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Post February 10th, 2005, 3:24 pm
gouldy User avatar
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HAHA, I just found this and its proper funny.

English people: Look, this guy could be your next door neighbour so yeah be worried, very worried.

American people: I know what sort of view you have of English people, well I think this will disprove that view forever [lol] This is whats known as a CHAV and they seem to take up about 99% of the population of England

Oh dear, Oh dear oh dear.

Post February 10th, 2005, 7:09 pm

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Lmao Chavs.. Perhaps the lowest form of Human Life on this planet?

They are so stereotypical, every single one of them the same! Crap tracky bottoms tucked into some muck covered crap adidas socks and some trainers that have been ripped open, and a shagged striped jumper. Ooh and dont forget the vital accessorie, the minging orange tan girl on the arm and some sovereign rings from the Argos Catalogue. Aaah dont you just love Chavs - If they could be a bodypart of society, It would probably be the Armpit.

Post February 10th, 2005, 8:26 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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they keep saying: fokin this fokin that, fokin, fokin, fokin, etc!
Don't they know other words then fokin.

Post February 11th, 2005, 4:53 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I think they are more likely to be the arsehole of society [lol]

Oh yeah, you missed an item of that list of must have Chav accessories .... THE BURBERY (sp?lol) CAP!

Post February 11th, 2005, 5:19 pm

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urgh, the burbery cap. Nobody else will buy burbery anymore, as they are to scared to look like a chav and be laughed at! [lol]

Chavs run all the area around where i live. You cant walk anywhere without seeing a chav. Oh you forgot 2 other words a chav knows:
1) Nob
2) Wottttttttttttttttttttt?

Oh, and the phrase:
Wot, ya starting? [lol]

Post February 11th, 2005, 7:56 pm

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Lol it was funny the other day, me and 2 mates were walking one of thems girlfriend home and these 2 proper weedy chavs started on us cos "we looked at them funny". They will start a fight for anything, for starters we didnt even look lol. Arsehole, Armpit same difference. Either way they belong in a smelly area.

Post February 12th, 2005, 1:02 pm
gouldy User avatar
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you forgot perhaps the most important phrase in a Chavs phrase book:

"W'love YOU LOOKIN' AT!?"

another one of their favourites is "Knob'Ed!"

obviously the word they use more than any other is the F word, they say it practially every other word.

These people are just plain bad [lol] They are the people who go to football matches and start fights and give football a bad name, all the football hooligans that I have ever seen were Chavs so yeah, screw them all! ... Well, not literally, who would want to screw them really?

BTW, to any Americans reading, "CHAV" stands for 'Council House And Violent', being as they nearly all ... no, being as they all live in council houses and make it through life by being violent towards others.

Post February 12th, 2005, 2:13 pm

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How can he be so stupid? He starts talking about something but cant even fit one sentence together. Or is it an actor?

Post February 12th, 2005, 10:20 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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- first american to post, yeah!
- dirk beat me to the first non British to post.
So are the people who made Snatch and Lock, Shock, and 2 smoking barrols considered CHAVs? or are they completely decent people who like to use ever other word as the f word in thier movies?

Post February 13th, 2005, 9:42 am

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No no, the people in Lock Stock and Snatch arent Chavs. They are the equivalent of the London Mafia - Chavs are more wannabe gangsters. Chavs cant afford the stuff that gangsters can.

Post February 13th, 2005, 11:42 am
gouldy User avatar
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Biggs, I reckon the guy in these little clips is infact an actor, but I have seen real chavs do things very similar. I don't think that a real chav would let someone film them like that without beating them over the head with a snooker ball in a sock and taking the camera.

thecool326, the people in lock stock are gangsters, just British gangsters. Chavs try to be a little bit like gangsters, only they are very unsohpisticated people and so they cannot be gangsters at all. Instead what we end up with is someone who can't talk properly, deals and takes copious amounts of drugs (or pretends to), lacks any knowledge of decency towards others and has a complete disregard for the property of others, not to mention being as violent and abusive as possible towards everything and everyone.

They're just plain scum, often to be found in the early hours of the morning in bus shelters drinking "white lightening" cider and thinking they deserve respect for doing so ... as they shout "GREEBO!" at you as you walk past in your baggy jeans and black hoody (from personal experience [;)])

I do believe it should be mandatory for all chavs to be killed ... NOW!

