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SM for Mac? Ever going to happen?

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Post January 20th, 2005, 3:24 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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I have asked the creator's of SM if they ever planned on making it for macs. I got back an answer that the head honch does not have enough $, to buy a mac. Sooo I became a bit confused seeing as the SM team does it as a job, and Ole does NL as a side-job/project, and yet he has ported it over to the mac platform. I just find it odd. I am sure the SM team would get back there $ for sure, seeing as more macs are being purchased than pcs now. Plus with more coasters being uploaded chances are peeps will see them and want to buy SM. Either way I hope the SM team smartens up a bit and widens there audience (not ment to offend your intelligence, jost an opinion)

Post January 20th, 2005, 4:11 pm

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Originally posted by Brtnboarder495
seeing as more macs are being purchased than pcs now.

Look, I love Macs too, but don't kid yourself. Sales are still in the neighborhood of 20:1 in favor of PCs.

Post January 20th, 2005, 7:13 pm

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Very true. The piece-of-junk Macintosh shall never overcome the mighty Windows!!! Enough of my extreme loyalty to Windows... It just wouldn't be a very good idea to port it over until after SM 2 comes out. We want them to focus all their energy on finishing that first. Then, possibly work on the Mac version. As it is, the SM1 engine, is not very efficient and would probably crash all of the regular (already laggy) Macs. The only Macs it would be good on would be the ridiculously expensive ones.

Post January 20th, 2005, 7:37 pm

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Yeah, let them make SM2 first, then they'll get alot of $$$ and then they can probably get a mac.

Alternavitey, you can get a windows and play 100's of more games and use 100's of more software. [;)]

Post January 20th, 2005, 8:22 pm

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^ Uh dude use Virtual Pc and you can run both Apple and PC programs on any Mac. So looks like the Mac runs 101x programs compared to the PC's.[;)]

Post January 20th, 2005, 9:34 pm

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Linux man, linux. Btw, I think its wise that DragonIOA is focusing on the pc portion of the computer industry, as it is nearly 97% of the market. Lets use an example: $970,000 PC, $30,000 Mac, (using 97%) for 100% of 1,000,000. why do you think that we would go mac when pc is enough?

Post January 20th, 2005, 11:42 pm

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Linux! Wine....pwnage....errr....
The only reason I see Macs not happening is because you need a decent video card, and not only are cards expensive for Macs, they're also hard to come by.
Other than that, it would be great to expand the SM community as much as possible of course. We do need some more SM guys...

Post January 21st, 2005, 6:16 pm

Posts: 152
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The only thing holding back a mac version is that I don't own a mac, and I can't afford a decent one that can actually run a modern game at the moment. The code is fairly portable, with all the windows-specific code in one class, and all the endian issues already taken care of. Yes, a mac port would make good business sense because macs make up roughly half of the shareware sales. And I'm sure that I would make back the money invested. But since there is no money to invest right now, it's a moot point. I will say that there are no plans for a mac version of SM2, and there won't be until OpenGL gets its extensions mess straightened out.

WHI is my fulltime job, but the rest of the staff has other jobs. Note that I said WHI, not SM [:)] From what I understand, NL is Ole's fulltime job as well, but I could be wrong.

xbox - VirtualPC is worthless for high-end games. And, of course, windows users can always use PearPC and run Mac software if they need to [:)]

Post January 21st, 2005, 10:07 pm
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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PearPC? Hmm wonder what that is. Virtualpc doesnt allow you to run games that require 3d cards (big mistake). Sorry Dragons IOA, I was pretty sure you said SM was your main job. Either way I understand, the mac I am on is not incredible, but it was 2500$. Either way, I will just have to wait.

Very true. The piece-of-junk Macintosh shall never overcome the mighty Windows!!! Enough of my extreme loyalty to Windows... It just wouldn't be a very good idea to port it over until after SM 2 comes out. We want them to focus all their energy on finishing that first. Then, possibly work on the Mac version. As it is, the SM1 engine, is not very efficient and would probably crash all of the regular (already laggy) Macs. The only Macs it would be good on would be the ridiculously expensive ones.

Well, ya you can get a pc for like 500 dollars but the power it can drive is really low. Macs and Pcs are priced very similarly. Apple just doesnt want to sell of low end computers that cant do poop except surf the web and type word documents. That is why there comps start at 1000 dollars or higher, because they believe in higher powered and quality comps. Yes pcs can run exes and have direct x, but mac can run many programs pc cant. Plus many exspensive marketing/art tools run better on macs (adobe photoshop). Did I forget to mention they are user friendly? I honestly think those who say macs are crap are just jealous because they cant afford a mac. In most cases I find that to be the answer. My friends have decent computers (pcs) that are to the equivalent of my mac in terms of power, however any of them would take my mac instead of having there pc anyday. Well I dont want to start another mac/pc war so I will stop typing now [lol]

Post January 21st, 2005, 10:32 pm

Posts: 152
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Originally posted by Brtnboarder495

PearPC? Hmm wonder what that is. Virtualpc doesnt allow you to run games that require 3d cards (big mistake). Sorry Dragons IOA, I was pretty sure you said SM was your main job. Either way I understand, the mac I am on is not incredible, but it was 2500$. Either way, I will just have to wait.

