Originally posted by lpth5
to slow you down so you get a good view of everything.
Im sorry, but I hope you are joking.
Trims are only ever installed for a few reasons:
Steel coasters - to cut down on G forces exerted on riders. Mantis had complaints of people getting rubber legs, strains and people pulling muscles. I dont find the forces to be a problem on my legs on mantis, just the lateral shakiness which causes a ton of headbanging for me. Most steel rides with trims, the purpose is to reduce the force on the riders.
Wooden coasters - the USUAL reason (aside from the reason above) for woodies to get trims is because wooden coasters do alot of damage to their own track. Obviously, the more speed and force a wooden train dishes out, the more wear and tear on the wood. Examples of this are found on RAttler and Mean Streak which are trimmed to death so they last longer and theres less repair to do.