Post February 13th, 2005, 12:01 pm

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Biggs, I reckon the guy in these little clips is infact an actor, but I have seen real chavs do things very similar. I don't think that a real chav would let someone film them like that without beating them over the head with a snooker ball in a sock and taking the camera.

I agree that the guy in this is an actor, but still is funny as anything to watch. I dont really have any problems with Chavs round here, probaly i live on the richer side of the town no where near council houses [lol] The only reall run in with Chavs that i had was when i was fishing down the river with me brother and mates several years back. A group of about 30 chavs (chavs always hang around in huge gangs, they are pussies by themeselves) came up to me and asked me if they could push me in the river, i just laughed at them and said no, they then stood behind us for about 10 minutes before we decided to leave, then one of the kids, he must of been 8 decided he would try to steal some or our stuff, i then casualy proceeded to hit him in the head with the fishing rod and then we walked off, and thqats basicaly my story.

Usaly i get abuse hurled at me when im walking down the street by chavs, you can casualy be walking along and have 20 kids shout wanker at makes me laugh, usaly out loud at them, but its all in good fun

Post February 14th, 2005, 6:10 am

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yea fat pie does take the piss out of chavs, also known as townies, gary's, barry's etc, if you wear burrbery or wear a hat at a 50 degree angle, drive a nova, a escort, think your a hard nut, your a chav and the world is laughing at you! i can't believe that all the chav's out there think that they're cool, but believe me, everyone is taking the michael outta you!

Post February 14th, 2005, 7:33 am

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Yeah, thats so true! Only the chavs think there cool, everyone else either just laughs at you, or hates you! [lol] We had a discussion about stereotypes in R.E / R.S (sorry i dont know what american people call it, or even if they have it. It is basically just religious education) and someone mentioned chavs. Then everyone started just taking the mick out of chavs, and even the teacher was laughing! [lol]

Yeah, hate chavs. [lol]

The last time i had a run in with chavs is at school. Our form room is next to a year 11 form room (the year up from me) and there are loads of chavs in that form room. They think they can run the place, and they all walk around slamming doors, shouting, strutting [lol] Yeha and these chavs just started talking/shouting at me, and i ignored them as you do, and went into my form room. They were about to follow but i casually slammed the door in ones face. oops [lol]

Post March 18th, 2005, 5:35 pm

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OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry just thought i would have to bring this topic back to life with what happened to me today concerning Chavs!!!! Right i live about 10 miles from the city, and in a nfairly large village. Me and another lad and a girl were walking up to the next village across the fields in the dark (yes i know thats stupid, who walks across fields in the dark when its just you and another 14 year old and a 15 year old on a friday night!)

Well anyway there was gonna be this party at someones, we didnt know about it, but we had seen a few people we had never seen before walking up, so we followed (as yo do, yep stupid thing again!!) and when we got to the next village we realised we kinda realised we shouldnt have gone. At first i saw some of the people i knew, that was fine, but us 3 just wondered off away from everyone because we really didnt wanna be at this party. Then suddenly we had a few chavs walk out from the dark straight at us (we were sat down outside at this point), they had their hoods up, scarfs round there faces etc. So they started intimidating us like they try to do, and we just sat there, so they turned around (thats after they had tried to stamp our toes, and looked like we were gonna get our asses kicked) and we walked away. We tried to be sensible and get out of the area as fast as we could but there were only 3 ways out. The way we had just come, and 2 other ways with huge groups of chavs. Anyway we had to try get past a group of about 20 - 30 chavs all drinking etc, but they spotted us, and started shouting and stuff, i really thought we were in for it. These guys have a reputation for putting people in hospital, but luckily, one of them was in my form at school it turned out, so they left us alone cos i kinda knew him and so did one of my mates. Then we had to walk like 2 miles in the dark back trying to get past all these drunken chavs. The moral of this story is never be curious on where people are going, and stay away from chavs on dark friday nights. [lol] God i hate chavs.......

Chavs are okay when they are on there own, but when they are in a group of 30 all drunk in the middle of the street when there is only 3 of you, they can be quite intimidating, especially when you dont fancy been beaten up. [V]

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