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Post February 21st, 2005, 9:30 pm

Posts: 49
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This is not an attack on anyone here. I am just curious about something. I posted this track earlier today ... p?tid=6759
and after a while, one person had downloaded it and made a rate on it. About an hour or two later, it had another rating, but still only ONE download.... the second person who rated obviously didnt even download it or see what the levels of the coaster were. this person had given lower than usual ratings as he always does and has on many other people's tracks too. i understand to be critical, but 95% of the time when he rates, he is WAY TOO critical, and what he says never indicates help, but instead more or less criticizes. After clicking on the link, i am talking about the second person to rate this track that i am talking about. i'm not trying to bash him, but i'm just wanting to know how many others have problems with this member.......i know this member has many good tracks of his own and has won awards, but does that make it justifiable for the way he rates? Like i said, i respect this person and the work he does. if you would like to be annonymous about any responses, please pm me.
Last edited by 30thgagt on February 21st, 2005, 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post February 21st, 2005, 9:46 pm

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Ummm ... hard to be annonymous when you spell out which rate you are ticked about and title the thread "LIAR!!!" - Either way, it appears that enough downloads have happened on this to cover the rates (perhaps your refresh was a little slow):

Image Insert:
35.98 KB

... either way, why take the rate as such a personal attack? Why not try to take it as a help to your ride? Just because the other two rated gloriously does not mean they really know what they are talking about either (especially since one has a 5 on a track and the other has no tracks at all) ... something to consider.

Post February 21st, 2005, 10:08 pm

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Because i alrady know of one of the other people who downloaded it. the third down load came later......i am 90% sure he did not downlaod this track. like i said, i know he is good and all, but i have seen many of his ratings, and they are always pretty much the lowest ratings for peoples tracks.....not all, but alot. this track was on another site for months and had an over all rating of like an 8.8 something, out of like 26 ratings and if his rating has been the lowest. i just want to know why he rates as low as he does for so many. like i said, i'm not attacking him, but just wondering.

Post February 21st, 2005, 11:11 pm

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Good concerns and all man ... honestly ... but again, he is a tough rater (like me although I just do not rate RCTs). Normally he posts what standards he uses to rate, they are on his web page somewhere -- but yeah, he has always rated tough and inspired others to design better.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 12:52 am

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Its fine and all to be tough, but you cant deny that the most of this persons ratings are the lowest ratings people get. I have seen and talked to some through pm's that say he rates way too low. this site is all in fun, its not like these coasters are being built in real life. But another thing is is that he doesnt always give good help, and he DOES criticize. Some of these people have built great coasters, and rates them so too low sometimes. yes, he designs good coasters himself, but that doesnt give him the right to do wha the does. i have had people rate me low, but when i go through and see other ratings of theirs, they vary from track to track. I'm not saying every coaster he rates, he rates low, but he does to the majority. i understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but sometimes its too much. I have seen his name on just about every coaster site i have been on, and yes, he does have his own website, but that still does not mean its ok of wha the does. and i will say this one more time, i am not attacking him, i'm just saying that he needs to lighten up a little. some of th epeople on here are just kids, and with the way he acts, actions like that may turn some away.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 8:16 am

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Originally posted by 30thgagt

Its fine and all to be tough, but you cant deny that the most of this persons ratings are the lowest ratings people get. I have seen and talked to some through pm's that say he rates way too low. this site is all in fun, its not like these coasters are being built in real life. But another thing is is that he doesnt always give good help, and he DOES criticize. Some of these people have built great coasters, and rates them so too low sometimes. yes, he designs good coasters himself, but that doesnt give him the right to do wha the does.
Actually, ratings are opinion based completely and I am not sure why you would be that mad, especially when you say:

Originally posted by 30thgagt

i understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but sometimes its too much.
Right? I mean, would you prefer if everyone just rated gloriously? So would I actually, but I am glad there are people here who actually know what they are talking about and are willing to provide honest feedback.

Originally posted by 30thgagt

i have had people rate me low, but when i go through and see other ratings of theirs, they vary from track to track. I'm not saying every coaster he rates, he rates low, but he does to the majority.

Opinions still vary and he is entitled to it, isn't he? If not, then your above statement is false.

Originally posted by 30thgagt

I have seen his name on just about every coaster site i have been on, and yes, he does have his own website, but that still does not mean its ok of wha the does.

