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WWE Raw Fans??

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Post March 25th, 2005, 8:40 pm

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You don't know the half of it. I even tried to talk to him normal one day and he gets all mad and starts cussing me out. It wouldn't be that big of a deal but he got me banned from that site for a harmless prank. The prank really wasn't that bad I wasn't slamming any religion or anything like that I was joking saying that I was God which if you ask me isn't a reason to get banned especially if you make an entire new post syaing that it was a joke and appologizing for it.

Post March 25th, 2005, 10:23 pm

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i used to watch wrestling but i lost interest of it to other things(including coasters). plus, i need to watch something that doesn't ignite my anger and have indecency anyways.

Post March 26th, 2005, 9:26 am

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Originally posted by blue_thunder

You don't know the half of it. I even tried to talk to him normal one day and he gets all mad and starts cussing me out. It wouldn't be that big of a deal but he got me banned from that site for a harmless prank. The prank really wasn't that bad I wasn't slamming any religion or anything like that I was joking saying that I was God which if you ask me isn't a reason to get banned especially if you make an entire new post syaing that it was a joke and appologizing for it.

Yes but you have to understand that it could have been VERY offensive for someone who believes in God heavily. Im not usre if TC* does, but that is besides the point. God is supposed to be an ultimate being in some ways, that know human can match, and if someone comes along and says "i am god" then that takes the pi$$ a bit. I am not saying anyone was right or wrong but you have to understand that. And also i think we should stop discussing TCs* personal life on the internet. I dont think i would like it if someone was discussing my personal life on the internet if they hardly knew me!

*This does not mean Top Cat [:p]

Post March 26th, 2005, 10:24 am
gouldy User avatar
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To be fair dude, its only the same as when "Jesus" supposidly came to earth and went around saying he was the son of God, he then basically had the crap beaten out of him because obviously no one believed him and they mostly thought he was a bit of a twat for saying he was the son of God. How do you know Blue Thunder isn't "God"? Well the jokes on you if 2000 years down the line there is a new part in the bible all about how this website was visited by God and no one believed he was God so he was banned [lol]

I'm sorry, I'm going to have a bit of a go at religon here myself, so yeah to you religous folk remember what I said "its just some retard you'll never meet so ignore it" [;)]. Religon and religous people make me laugh a LOT, just because somethings in a book doesn't mean its true, yet these people have devoted their entire lives to something that almost certainly is just a cock and bull story that some bored man made up thousands of years ago. I tell you, I have to take my hat off to them in one sense because that must take a hell of a lot of stupidity [;)] ok, crazily far fetched and offensive rant over [:)] you can all go back to your lives now [lol]

I love the way we can turn anything on this website into a religous war of words [lol]

Post March 26th, 2005, 10:57 am

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[lol] Okay you beat me!!!!!! [lol]

BTW i am not religious, i dont know if many people on this site are. So i didnt find it offensive personally, but it could others. Just thought i would clear that up! [^]

Post March 26th, 2005, 1:56 pm

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Post March 27th, 2005, 12:16 am

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I like WWE, I've been a wrestling fan for like 8 years now. I have to say, nothing beat ECW though. Too bad it went under, they had some great matches and great storylines.

Post March 27th, 2005, 11:00 pm

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Gee -- Start a thread about WWE, and we get blue_thunder acting like his normal self. Geesh, haven't seen him on C2K in forever ... gee, I wonder why? And then he and his favorite little prankster, NickT, came to CoasterFuel to try the same thing (of course the crap at CF was simply deleted):

Edge -- get the popcorn out ... [lol]

(FYI: Guest used to be "TConwell" at C2K)

And the definitive moment:

Hmmmm ... typical kiddie boy stuff. Sorry to show the OTHER half of your nonsense BT, but since you decided to bring it up and only give "half the story", I thought I would help refresh your memory.

Dont'cha love it when stuff is archived? heh heh heh

Anyway, for those that defended me while I was out of town, thanks ... good to see that nothing changes and friends can be counted on.

Cygnus ... sho 'nuff! Nothing has beaten ECW, to date!!!!

Post March 27th, 2005, 11:33 pm

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Yeah you became a guest because you left because of us. After we got banned you thought it was safe to come back. Also I could have sworn that you thought me and NickT were the same person. Obviously you were wrong. Also my points in this thread are 100% correct. Whether you see it or not but a few people agreed with me. The other thing is that I apologized for my actions there so that may not help but it still isn't as bad as the things the WWE promotes. Whether your kids particapte in it or not there are kids that have died from it and you may be able to put that in the back of your mind but I suggest you make sure that your kids don't pull that stuff because I wouldn't want to say it to you but I probably would have to and that would be I told you so.

