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[UK-TV] Anatomy For Beginners!

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Post January 28th, 2005, 3:52 pm

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US people - Anatomy For Beginners is a program in the UK where an anatomist disects a real human body on TV, givingyou insight into the insides of the body

Has anyone else here from the UK been watching the controversial 'Anatomy for Beginners' on channel 4 latly? I know i've seen every episode and i thought the program was fascinating. Studying A-Level human biology it also allowed me to get to grips with what different organs looked like. Looking a diagrams is good and everything, but it doesnt compare to seeing the real thing from a fresh diseccted body. At not point did i really find the program sick, although was i the only expecing the mad scientist to pull out a George Forman grill after he had chopped the brain into several burger like parts...mmm, and also was i the only grabbing onto my nuts after watching the testicle being disected? [lol]

Another thing that ade me luagh was the random guy standing naked at the side, that acted as a live model, was there any need for him to be completly naked when they where discussing the lungs? [lol]

Below is a link to the Anatomy Website, WARNING - The site features graphic videos and pictures of real human disection, those who are weak of heart, and weak of butt dont not click on the link...but you know you really want to, so just go ahead and click it, but dont say i didnt warn you!
Last edited by Edge on January 28th, 2005, 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post January 28th, 2005, 4:21 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I've been watching it and have found it ... erm ... ineteresting shall we say, but I had to turn away when he started cutting open that guys bollocks, I just had to look away [lol] I almost felt it myself hehe.

Was there any need for any of the live models to be naked for anything? I think they should all just have been wearing white, skin tight all-in-ones, because that way, they'd still be able to project those images onto them and also we wouldn't have to suffer looking at some blokes cock.

I tell you what I don't like, when they've used the fixotive to make all the body parts go solid before disection, i don't like that, I found it much more interesting when all the gore was dribbling out everywhere and stuff, that was much better.

Post January 28th, 2005, 4:28 pm

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lmao my thoughts exactly. The disection of the intestines was poop, the body didnt even look real. The best one by far was the dissection of the heart and lungs

Post January 28th, 2005, 4:31 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Yeah that was sweet when he was showing the lungs inflating and deflating. There is some stuff inside our bodies that looks so different to what you'd expect, like the pancreas I thought it looked so much different to that cus in reality it looks like a really knobly piece of poo [lol]

Post January 28th, 2005, 4:55 pm

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Originally posted by The Edge

lmao my thoughts exactly. The disection of the intestines was poop, the body didnt even look real. The best one by far was the dissection of the heart and lungs

Yeah that one was good, although havent you done that at school. We did it on pigs lungs and it absolutely stinks, i didnt watch the one about the genitalia area, the advert was bad enough. lol.

Post January 28th, 2005, 5:10 pm

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Yeah! This program is pretty cool! You can almost feel it when he chops the balls up! Anyway! I thought the lungs were pretty cool were they put a tube to them and blew them up, in the last episode, they showed us the route of food which it went down. They hooked the body up with some fake blood aswell,Very interesting program !

Post January 28th, 2005, 5:54 pm

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although havent you done that at school

Nope, but you bring up a good point, i think it is time for us students in the UK to be able to disect dead humans [lol] I can just imagine walking into the Biology lab with several corpses scattered around the room...yeah, we have disected pigs and what not, and i agree its pretty disgusting at first, i always find the first incision on any disection pretty disgusting and then peeling the skin, fat and connective tissues away, but after that you really dont imagine its a real creature, so you just hackaway at the insides trying not to puke from the nucious smells

Post January 28th, 2005, 6:09 pm

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Post January 28th, 2005, 7:01 pm

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I am calling the cable company ... since we have to sit through the likes of demoralizing television with "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy/Girl" or "Desperate Housewives", etc., ... why not let us see something that is actually educational? I am shocked that the Discovery (Medical) Channel has not caught onto that one yet.

