all that will happen is points being lost, right? Nothing like being DQed?
Correct, DQ someone for something that isnt that majourly important imo isn't worth. Come to think of it i dont think i will DQ anyone unless they alter the terrian. Just have points knocked off
edge- did you get my track or did i screw up with sending it? i kinda hope i screwed up because i found a big boo boo on the track :/ can i send you an updated version or am i screwed?
I'll ask again: does "run 3 trains smoothly" means they have to be riding along the circuit simultaniolsly (or something like that), or may we stack for a while just before the station.
AAaaarrrrggghhh I saw my name green....the Edge the version I sent you is not final[dunno]....I only need to know how many trees I changed...pls when you have time answer me by mail..I'm going to send you the update version atleast with supports[:D]
Yo Edge, When I got the template for the track, there was red line a couple of feet(game feet) from the tallest tree, is that as high as we can go, or is it just 'there'?
I believe the red box is the area in which the coaster and supports can run (looking from top view). I think you are only allowed to go as high as the highest tree.