I know that it is archived idiot I can check it all I want.

I can't find the defining moment one which forum is that one in.

Go there and that takes care of any of the links Tconwell supplied because it says that it was a joke and it shows that I ran you off and you were afraid to get in any more agruments with me.
Here is another link that proves that you were were tired of losing arguments with me:
Read BrandonR's reply and he proves that the pm was real.
Your 2 links that I found don't prove anything. In either of the 2 does anyone say that what I did was offsensive. Damn I beat you in another argument your going to have to bump your game up a little bit if you want to be even a challenge anymore Tconwell.

Post March 27th, 2005, 11:44 pm

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Ummmm, my children have been raised properly and taught the difference between a scripted act on television and idiotic, non-parental influenced kids playing in the back yard attempting to duplicate what they have seen on tv -- shoot, we aren't talking about small kids here ... my son is as old as you are.

But hey, thanks for the parenting advice, kiddie boy, I shall treasure and apply it always. [lol]

Now, good bye BT.

Post March 28th, 2005, 12:01 am

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The defining moment thread doesn't say hardly anything it is just you repeating the same thing the whole site knew over 4 times. What I think is funny is that Brandon never listened to you. That was about the God & Moses prank. I never got banned for that. I got banned for asking Brandon's permission to pull another prank on the site and he said no and I did it anyway.

Post March 28th, 2005, 3:16 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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ladies, stop bickering, and lets get back to wrestling!!!
Past is the past, and it was more annoying than offensive. So anyways, whats your guys favorite event? I'm a fan of hell in a cell and TLC.

Post March 28th, 2005, 8:29 am

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Originally posted by thecool326

ladies, stop bickering, and lets get back to wrestling!!!
Past is the past, and it was more annoying than offensive. So anyways, whats your guys favorite event? I'm a fan of hell in a cell and TLC.

[lol] i will agree with you there, lol.

Mine used to be TLC with the hardys and Edge & Christian and the other guys who i cant remember. I used to love them matches, and always used to want the hardys to win cos they had the most amazing moves. [:D]

Post March 28th, 2005, 12:12 pm

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I really need an "eye roll" smilie here ... Observation time -- how many edits DOES it take to make the point that you are a childish moron? Apparently one complete thought is not enough that you need at least three times cause the message keeps on changing. (Again, eye roll smilie needed)

At the very least, my 1 edit was to comment to Cygnus in the same post ... not because I had to reply in haste using kiddie-boy brain patterns and then think later, "Oooooo, I should have said ...." I also try not to enter a battle of the wits with an unarmed man cause it normally turns into insults with accompanying editing of responses and the use of PMs taken out of context and edited to fit kiddie-logic (oooops, spoiled your practices again).

So go on now 'cause you bore me Drewie-poo with the new poopoo title ... it is time to change your diapers again. Geesh, what a panty waste. (eye roll smilie inserted again)

No one is bickering cool, I said good bye to the BT-kiddie-boy and I meant it ... the end. [lol]

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, so much has changed since the days of Bob Backland and Cowboy Bob Orton - with the hype and glam that Hogan seemed to unleash on the (dare I say the acronym) WWF, that it is hardly recognizeable anymore. I will take issue with one thing. I read an article about 6 months ago where Vince had clearly stated that he will continue to push the envelope but there will never be anything "sexually suggestive" on his programs that might offend viewers -- I am guessing though that he is kin somehow to Bill Clinton. His definition of "sexually suggestive" and mine are really not on the same page. That is my only issue with the WWE. I remember back when a steel cage match was just that. Chain link, no ref, and folks like The Iron Shiek vs. George "The Animal" Steele -or- Nikolai Volkov vs. "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan beating the tar out of one another. But, alas, now I have to change the channel so I don't have to sit through the bra and panties match. Again, parenting practices by filtering what comes into my home -- one day those without kids will understand.

Post March 28th, 2005, 12:16 pm
gouldy User avatar
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I don't have kids and I can understand fully Tconwell, but I do still think Blue_Thunder made a valid point, but as long as your children know the difference between pro's and just plain idoiots, then there is no problem and like you've stated, they quite clearly do know the difference so I cannot have a problem with it myself.

