I have no name for this coaster right now so dont yell for that any ways im making a new bike coaster only started making supports and need people to tell me if its good or not but if you want the pics or track you will have to pm ur email because for some reason i cant pos them. PLEASE HELP ME WITH THIS COASTER.
The hight is about 20 meters and the length is a little over 1000 meter and dirk i want help from other peeps I can always ask u on msn and new pic: ignore the thing in the corner I used batch image converter demo to convert it
yes and i spent 2 hours tweaking his coaster for him...then all of a sudden...he was like i like mine better bye. If u saw how much stuff i did to the coaster...i de pumped the turns....with the de-pumper...i was smoothing ike crazy! and thirdly...i was so proud of what i have done....