Being from a medical background I have sat through a few autopsies myself (and yes I can eat and watch one now) as well as various surgeries from open heart to spinal to transplant ... I would be more than interested in seeing THAT on television!

Post January 29th, 2005, 10:52 am

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The main reason i cant see a show like this appearing on American TV is mainly due to the fact the whole country is controlled by the media and also you have so many melodramatic morons overther. Going of subject, but when Pimp My Ride came on English TV i just couldnt help but laugh at the people reactions. Primarily it consisted of screaming jumping around, hugging everyone and what not, ijust found it so melodramatic to a point it wasnt funny, if a program like that came on in the UK im pretty sure the reactions would simply be 'cool', but hell all MTV is get better ratings, and admitidly watching the reactions of the people is one of the best part of the show.

Although a high majourity of Americans would probaly love the program, you'd always get the dickhead that would sue to makers of the program, on the bases that he past out and hit his head on a pillow case

Post January 29th, 2005, 1:25 pm

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In a more controlled and protected world you would be correct Edge; except that we have programs very similiar to this already - such as complete surgical procedures (whether cosmetic or life saving) being shown in graphic detail on such channels as The Learning Channel (TLC) ... so with that said your logic has several unproveable points to it, and so it fails to hold up.

But I have to point out, that comparing a program on a medical procedure to something as planned and rediculously immature as "Pimp my Ride" makes about as much sense as trying to prove your accent is more acceptable than mine to the general public. They are two completely different things that are uncomparable and have no metrics or baseline facts to use -- so using that as an analogy whether off topic or not, didn't help your case IMO.

An interesting thought process for sure, but it didn't add to or disprove that since that this type of programming already exists in the States, it would have an audience already in place - which was what I was saying.

Post January 29th, 2005, 1:44 pm

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Location: Kettering, England / Northamptonshire, United Kingdom

whether cosmetic or life

The main difference is that the people are being operated on are alive, or the doctors trying to keep them that way. Anatomy for Beginners uses corpses which are literaly torn apart by Von Hagen. Furthermore i was in no way comparing Pimp My Ride to a medical proceedure, i was simply backing up my statement of Melodramatic Americans. Come on, we've all seen the fat black chicks that squeel and holla and every opertunite. The thought of one of those girls watching a program such as Anatomy For Beginners makes me want to delve into the closet to pull out my ear mufflers, although if there gang ho's there porbaly used to all the death...WWS would know

Post January 29th, 2005, 2:35 pm

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The program looks like fun, Ive recorded most of them so I'll watch them whenever I can be bothered. Not sure if I want to watch the reproduction one though, The thought of some old dudes balls gettin sliced to bits doesnt sound like good viewing lol

Post January 29th, 2005, 4:20 pm

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Post January 29th, 2005, 6:23 pm
gouldy User avatar
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Yeah, I think if you are going to miss one of the episodes out, it should be that one, because of obvious reasons it wasn't particularly my favourite episode. For a start the blokes ... thing ... was all black and manky so yeah, maybe you should avoid that episode.


Post January 29th, 2005, 7:04 pm

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^ and dont forget gouldy they had a live naked man standing as a dummy at the side, with the guy talking next to him. They kept showing him aswell. That bit was even on the advert! lol.

Post January 29th, 2005, 7:07 pm

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Mmmm Black and Manky, even more incentive to watch..

Is it true that he sliced the guys brain up using a bread slicer?

Post January 29th, 2005, 8:01 pm

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It wasnt an actual bread slicer, but it was something to the effect.

Post January 30th, 2005, 10:58 am
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It was one of those contraptions that you can see in any supermarket behind the meat counter, I guess they use it to chop meat ... [lol]

Post February 2nd, 2005, 4:22 pm

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i seen the one were they sliced the brian into slices, they used the ham machine slicer thingy were you slice ham, it was quite weird. Also the part were the guy looks into the intestines, they are all black and grey with some red parts, it was really weird, but (Thankfully) i didnt see the reproduction episode.

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