Anyway, back to the wrestling [lol] I'll always remember that hell in the cell match that Edge mentioned, that was really really great, just a brilliant show of human endurance and skill I felt, which IMO is what wrestling should be about. None of this bra and panties crap or this Mae young giving birth to a hand poop, I mean seriously what the hell is all that about? Thats why after about 1998 I started to watch and prefer ECW because you'd never get any of that cumbucket rubbish in ECW. I remember a barb wire match between Terry Funk and Sabu, I just sat in amazment watching that fight. In ECW even when there was silly storylines, they aimed to just add a little bit of humour to what was going on like Nu Jack who always used to come down to the ring with a wheelie bin full of weapons, now thats just comedy [lol] .... ahh, how I wish ECW was still going, I doubt I'd watch it much anymore, but I'd love to have it there for that one night of the week when you just feel like watching some mindless violence hehe.

Post March 28th, 2005, 12:27 pm

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None of this bra and panties crap or this Mae young giving birth to a hand poop, I mean seriously what the hell is all that about?

Yeah there are other channels and things for that sort of stuff, they dont have to bring it in to wrestling so kids will be made to stop watching it.

I remember watching one Royal Rumble match and i was hoping the rock would win, and then Kane and Undertaker teamed up and chokeslammed both Stone Cold Stee Austin, and the Rock.

yeah and like the edge and gouldy said, that hell in a cell match with Mankind was the bets match ever. I remember watching highlights of it, and wishing i could have seen the whole match. It looked truely amazing, especially that "Chokeslam to hell" or whatever they named it, lol. Arrrr, the days when it was more about wrestling.
Oh i also remember when Shane McMahon fell from the set against test once, that was a truely amazing fall. I cant remember what event that was at though, it might have been the one when it was the 2 wrestling companies come together. It was called Judgement or something (It probably wasnt anything liek that, but i cant remember). That was a good show.

Post March 28th, 2005, 3:00 pm

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You know you were tired of losing fights with me Tconwell thats why you had your name deleted and decided to come back after I was IP banned. Whether you like it or not Tconwell you don't have as many friends at C2k as you think. Brandon even admits that on AIM your a little ass kisser and Jon even said that we were right when we said that you think you know everything. Also how mature are you to change my title to what did. Why don't you get over losing all of these arguments and act like a mature 30+ year old like you should.

Post March 28th, 2005, 4:31 pm

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That Shane McMahon leap onto Test was one of the best ever. Next to several of Mick Foley's "jumps" that is truly one of the most aggressive matches I have seen to date in the hardcore realm.

Post March 28th, 2005, 5:04 pm

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blue_thunder & TConwell you are both grounded! Go to your rooms. There is only one true God here, it's the peanut i am about to devour! Muahahaaa

See what you guys did? Made me go crazy after reading so much BS, all that i got from it was blue_thunder using like 7yr old humour, calling yourself God or any religous figure isn't's kinda a desperate attemp of attension...but anyway i couldnt care, i have to go cough up this peanut i just ate

Post March 28th, 2005, 6:03 pm

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I know saying I was God was maybe a little immature but I haven't done it here so you have no right to say I was using 7 yr old humor because a lot of people found it funny or non offensive.

Post March 28th, 2005, 6:06 pm

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Sorry for not including this earlier ...

[lol] @ Gouldy, "cumbucket rubbish" ... I just actually saw that. [lol]


Post March 28th, 2005, 8:08 pm

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I like the TLC and Elimination Chamber matches myself.[:D]

I think one of the coolest matches of all time was the TLC match from WM 17 (I think that was the one). The Hardy Boys vs. The Dudleys vs. Edge and Christian. Now that was a match! Oh and the match between Undertaker and Triple H at the same WM was awesome too. I can't wait until this Sunday though; looking forward to seeing H lose the belt to Batista.[^]

Post March 28th, 2005, 8:34 pm

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Originally posted by Princess_G

looking forward to seeing H lose the belt to Batista.[^]
Yup Yup!!

Post March 29th, 2005, 3:43 am

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I'm not sure about the Orton/Undertaker match though. I thought I read somewhere that Taker wanted to retire, so this WM may be his swan song. Not that I want him to lose because I like The Undertaker, but I'm getting the feeling that Randy Orton might pull off an upset.

Post April 1st, 2005, 2:47 am
coolbeans326 User avatar
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lot of people found it funny or non offensive.
if by funny you mean stupid, then yes. Yes it was.
back onto wrestling, remember when they had the WCW? How did that come about? Did Rick and Vince have some sort of argument or something? But it was cool how the pulled the 2 leagues back into each other, but shortly after that, I stopped watching it religiously.


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