PearPC is an open source Mac emulator for PC's. Last time I used it (which was months ago) it was mature enough to be able to run OSX fine, but slowly, which is to be expected. SM is part of my fulltime job, but it is just the first of (hopefully) many games WHI puts out. Right now SM2 gets about 75% of my time, and the other 25% is spent on an online game we've been working on. Actually, right now about 75% of my time is spent doing stuff for my dad since he had surgery last week and can't do too much right now, but that's another story altogether [:)] I've had discussions with other companies in the past about producing a Mac version so it isn't out of the question at this point.

Post January 22nd, 2005, 9:44 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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Ok, well I will keep my hopes up, lol. BTW hope your dad recovers from his surgery quickly and safely. [:)]

Post January 22nd, 2005, 9:48 am
Brtnboarder495 Premium Member
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First off sorry to double post, but this post needs its own.

As it is, the SM1 engine, is not very efficient and would probably crash all of the regular (already laggy) Macs. The only Macs it would be good on would be the ridiculously expensive ones.

Actually I am not sure when the last time you used a mac, they are crash-proof. They cannot crash. If an application does not respond (crash), you are able to "force quit" the application, without crashing your mac. This allows you to freely continue your work/play on your mac without restarting. You said that SM would only run on high powered macs, but thats wrong aswell. You need a decent PC to run SM, and the same goes for mac. You woudlnt be able to effiecntly (or at all) SM on a 500$ pc.

Post January 22nd, 2005, 11:16 am

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Originally posted by Brtnboarder495

First off sorry to double post, but this post needs its own.

As it is, the SM1 engine, is not very efficient and would probably crash all of the regular (already laggy) Macs. The only Macs it would be good on would be the ridiculously expensive ones.

Actually I am not sure when the last time you used a mac, they are crash-proof. They cannot crash. If an application does not respond (crash), you are able to "force quit" the application, without crashing your mac. This allows you to freely continue your work/play on your mac without restarting. You said that SM would only run on high powered macs, but thats wrong aswell. You need a decent PC to run SM, and the same goes for mac. You woudlnt be able to effiecntly (or at all) SM on a 500$ pc.

How ignorant are you? Control+Alt+Delete. Wait you have apple+Q (couldnt make the retarted squigly sign).

Also, you wasted $2500. I spent $2100 on my pc, all custom built, purely amazing. I wont have to update it until im in college if I even feel like it. Not to mention its 64bit, 5.1surround sound, 19" monitor, wireless mouse and keyboard (ahh, being on the computer while eating on the couch).

Needless to say, those paperweights (macs) suck.

Post January 22nd, 2005, 12:10 pm

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I use pc at home, and mac at school. You say a mac can't crash? That may be true. But my pc hasn't crashed since I bought it either, so it makes no different. I mostly use macs for video editing. But a big problem has been the editing program crashing making us loose all our work. This happen a lot, at all macs I have tried. So they don't seem that stable. Also they are slow, unless you buy a big G5 or something. I've heard many people saying Macs are so good looking, and much bether than pc. Well yes they do look nice. However I think for instance Lian-Li's towers are much bether looking than macs.

I consider myself pretty experienced in both mac and pc, and I choose pc over mac any day. It's just so much bether. Sorry for going off-topic, but I just had to say this[;)]

Post January 22nd, 2005, 12:44 pm

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Originally posted by Brtnboarder495
Actually I am not sure when the last time you used a mac, they are crash-proof. They cannot crash.

Actually, I use a PC I built myself and it works fine. Also, I use a Mac every single day (the high-end ones too) in the video class at my school. They are too ignorant to realise the advantages of a PC... Anyways, those things cause so many problems when it comes to creating a weekly bulletin at my school that its no longer funny. At least the teachers there were smart enough to get 2-Button mice which drastically improve things. However, I have noticed that Macs are MUCH slower than PCs. I was talking to a guy at CompUSA who does large calculations on computers for his college work and he says that Windows is just a ridiculously slow operating system, but the processors are much superior, and that Mac's just use a very fast operating system so that their processors don't have to be nearly as fast. That's why when it comes to rendering graphics and video, the PC is far superior. Thus, the Windows computer is better for Scream Machines, thus it is superior. Also, for an explanation of the $500 computers, those are for the families who can't afford a Mac or any other computer really. Not everyone is rich you know. My computer cost somewhere between $1500 and $2000 and not everyone has that kind of cash to spend on a computer. The $500 computers are mainly there to help out families that are strapped for cash afford a computer that can connect to the internet and use Word for the sake of the children. And for my ending quip, my old school librarian said, "Macs are for failed PC users."

Post January 26th, 2005, 9:31 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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Mac = Hardcore working
PC = Hardcore gaming & working

Post March 29th, 2005, 6:50 pm

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I would say, to each his/her own...I own both a Mac and a PC and they both have their strong points...For me the Mac has always been a true plug and play....Windows is another story alltogether. I can't tell you how many times I have been pleasantly surprised after plugging in some video camera or digital camera or printer and being able to print the first page while Windows is still building a driver database for the same hardware...Ugh..But with Windows if your a gamer you will be served first while the Mac users wait in line for another year or so...Who ever said video cards are hard to come by hasn't been out looking lately....I have purchased 3 video cards in the last 3 years and ALL of them work in both Windows or MacOS so I don't know where he got that info from...

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