Dude, no one said that having his own website means he has justification to rate low, so I am not sure where you got that from.

Originally posted by 30thgagt

i am not attacking him, i'm just saying that he needs to lighten up a little. some of th epeople on here are just kids, and with the way he acts, actions like that may turn some away.
Now, let me ask you to act like an adult here ... have you PM'd him? Or are you hoping that the mods here will fight your battle for you and delete the rate? Why not be a grownup and drop him a line and ask him to work with you a little? DJ gets a bad rap cause he does rate harsh, but I have found that sending him a note usually goes a long way.

Now, from a personal note ... RCT is not that tough, especially RCT2. The design techniques used are fairly easy (point and click), and really are not earth shattering to do and that is the primary reason why I do not rate those rides. But, you need to lay off with the standing on a street corner proclaiming to the world how unfair you think this "un-named person is" and drop the guy a note ... it really does work.


Post February 22nd, 2005, 10:14 am

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Stop worrying about your ratings. Its not the end of the world.

Thats my advice. What he says shouldnt matter to you or anyone in the end. Its just his opinion.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 10:26 am

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Well, first of all 30thgagt, i haven't got any problem with you, just im bored to see stupid noobs rating RCT tracks with a 9, when your track, made in less than 10 min, isn't good enough. As you can see, your technical and adrenaline rate is ok, but not more. Onm technically you just clicked next-next-next-next piece and other stuff, but is nothing special if you compare with real good tracks that have been uploaded to this site. So, i think it would be better to stop crying of your rate, just because the rate is accurate with your 5 min track, and try to improve... also is hilarius to see this:
see some bumps that could be done better. A woodie is made with smooth and lots of bumps

Now i see on RCT2 you can detect bumps.... well, on RCT2 you are alloweed to add-add-add, you can't modify the format of the piece you add, so its imposible to made a track without bumps. Also, build a coaster is as easy as everybody can do, and as i see, your rate here is not more than a 6, like adrenaline, not intense enought for me

And about originality... all i can say is: WHATS ORIGINAL ON THIS TRACK!???? As i can see there is a station, but Thats All. Well, add another 5 min time to add the station... but just the same boring theme, haven't spended time to make one.

How about creating a park? As you can see on this site there are some great parks, and also, some good coasters, but THEMED and ORIGINAL, so what about taking a look to them?

Post February 22nd, 2005, 1:59 pm

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Location: St.Louis, MO, USA

Originally posted by TConwell

Originally posted by 30thgagt

Its fine and all to be tough, but you cant deny that the most of this persons ratings are the lowest ratings people get. I have seen and talked to some through pm's that say he rates way too low. this site is all in fun, its not like these coasters are being built in real life. But another thing is is that he doesnt always give good help, and he DOES criticize. Some of these people have built great coasters, and rates them so too low sometimes. yes, he designs good coasters himself, but that doesnt give him the right to do wha the does.
Actually, ratings are opinion based completely and I am not sure why you would be that mad, especially when you say:

Originally posted by 30thgagt

i understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but sometimes its too much.
Right? I mean, would you prefer if everyone just rated gloriously? So would I actually, but I am glad there are people here who actually know what they are talking about and are willing to provide honest feedback.

Originally posted by 30thgagt

i have had people rate me low, but when i go through and see other ratings of theirs, they vary from track to track. I'm not saying every coaster he rates, he rates low, but he does to the majority.

Opinions still vary and he is entitled to it, isn't he? If not, then your above statement is false.

Originally posted by 30thgagt

I have seen his name on just about every coaster site i have been on, and yes, he does have his own website, but that still does not mean its ok of wha the does.

Dude, no one said that having his own website means he has justification to rate low, so I am not sure where you got that from.

Originally posted by 30thgagt

i am not attacking him, i'm just saying that he needs to lighten up a little. some of th epeople on here are just kids, and with the way he acts, actions like that may turn some away.
Now, let me ask you to act like an adult here ... have you PM'd him? Or are you hoping that the mods here will fight your battle for you and delete the rate? Why not be a grownup and drop him a line and ask him to work with you a little? DJ gets a bad rap cause he does rate harsh, but I have found that sending him a note usually goes a long way.

Now, from a personal note ... RCT is not that tough, especially RCT2. The design techniques used are fairly easy (point and click), and really are not earth shattering to do and that is the primary reason why I do not rate those rides. But, you need to lay off with the standing on a street corner proclaiming to the world how unfair you think this "un-named person is" and drop the guy a note ... it really does work.


