its done. to sign up please go here, to go to SFOG Online please go here !


Post January 13th, 2005, 5:19 pm
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someone added that to my links but I denied it cuz there is no content on it, just a eerie voice saying welcome to sfogonline etc and the main front page, nothing else really. we'll see how that plays out.

Post January 13th, 2005, 5:55 pm

Posts: 37
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Location: USA
Yeah, I was the person who asked you, but I can see how you wouldn't accept it, you and some other roller coaster websites have because its not yet completely open yet. I'm just trying to get the news about the site out there before it opens on March 5, 2005

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