You need to read....I understand its all opinion based, but sometimes people go overboard wit=h the under rating. There are other people that feel this way too, but have PMed me saying theyre not going to say anything now because are scared to get in trouble. Anyway, what i mean by underrate is he takes off for things that are supposed to be there nad part of the ride and might say something like you should have done this element instead of this one. Thats fine and all too, but look at it and rate it as you see it and ride it. Otherwise you are rating every coaster on how YOU want it to be. Well i want to see alot of people do better things with their coasters too, but what they build is HOW THEY WANT IT TO BE! i'll give you an instance on this, i built a FANTASY woody and said this
"This ENORMOUS woodie is a fantasy coaster with amzing heights, speeds, and layout. This is my first track that i added terrain to it, so i'm not sure what people will think of it. You would never find and never will find a woodie of this height, but I built it this way just to see what it would be like. So if you are going to rate it low because the height is unrealistic or a may not be completely smooth, thats the way its supposed to be and that is why its a FANTASY. Many woodies aren't completely smooth and thats why I gave it that jerky feel here and there. I hope everyone enjoys GIANT REDWOOD!"
and then he says this
"It is not a bad idea, but it is not good either. This time my comment will be brief, the skill obtains 1.7lateral, is full of pot-holes and the design is painful, the straight stretches could be airtime hills perfectly, you curl more subdued, station optimized for this style of train, supports constructed by you ... etc. Adrenaline is not good at all, it will have speed great, but the track is monotonous as alone, boring, and above lasting. More force g and more drafts would arrange it. As for originality, at least I like this good idea of a macro-enorme-woody"
Some of this i totally understand and respect what he says and know what he means, but some of it is based on what HE wants. Base it on how it is. He said straight stretches should be hills.....they are supoposed to be like that....rate it as is. then he said not bad but not good idea...ITS A FANTASY. And i have talked to many others that say this about htis member, but there are others too, but he's one of the MAIN ones. Give credit for what is there and what you ride is HOW ITS SUPPOSED TO BE. I have PMed this member and he tells me to come here, so whatever. too many people are scared to bring things up against other members....this is my OPINION. I dont want ANYONE fighting my battles, dont want ANY MODERATOR HELP, and dont want MODERATORS to change the score, i'm not a baby like that, i'm just staing facts. I'm not at all upset with my overall rating scores. i just think some of you get all bent out of shape mopre than i am here because someone actually has the guts to come out and say something. i rather him not rate me at all and have asked him not to through PM's, but its a free world and if he does, then he does, i'm not going to cry about it, as you would say. All i'm doing by starting this post is want people to look at the facts, but you are obviously not looking hard enough, or are scared to face the facts. You need to rate based on how the coaster was built, not what you want it to be. If you want it too be a certain way, then after you download it, go in and change it how you want it to be. I understand he is a harsh rater and so on and so on, but dont take off because of the way YOU want it....AND THIS GOE FOR EVERYONE - dont take off because its not the right color, or because you think there should be a straight away instead of a hill or visa-versa....rate on how it is built!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post February 22nd, 2005, 2:08 pm
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hell, if the people don't come forward, the ones you say have pm'ed you that they're scared, you need to send the over and have them post cuz we don't bite, maybe the edge does, but he has had his rabbies shot this year already. He bit GFA and he's still alive. Anyway, I am mainly replying to bump the topic so I don't forget later on to investigate it.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 2:12 pm
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just make sure they stay away from Master of Puppets, he's the toughest admin around and will prolly go nuts on them, not that he isn't nuts already, but he'll go psychotic and bust a matrix on you and stuff. Anyway, enough rambling, back to work.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 2:42 pm

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I had read everything you said, and believe I had commented without sounding like I was insulting you.

But, perhaps you ought to just relax and ignore his rating. I know you PM'd him and asked him not to rate your rides (good luck with that), but I would say that rather than going on and on in the forums, just don't worry about it. Rates are opinionated, period. And trying to change an opinion by complaining is not going to help your cause one bit.

And oh yeah, when you said:

Originally posted by 30thgagt

"i just think some of you get all bent out of shape mopre than i am here because someone actually has the guts to come out and say something." ...

Don't flatter yourself pal. I will chew on anyone's tail with the best of them and have not one care about anyone getting mad at me ... I've been chewed by better. (Just ask the staff here. I had to get my rabies shots updated thanks to Edge, MOP, and WWS) [lol]

And as far as designing fantasy coasters ... why bother? Why not work on actually building something that is rideable? Is it because of sheer laziness and trying to get out of actually working on a real coaster which is actually harder to do? In my opinion, the whole "point and click" method of RCT is just crap anyway ... it is the same program my 10 year old uses cause she hates the NL editor ... hmmmm ... could be onto something there, eh? [:p]

Sure, I could create a 10,000 foot coaster with a height of 5,000 feet but what is the value added? I would expect others to tear it to shreds because -- (pay attention here) FANTASY COASTER OR NOT, it DOES NOT excuse a designer from at least following basic design rules ... like, not crashing into walls and killing everyone "because it was funny".

Really man, just come on and let it go ... you'll live longer. [:p]

Post February 22nd, 2005, 4:32 pm
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I build tons of fantasy coasters and I'm not lazy, you calling me lazy Tconwell? eh? Watch yourself boy! [lol] It's a fun day for me, don't take seriously what I have said thus far, but believe me, the edge does tend to bite. [lol] the edge will fix this matter ASAP, right now he is sliding down the middle of the street due to some snow he's never seen and stuff, I'll put the leash on and bring him in.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 4:34 pm
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latest word is edge has injured his leg, he jumped off a trampeline full of snow, did a backflip and broke or dislocated his leg, meh, he'll still fix this. That's the / dedication he has!

Post February 22nd, 2005, 4:36 pm
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uhmm I have other news which SHOULD concern you. It is not very bright to rate your own coaster. Your credibility goes down the whole 500million % by doing that.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 4:40 pm

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Its not longer sliding down the street, its crawling my way back with a suspected dislocated knee. I knew the backflip on a trampoline full of snow was a bad idea, but if i didnt try it i would have never of known what it would of been like

Post February 22nd, 2005, 4:47 pm
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[lol] would you fix this complaint already? I am laughing my ass off hearing your joy of injuries.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 4:52 pm

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Well since you decided to rate your own ride, i say DjJavixxx rating stays. If you were gonna rate your own ride its best to not do it to one where your complaining about a user on, which therefore draws attension to the file...where the IP of each user is displayed

Post February 22nd, 2005, 5:08 pm
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ey, he's in denial, I've sent him the proof all pictured and stuff, let's see what he says now. Sure javixxxxx was wrong, but it's more wrong of him to have not waited for us to deal with it

Post February 22nd, 2005, 5:13 pm

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Like i just told WeeWeeSlap, gr8maker is my younger brother, and i don't like being labeled as a liar.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 5:19 pm

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Oh no ... not the younger brother excuse ... man, this will not have a good ending.

Edge, be gentle (and careful). [lol]

Post February 22nd, 2005, 5:21 pm
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It's the process of getting to the truth. If you are being blamed for rating your own ride, and you say nothing about your brother rating until I present you with admin only proof of you and the other being one and then you stating it was your brother, how do you expect us to handle this? I am sure you wont mind your brother being disallowed from rating YOUR coaster as that is a biased rate in favor to you. You understand this, right? Come on, let's move along, I need to get on, the edge has gone to the hospitol so I am the only one here to assist this matter. Say, you agree to said statement above?

Post February 22nd, 2005, 5:26 pm

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Obviously I'm going to be bashed and singled out now because my family has 3 computers in the house on one router. My brother Kevin is 17 years old, and doesn't enjoy this stuff as much as i do, but likes it enough to sign up on these boards, so he doesn't get on here often, but when he does he is going to back me up.

Post February 22nd, 2005, 5:27 pm
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Post February 22nd, 2005, 5:34 pm

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So what your saying is because we have the same IP, you are going to accuse me of being him? Yah thats real fair. I am fair and honest on these sites. I know I'm not even close to making the best coasters and don't EVER expect to be either. I just expect people to be honest and fair to me in return, and to everyone else. And thats what this post was all about. We didn't know it was such a mandatory thing to let you guys know we were related and have the same IP. And now I'm being labeled as a liar and a cheat, how is that fair one bit. you guys are making assumptions when you don't even know a thing about me. So now everyone is going to think I'm a liar and a cheat because YOU guys made it sound like thats whats going on.


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